Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 1, Novermber-December 1938
Page 8
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Page 8 WHO'S WHO In the CLAYTON ASTOUNDING by DALE HART The Clayton Company published Astounding from January, 1930 to March, 1933--- 34 issues. The last four issues were bi-monthlies. The following is a batch of condensed statistics which gives, in a nutshell, just what it presented to Science Fiction. (It took me one hour and 41 minutes to compile. I consider it accurate, but--- "To err is human...") The authors and how many stories each wrote:-(16) Captain S.P. Meek; (13) Sewell Peaslee Wright; (11) Harl Vincent and Charles W. Diffin; (7) Ray Cummings; (6) Murray Leinster, Paul Ernst and Anthony Gilmore; (5) Victor Rousseau, Hal K. Wells, Arthur J. Burke, R.F. Starsl, and Jack Williamson; (4) Tom Curry, H. Thompson Rich, and H.W. Winter; (3) D.W. Hall and Edmond Hamilton; (2) Hugh B. Cave, Sophie Wensel Ellis, David R. Sparks, C.D. Willard, Miles J. Breuer, Nat Schachner and Arthur Lee Zagat, Francis Flagg, Edwin K. Sleat, Arthur Leo Zagat, Nat Sehaehner [?]; (1) M.L. Staley, C.U. Teneh, Sterner St. Paul, Will Smith and R.J. Robbins, A.T. Locke, Thomas H. Knight, Lillith Lorraine, James P. Olsen, Robert H. Leitfried, Jackson Gee, William Merriam Rouse, L.A. Eshmaeh, F.V.W. Mason, Wallace West, Jason Kirby, Donald Wandrel, A.R. Holmes, Ralph Malne Farley, Robert H. Wilson, Clifford D. Simak, and Victor Enderaby. NOVELS PUBLISHED: Four Parters-- Murray Leinster 1, Ray Cummings 3, and Charles W. Diffin 3; Three Parters-- Arthur J. Burks 1, and Ray Cummings 1; Two Parters-- Victor Rousseau, F.V.W. Mason, Captain S.P. Meek, and Arthur J. Burke each had 1. Total number of serials; 13. Total number of installments; 38. Total number of yarns (novels, novelettes and short stories); 145. Wesso did all the covers. Inside work was done by Gould, Sabo, Klinger, Wesso, Paul and Marchioni. Harry Bates was editor for the entire period. Most of the names in "The Reader's Corner["] you would not recognize, but included among the long list you would know are Train, Ackerman, Johnson (Leslie J.), McPhail, Blish, and Darrow. (I must digress a bit about the last named. He wrote to the "Corner" once, using his real name of Clifford Kornoolje [?]. Quote: "Jack Darrow and I discuss the stories in each issue very carefully untill we agree which story is the best one and name the rest in order of merit.... I am very sorry that Astounding Stories has become a bi-monthly. You should have seen (and heard) Jack when he received the news. man, oh, man, was there a rumpus! But I finally calmed him down.") Then, of course, many authors had communications published. From a curious investigation it appears that more Texas fans wrote in than the fans from any other state. ADDNEDA by RAM- I suppose mentioning a few of the pseudonyms present wouldn't be amiss. Anthony Gilmore was, of course, Harry Bates and Desmond Hall in collaboration. Sterner St. Paul was Captain S.P. Meek; C.D. Willard was Charles Willard Diffin; and H.G. Winter was the editors again; Hall and Bates! Despite the fact that most of the readers claimed Astounding to be the worst of the three stf. mags, it paid two cents a word on acceptance while Wonder and Amazing paid one quarter that amount on publication!
Page 8 WHO'S WHO In the CLAYTON ASTOUNDING by DALE HART The Clayton Company published Astounding from January, 1930 to March, 1933--- 34 issues. The last four issues were bi-monthlies. The following is a batch of condensed statistics which gives, in a nutshell, just what it presented to Science Fiction. (It took me one hour and 41 minutes to compile. I consider it accurate, but--- "To err is human...") The authors and how many stories each wrote:-(16) Captain S.P. Meek; (13) Sewell Peaslee Wright; (11) Harl Vincent and Charles W. Diffin; (7) Ray Cummings; (6) Murray Leinster, Paul Ernst and Anthony Gilmore; (5) Victor Rousseau, Hal K. Wells, Arthur J. Burke, R.F. Starsl, and Jack Williamson; (4) Tom Curry, H. Thompson Rich, and H.W. Winter; (3) D.W. Hall and Edmond Hamilton; (2) Hugh B. Cave, Sophie Wensel Ellis, David R. Sparks, C.D. Willard, Miles J. Breuer, Nat Schachner and Arthur Lee Zagat, Francis Flagg, Edwin K. Sleat, Arthur Leo Zagat, Nat Sehaehner [?]; (1) M.L. Staley, C.U. Teneh, Sterner St. Paul, Will Smith and R.J. Robbins, A.T. Locke, Thomas H. Knight, Lillith Lorraine, James P. Olsen, Robert H. Leitfried, Jackson Gee, William Merriam Rouse, L.A. Eshmaeh, F.V.W. Mason, Wallace West, Jason Kirby, Donald Wandrel, A.R. Holmes, Ralph Malne Farley, Robert H. Wilson, Clifford D. Simak, and Victor Enderaby. NOVELS PUBLISHED: Four Parters-- Murray Leinster 1, Ray Cummings 3, and Charles W. Diffin 3; Three Parters-- Arthur J. Burks 1, and Ray Cummings 1; Two Parters-- Victor Rousseau, F.V.W. Mason, Captain S.P. Meek, and Arthur J. Burke each had 1. Total number of serials; 13. Total number of installments; 38. Total number of yarns (novels, novelettes and short stories); 145. Wesso did all the covers. Inside work was done by Gould, Sabo, Klinger, Wesso, Paul and Marchioni. Harry Bates was editor for the entire period. Most of the names in "The Reader's Corner["] you would not recognize, but included among the long list you would know are Train, Ackerman, Johnson (Leslie J.), McPhail, Blish, and Darrow. (I must digress a bit about the last named. He wrote to the "Corner" once, using his real name of Clifford Kornoolje [?]. Quote: "Jack Darrow and I discuss the stories in each issue very carefully untill we agree which story is the best one and name the rest in order of merit.... I am very sorry that Astounding Stories has become a bi-monthly. You should have seen (and heard) Jack when he received the news. man, oh, man, was there a rumpus! But I finally calmed him down.") Then, of course, many authors had communications published. From a curious investigation it appears that more Texas fans wrote in than the fans from any other state. ADDNEDA by RAM- I suppose mentioning a few of the pseudonyms present wouldn't be amiss. Anthony Gilmore was, of course, Harry Bates and Desmond Hall in collaboration. Sterner St. Paul was Captain S.P. Meek; C.D. Willard was Charles Willard Diffin; and H.G. Winter was the editors again; Hall and Bates! Despite the fact that most of the readers claimed Astounding to be the worst of the three stf. mags, it paid two cents a word on acceptance while Wonder and Amazing paid one quarter that amount on publication!
Hevelin Fanzines