Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 1, Novermber-December 1938
Page 26
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Page 36 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST are good except the definition of an author. "Dimension Haunted" is good. Not very s-f'al though. Ask Moskowitz to give me time. Thanks Wilson...Dear Warner: Perhaps you are. RICHARD WILSON, JR.: Received the Sept.-Oct. Fantascience Digest yesterday. The first thing that struck me was the remarkable likeness of MAR's red-headed Venus creature, on page 3, to JVB's caricatures of his idol, Wollheim. Was it done apurpose? (Merely a coincidence--RAM) Dale Hart is developing into an excellent columnist. His "Thumb-Nail Thought-Themes" in this issue vie with the writings of Ted Cook and others as witty. "Looking Around" was chattily interesting, and Mark Reinsberg's "'Amazing' News" is a hundred-fold more interesting than the sort of dry forecasts handed out by Wiggins, Taurasi, etc. Sam Moskowitz prevaricates plentily when saying that the Azygous column in the issue before this was not written by me. Any time you wish, Mr. Editor, I'll drag out the carbon copy of the original article I've kept for comparison with your copy. They'll match identically. The only Azygous article not written by me is the one appearing in the (new) current Fan; and this was done by Moskowitz himself. HARRY WARNER, JR.: The latest FD is a great improvement over any that I've seen so far. I haven't that time to go over the whole issue, and haven't even finished it yet, but I will say that Dale Hart's articles are as interesting, and written in as pleasing an informal manner, as always, and that Conover's column is still worth reading, though it contains little actual news. Try to keep the column by Reinsberg up; it's the best in a long time. MARK REINSBERG: I'm sorry I didn't get this column in sooner but I delayed my visit to Palmer so I could get the latest news. I hope, though, that it arrives in time to get in the latest FD. If it doesn't, all the enclosed will be old stuff. Personally, I liked the latest issue a lot. All except the cover which was not the type for hektograph work. Too confusing and not enough detail. But the story matter, etc., was swell, especially Hart's contributions. Keep it up. WILLIAM S. SYKORA: I like FD. It seems to be forging ahead of the Collector. JVB made a mistake when he reduced the page size. I noticed the comments on "The Thousandrg Raid", and was happy to see that it did elicit some comment, even if it was not exactly raving enthusiasm. It made me decide to write "Hell and Thunder" definitely, and this will be a satire on the present fan situation. Will let you have first look at it. MILTON LATZER: In looking over the fifth issue, I'm reluctantly forced to the conclusion that it is quite definitely inferior to its predecessors. I refer to the reading matter only; such artwork as you have incorporated in this issue is rather better than usual, the cover being especially worthy of mention. Apropos the covers, I should like to suggest that you adopt a standardized cover illustration, as we did with the "Fourteen Leaflet", or give them a definite meaning, whether symbolic or otherwise. Rothman's interior drawing, although doubtless inspired to some extent by a recent "Astounding" cover, was quite effective, due, I should imagine, to its very simplicity. The hecto-ing, as is usually the case, was clear and legible. As for the material, Mark Reinsberg's "The Story Behind Amazing" was the best written, most interesting and informative piece in the entire issue. ********************************************************
Page 36 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST are good except the definition of an author. "Dimension Haunted" is good. Not very s-f'al though. Ask Moskowitz to give me time. Thanks Wilson...Dear Warner: Perhaps you are. RICHARD WILSON, JR.: Received the Sept.-Oct. Fantascience Digest yesterday. The first thing that struck me was the remarkable likeness of MAR's red-headed Venus creature, on page 3, to JVB's caricatures of his idol, Wollheim. Was it done apurpose? (Merely a coincidence--RAM) Dale Hart is developing into an excellent columnist. His "Thumb-Nail Thought-Themes" in this issue vie with the writings of Ted Cook and others as witty. "Looking Around" was chattily interesting, and Mark Reinsberg's "'Amazing' News" is a hundred-fold more interesting than the sort of dry forecasts handed out by Wiggins, Taurasi, etc. Sam Moskowitz prevaricates plentily when saying that the Azygous column in the issue before this was not written by me. Any time you wish, Mr. Editor, I'll drag out the carbon copy of the original article I've kept for comparison with your copy. They'll match identically. The only Azygous article not written by me is the one appearing in the (new) current Fan; and this was done by Moskowitz himself. HARRY WARNER, JR.: The latest FD is a great improvement over any that I've seen so far. I haven't that time to go over the whole issue, and haven't even finished it yet, but I will say that Dale Hart's articles are as interesting, and written in as pleasing an informal manner, as always, and that Conover's column is still worth reading, though it contains little actual news. Try to keep the column by Reinsberg up; it's the best in a long time. MARK REINSBERG: I'm sorry I didn't get this column in sooner but I delayed my visit to Palmer so I could get the latest news. I hope, though, that it arrives in time to get in the latest FD. If it doesn't, all the enclosed will be old stuff. Personally, I liked the latest issue a lot. All except the cover which was not the type for hektograph work. Too confusing and not enough detail. But the story matter, etc., was swell, especially Hart's contributions. Keep it up. WILLIAM S. SYKORA: I like FD. It seems to be forging ahead of the Collector. JVB made a mistake when he reduced the page size. I noticed the comments on "The Thousandrg Raid", and was happy to see that it did elicit some comment, even if it was not exactly raving enthusiasm. It made me decide to write "Hell and Thunder" definitely, and this will be a satire on the present fan situation. Will let you have first look at it. MILTON LATZER: In looking over the fifth issue, I'm reluctantly forced to the conclusion that it is quite definitely inferior to its predecessors. I refer to the reading matter only; such artwork as you have incorporated in this issue is rather better than usual, the cover being especially worthy of mention. Apropos the covers, I should like to suggest that you adopt a standardized cover illustration, as we did with the "Fourteen Leaflet", or give them a definite meaning, whether symbolic or otherwise. Rothman's interior drawing, although doubtless inspired to some extent by a recent "Astounding" cover, was quite effective, due, I should imagine, to its very simplicity. The hecto-ing, as is usually the case, was clear and legible. As for the material, Mark Reinsberg's "The Story Behind Amazing" was the best written, most interesting and informative piece in the entire issue. ********************************************************
Hevelin Fanzines