Fanfile, issue 1, February 1942
Page 18
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FANZINE Page 18 at an end. Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to live in a world of those kind of people, but at least there would never be a full moment. Another fault in fanmags which you mention, profanity, etc., certainly needs not only mentioning but also a whole sermon written on the subject. Such faults as you mention are indeed repulsive. Everybody else is playing it, so I might as well do it too. I think that the same person is behind N.L. Knight and A.E. Van Vogt. I think that this person is J.W. Campbell, Jr. But then, N.L. Knight may be real, in which case, I think he is Van Vogt. I think Campbell is it even though you discard him quickly. The idea that Smith is behind the two names doesn't appeal to me. Maybe, as you say, the legend is too deeply imbedded in my mind. I am pretty sure of this though: Campbell is Van Vogt... Some more refunds sent out. To Jack Donovan, 15c; Bob Jones, 10c; W.S. Houston, 35c; and Graph Waldeyer, 10c. Three acknowledgements returned: Graph Waldeyer, 1/5/42 -- This is to acknowledge the refund, and to express regret at the discontinuance of FEMMEZ, although one must regretfully agree with the reasons you give for discontinuing it. However I do hope you will again publish something retaining something of the FEMMEZ character. It was unique, and very competently managed. I see, by the way, that your condensed version of my "Man The Space Rockets" was reproduced in a British fan mag -- Fantasy Post, published in London... Jack Donovan, Jan. 22 -- I am sorry to hear you have terminated publication of your magazines. Settlement was entirely satisfactory... Bob Jones, 1-26-42 -- I'm certainly sorry to hear of the demise of Astra Publications. Most of them were among my favorite fanzines -- and I especially liked Fmz Digest. Thank you for returning the balance of my sub... Back a few days now to January 12, and a card from J. Wasso Jr.: "If forced to abandon everything except one publication, that one should be "FMZ Digest"...Your piece on Hornig (in ST(r)) almost as good as the article on Asimov. (ST#1). Nothing could top the latter however." And from Scotland once more, Doug Webster, writing on January 17: "All thanks for FMZ DIGEST and SUN TRAILS in a day or two ago. Very sorry to hear about former, which I'd always held was the neatest fanmag I've seen. Naturally, I didn't always agree with your choice, but that is inevitable & doubtless the shortage of material as you say... And that ends it. That's not quite all of them, of course. A few are tucked away in our "CONFIDENTIAL" file. We may release them some day, but not until we are sure that no one will be harmed thereby. Right now they might be slightly embarrassing to certain individuals. Just now we are looking over all the fmz we have left. And out of them we tried to chose our ten favorites. They are, in alphabetical order, so as not to show a preference: ECLIPSE, FANTASIA, FANTASY FICTION FIELD, FRONTIER, PEGASUS, POLARIS, SOUTHERN STAR, SPACEWAYS, and VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION. Only nine there; the tenth would be split between THE DAMN THING, FANFARE, LEZOMBIE, and STARLIGHT. We're not including overseas mags. Of them, FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST and FANTAST in England, and ZEUS in Australia, stand out. Of the promags, we have six favorites: ASTOUNDING, CAPTAIN FUTURE, FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, PLANET, UNKNOWN, and WEIRD. We might stretch that and all STIRRING SCIENCE, but the propaganda the Futurians lay on is a little too thick for our tastes. And, as we noted in Harry Warner Jr.'s new chain letter which came around the 18th of February, it looks like a comic magazine, and several newsstands in LA put it among the comic magazines -- because of its size. But it belongs there.
FANZINE Page 18 at an end. Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to live in a world of those kind of people, but at least there would never be a full moment. Another fault in fanmags which you mention, profanity, etc., certainly needs not only mentioning but also a whole sermon written on the subject. Such faults as you mention are indeed repulsive. Everybody else is playing it, so I might as well do it too. I think that the same person is behind N.L. Knight and A.E. Van Vogt. I think that this person is J.W. Campbell, Jr. But then, N.L. Knight may be real, in which case, I think he is Van Vogt. I think Campbell is it even though you discard him quickly. The idea that Smith is behind the two names doesn't appeal to me. Maybe, as you say, the legend is too deeply imbedded in my mind. I am pretty sure of this though: Campbell is Van Vogt... Some more refunds sent out. To Jack Donovan, 15c; Bob Jones, 10c; W.S. Houston, 35c; and Graph Waldeyer, 10c. Three acknowledgements returned: Graph Waldeyer, 1/5/42 -- This is to acknowledge the refund, and to express regret at the discontinuance of FEMMEZ, although one must regretfully agree with the reasons you give for discontinuing it. However I do hope you will again publish something retaining something of the FEMMEZ character. It was unique, and very competently managed. I see, by the way, that your condensed version of my "Man The Space Rockets" was reproduced in a British fan mag -- Fantasy Post, published in London... Jack Donovan, Jan. 22 -- I am sorry to hear you have terminated publication of your magazines. Settlement was entirely satisfactory... Bob Jones, 1-26-42 -- I'm certainly sorry to hear of the demise of Astra Publications. Most of them were among my favorite fanzines -- and I especially liked Fmz Digest. Thank you for returning the balance of my sub... Back a few days now to January 12, and a card from J. Wasso Jr.: "If forced to abandon everything except one publication, that one should be "FMZ Digest"...Your piece on Hornig (in ST(r)) almost as good as the article on Asimov. (ST#1). Nothing could top the latter however." And from Scotland once more, Doug Webster, writing on January 17: "All thanks for FMZ DIGEST and SUN TRAILS in a day or two ago. Very sorry to hear about former, which I'd always held was the neatest fanmag I've seen. Naturally, I didn't always agree with your choice, but that is inevitable & doubtless the shortage of material as you say... And that ends it. That's not quite all of them, of course. A few are tucked away in our "CONFIDENTIAL" file. We may release them some day, but not until we are sure that no one will be harmed thereby. Right now they might be slightly embarrassing to certain individuals. Just now we are looking over all the fmz we have left. And out of them we tried to chose our ten favorites. They are, in alphabetical order, so as not to show a preference: ECLIPSE, FANTASIA, FANTASY FICTION FIELD, FRONTIER, PEGASUS, POLARIS, SOUTHERN STAR, SPACEWAYS, and VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION. Only nine there; the tenth would be split between THE DAMN THING, FANFARE, LEZOMBIE, and STARLIGHT. We're not including overseas mags. Of them, FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST and FANTAST in England, and ZEUS in Australia, stand out. Of the promags, we have six favorites: ASTOUNDING, CAPTAIN FUTURE, FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, PLANET, UNKNOWN, and WEIRD. We might stretch that and all STIRRING SCIENCE, but the propaganda the Futurians lay on is a little too thick for our tastes. And, as we noted in Harry Warner Jr.'s new chain letter which came around the 18th of February, it looks like a comic magazine, and several newsstands in LA put it among the comic magazines -- because of its size. But it belongs there.
Hevelin Fanzines