Fantasite, v. 1, issue 3, April 1941
Page 17
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Astounding: DeCamp has slipped badly of late, but he thoroly redeems himself with "The Stolen Dormouse"; the best story he's written since "Lest Darkness Fall". The Kilkenny Cats novelette is the best in the series, Sturgeon is as good as ever, which means superb, and Asimov and Van Vogt lead the shorts, in that order. A very good all-around issue from the cover by Rogers to the letter section. --Joseph Gilbert. Future Fiction: Yeah, Wellman's lisping Marrrttianss appear again in "30th Century Duel", which is the best story in the mag. This issue of FF is the best to date, but Winterbotham and Grosser's tales make the mag fumigateable. The cover takes whatever prizes one gives for the best of the pros of this month. --Harry Jenkins, Jr. FANZINES Musts----- LE ZOMBIE; Tucker's sheet is Tucker's sheet, and nothing further need be said. The picture on the front is especially intriguing. "Following Fanny" is good; the editorial a classic that should be preserved for posterity. The mag, I understand, is being issues by Forrie until Tuck can resume publication. SUN TRAILS: Gotta nickel? Then you're a sucker if you don't send it for this biggest money's worth in the field. There's some interesting analyses of fan handwriting ; a clever and well done reply to an egotistical pop-off from Asimov who seems to be getting himself a swell head for the most asinine reason conceivable -- the fact that he's sold stories to a few cheap pulp magazines at half-cent rates. All material in this mag is remarkably excellent, and the technical work is simply too-too. 5c from Art Joquel at 1426 W. 38 St., Los Angeles, Calif. SPECULA: Dime from above address. Strikingly fine makeup, and marvelously well-done mimeoing. The fiction is fair; better than average fan stuff, in fact, and will doubtless improve quickly -- that is if the mag recovers from the shock it will be given in the third issue, wherein, I understand, will be a Gilbert opus. Good Enuf----- POLARIS: The best fan fiction mag in fandom, tho SPECULA is going to give it a run for your money, I believe. The two stories are too long and particularly good but, then, no particularly bad, either. Articles are interesting, and there's a good cover by Wright. 10c from Paul Freehafer, 404 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Calif. --Lee B. Eastman. Musts----- FANFARE: Really a top-notcher. You can't afford to miss it. 34 pages crammed full of interesting and colorful material. Very well hektoed. Contrary to Gilbert's modest opinion, Slan!der does not stink. It's good. Doc Lowndes has a good write-up of the Boskone, and there are some interesting Chicon expenditure figures by Tucker. The mag is from Art Widner, Box 122 Bryantville, Massachusetts, and is only a dime. (next page)
Astounding: DeCamp has slipped badly of late, but he thoroly redeems himself with "The Stolen Dormouse"; the best story he's written since "Lest Darkness Fall". The Kilkenny Cats novelette is the best in the series, Sturgeon is as good as ever, which means superb, and Asimov and Van Vogt lead the shorts, in that order. A very good all-around issue from the cover by Rogers to the letter section. --Joseph Gilbert. Future Fiction: Yeah, Wellman's lisping Marrrttianss appear again in "30th Century Duel", which is the best story in the mag. This issue of FF is the best to date, but Winterbotham and Grosser's tales make the mag fumigateable. The cover takes whatever prizes one gives for the best of the pros of this month. --Harry Jenkins, Jr. FANZINES Musts----- LE ZOMBIE; Tucker's sheet is Tucker's sheet, and nothing further need be said. The picture on the front is especially intriguing. "Following Fanny" is good; the editorial a classic that should be preserved for posterity. The mag, I understand, is being issues by Forrie until Tuck can resume publication. SUN TRAILS: Gotta nickel? Then you're a sucker if you don't send it for this biggest money's worth in the field. There's some interesting analyses of fan handwriting ; a clever and well done reply to an egotistical pop-off from Asimov who seems to be getting himself a swell head for the most asinine reason conceivable -- the fact that he's sold stories to a few cheap pulp magazines at half-cent rates. All material in this mag is remarkably excellent, and the technical work is simply too-too. 5c from Art Joquel at 1426 W. 38 St., Los Angeles, Calif. SPECULA: Dime from above address. Strikingly fine makeup, and marvelously well-done mimeoing. The fiction is fair; better than average fan stuff, in fact, and will doubtless improve quickly -- that is if the mag recovers from the shock it will be given in the third issue, wherein, I understand, will be a Gilbert opus. Good Enuf----- POLARIS: The best fan fiction mag in fandom, tho SPECULA is going to give it a run for your money, I believe. The two stories are too long and particularly good but, then, no particularly bad, either. Articles are interesting, and there's a good cover by Wright. 10c from Paul Freehafer, 404 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Calif. --Lee B. Eastman. Musts----- FANFARE: Really a top-notcher. You can't afford to miss it. 34 pages crammed full of interesting and colorful material. Very well hektoed. Contrary to Gilbert's modest opinion, Slan!der does not stink. It's good. Doc Lowndes has a good write-up of the Boskone, and there are some interesting Chicon expenditure figures by Tucker. The mag is from Art Widner, Box 122 Bryantville, Massachusetts, and is only a dime. (next page)
Hevelin Fanzines