Fantasite, v. 1, issue 3, April 1941
Page 18
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Musts---contd. FANTASIA: The second beautifully done-up issue. 10c from 269 Sixteenth Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Green, red, and blue block prints, lithographing, and good mimeographing, plus good material makes this mag one of the best. Djinn Fizz, Man the Space Rockets, and Odds Bodkins, the new letter section, are very interesting. THE SOUTHERN STAR: We don't have a copy of #2 yet, so we'll give #1 the once-over. 30 mimeod pages of good stuff. Articles, poetry, columns, depts., and stories by prominent fans assure you of good reading for one thin dime. Cover by Jenkins not up to par although the symbolical presentation is good. Technical work in this number bad in spots. Intriguing is Gilbert's Handwriting On The Wall which gives graphological analyses of the handwriting of Lowndes and Tucker. Get this fanzine from 2600 Grand St., Columbia, So. Carolina. Hurry it along with #2, boys! Good Enuf----- ECLIPSE: Second issue, and the mimeoing is still rather difficult to read. Quite an improvement since the first issue, however, in the quality of the contents. Good cover by Rudy Sayn, and good interiors by Sayn, Jenkins, and Bell. Fiction by Ackermann. Articles by Southinian and Jenkins, columns, and departments are good. 10c from 13598 Cheyenne, Detroit, Michigan. "X" THE FUTURIAN REVIEW: Eight mimeod pages of ramblings by the editor, Roger Conway, 142 W. 103rd St., New York, N.Y. No price. The contents are worth your while. PROS Stirring Science Stories: Good cover by Bok. Corwin's sequel to "Thirteen O'clock," "Mr. Packer Goes To Hell", is good. All in all the fantasy section quality. "The Moon Artist", by Keller, is superb as is "The Silence", by McLaughlin. Another tremendous improvement in the mag is the art-work. Dolgov and Dold are newcomers to the mag. Nothing need be said about Dold, and Dolgov is just as good as Bok, with his own individual style, strongly reminiscent of Hugh Rankin in the old Weird Tales. This magazine is really a must on your list. Astounding Science Fiction: Fairly good cover by Rogers. As a painting it is okay, but the subject could have been more well chosen. Heinlein scores again with the super story, "Universe", which rates the rare Nova award. "The Stolen Dormouse" comes to a good conclusion. A long novelette by MacDonald drags a bit in places. Heinlein's "History of the Future" is laid out in Brass Tacks. --Phil Bronson. Note: After June 28 address all our correspondence, etc., to Box 4105, Village Station, Los Angeles, California ---Editor.
Musts---contd. FANTASIA: The second beautifully done-up issue. 10c from 269 Sixteenth Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Green, red, and blue block prints, lithographing, and good mimeographing, plus good material makes this mag one of the best. Djinn Fizz, Man the Space Rockets, and Odds Bodkins, the new letter section, are very interesting. THE SOUTHERN STAR: We don't have a copy of #2 yet, so we'll give #1 the once-over. 30 mimeod pages of good stuff. Articles, poetry, columns, depts., and stories by prominent fans assure you of good reading for one thin dime. Cover by Jenkins not up to par although the symbolical presentation is good. Technical work in this number bad in spots. Intriguing is Gilbert's Handwriting On The Wall which gives graphological analyses of the handwriting of Lowndes and Tucker. Get this fanzine from 2600 Grand St., Columbia, So. Carolina. Hurry it along with #2, boys! Good Enuf----- ECLIPSE: Second issue, and the mimeoing is still rather difficult to read. Quite an improvement since the first issue, however, in the quality of the contents. Good cover by Rudy Sayn, and good interiors by Sayn, Jenkins, and Bell. Fiction by Ackermann. Articles by Southinian and Jenkins, columns, and departments are good. 10c from 13598 Cheyenne, Detroit, Michigan. "X" THE FUTURIAN REVIEW: Eight mimeod pages of ramblings by the editor, Roger Conway, 142 W. 103rd St., New York, N.Y. No price. The contents are worth your while. PROS Stirring Science Stories: Good cover by Bok. Corwin's sequel to "Thirteen O'clock," "Mr. Packer Goes To Hell", is good. All in all the fantasy section quality. "The Moon Artist", by Keller, is superb as is "The Silence", by McLaughlin. Another tremendous improvement in the mag is the art-work. Dolgov and Dold are newcomers to the mag. Nothing need be said about Dold, and Dolgov is just as good as Bok, with his own individual style, strongly reminiscent of Hugh Rankin in the old Weird Tales. This magazine is really a must on your list. Astounding Science Fiction: Fairly good cover by Rogers. As a painting it is okay, but the subject could have been more well chosen. Heinlein scores again with the super story, "Universe", which rates the rare Nova award. "The Stolen Dormouse" comes to a good conclusion. A long novelette by MacDonald drags a bit in places. Heinlein's "History of the Future" is laid out in Brass Tacks. --Phil Bronson. Note: After June 28 address all our correspondence, etc., to Box 4105, Village Station, Los Angeles, California ---Editor.
Hevelin Fanzines