Fantasite, v. 1, issue 3, April 1941
Page 27
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THE FANTASITE ......... 27 D̲.̲ ̲B̲,̲ ̲T̲H̲O̲M̲P̲S̲O̲N̲, The Sage of Salt Creek. First, I want to say that Manning's comment on the n̲e̲a̲t̲n̲e̲s̲s̲ of the mag is fully deserved. The legibility is also very high, which is not always true of hektoed mags nor, for that matter, of mimeoed mags. Also, I want to say that I like a good hekto job a good deal better than an average mimeo, especially since it permits the use of more color and more interesting illustrations. Of course, the late-lamented PLUTO was as colorful as could be desired; but it was exceptional among the mimeod mags. I know you would like a numerical classification of the various departments and articles, but darn it, I wouldn't know where to start. There is nothing in this issue that I would like to see omitted. An additional drawing by Jones would be highly appreciated, and some art-work by Ye Ed, in addition to the headings, would be appreciated too, but the balance is very good, as the mag stands. Besides Jones' Frontispiece, I especially like Fanta-Sips, and the articles by Simak and Chapman; but, as I said before, the material is all good. If you can continue getting comparable stuff, you won't need to worry. I suggest that you accept and publish fiction occasionally, whenever you get anything especially suitable. Typical fan fiction is not, as a general thing, comparable to pro efforts, and suffers by comparison with the pro mags; but occasionally, a piece of very fine fiction appears, wholly inappropriate for pro publication, yet very much worthwhile. You might get something like that some time, if you announce that you will publish such material. It might happen only once in a year -- but when it did, you would have something. ((That's exactly the way I feel, and I'm willing to publish any fan fiction I think is worthwhile.)) However, I think the idea of featuring columns and-articles is quite okay, and fiction is not needed. Forgot to mention the cover! That is an unpardonable oversight. I'd like to attend a meeting of the MFS some time-—I think it would be a worthwhile experience. ((It would!)) 2302 U. St. Lincoln, Nebraska. J̲O̲E̲ ̲F̲O̲R̲T̲I̲E̲R̲ Your F̲a̲n̲t̲a̲s̲i̲t̲e̲ is truly becoming a superb fan affair. I suppose you are going to use the S̲p̲a̲c̲e̲w̲a̲y̲s̲ system of rating in the future, so I will post my ratings here and there. Noted for doing most unusual tilings, I will start from the front cover . . . ah! that's what I call a real treat in no uncertain terms. I can Imagine that the photo set the club treasury back a considerable sum, but I am sure that it was worth the sum invested. The cover was very neatly arranged too. Give it "9". I liked the frontispiece and hope to see much more of this Bob Jones in the future for I grant him an '3". Your contents page was a difficult one to handle, I can see, so it gets "6". Clifford D. Simak's 'Future of Science Fiction" rates "8" and I almost entirely agree with his points of view. I'm glad to see that he isn't another Asimov! Sam Russell's article was an okey- doke sort of an affair which ties up with Simak for an "8". Good goin *fella*. Harry Warner elicits close to a moan, but I know how rushed he is these days. Give him "7". Louis Russell Chauvenet deserves "7" for that swell piece, "Thoughts on a Starry Night." "The Fneh File" was an all right sort of thing so give it "7". Forry's Sandmanuscript was good, too, but cut it down to "6". Fanta-sips is the best feature in your magazine, but this issue isn't up to the level set in the first — or is it just me? Well, I do like it nevertheless and show my gratitude for having such a superoo by hand it "8.5" on a silver platter. Quite a platterful for such a full patter column . .. ugh.. ((Ditto!)) blame it on the V̲o̲i̲c̲e̲, General ads are only worth "6". Your fanzine review is also worth "6*. "The Door" as previewed and authenticated by Jr. Chapman was really the best thing in the issue. However, I happened to glance again to bring forth the thought that it was really a publicity scheme. ((?)) No matter for I am giving it an "8.5" to tie with Fanta-Sips! Nutz ... Bob ol' boy, you failed me to the core! I did not like your review, but I never do or have or shall like reviews of books, "5"; calls it space filler I does. ((Does the review
THE FANTASITE ......... 27 D̲.̲ ̲B̲,̲ ̲T̲H̲O̲M̲P̲S̲O̲N̲, The Sage of Salt Creek. First, I want to say that Manning's comment on the n̲e̲a̲t̲n̲e̲s̲s̲ of the mag is fully deserved. The legibility is also very high, which is not always true of hektoed mags nor, for that matter, of mimeoed mags. Also, I want to say that I like a good hekto job a good deal better than an average mimeo, especially since it permits the use of more color and more interesting illustrations. Of course, the late-lamented PLUTO was as colorful as could be desired; but it was exceptional among the mimeod mags. I know you would like a numerical classification of the various departments and articles, but darn it, I wouldn't know where to start. There is nothing in this issue that I would like to see omitted. An additional drawing by Jones would be highly appreciated, and some art-work by Ye Ed, in addition to the headings, would be appreciated too, but the balance is very good, as the mag stands. Besides Jones' Frontispiece, I especially like Fanta-Sips, and the articles by Simak and Chapman; but, as I said before, the material is all good. If you can continue getting comparable stuff, you won't need to worry. I suggest that you accept and publish fiction occasionally, whenever you get anything especially suitable. Typical fan fiction is not, as a general thing, comparable to pro efforts, and suffers by comparison with the pro mags; but occasionally, a piece of very fine fiction appears, wholly inappropriate for pro publication, yet very much worthwhile. You might get something like that some time, if you announce that you will publish such material. It might happen only once in a year -- but when it did, you would have something. ((That's exactly the way I feel, and I'm willing to publish any fan fiction I think is worthwhile.)) However, I think the idea of featuring columns and-articles is quite okay, and fiction is not needed. Forgot to mention the cover! That is an unpardonable oversight. I'd like to attend a meeting of the MFS some time-—I think it would be a worthwhile experience. ((It would!)) 2302 U. St. Lincoln, Nebraska. J̲O̲E̲ ̲F̲O̲R̲T̲I̲E̲R̲ Your F̲a̲n̲t̲a̲s̲i̲t̲e̲ is truly becoming a superb fan affair. I suppose you are going to use the S̲p̲a̲c̲e̲w̲a̲y̲s̲ system of rating in the future, so I will post my ratings here and there. Noted for doing most unusual tilings, I will start from the front cover . . . ah! that's what I call a real treat in no uncertain terms. I can Imagine that the photo set the club treasury back a considerable sum, but I am sure that it was worth the sum invested. The cover was very neatly arranged too. Give it "9". I liked the frontispiece and hope to see much more of this Bob Jones in the future for I grant him an '3". Your contents page was a difficult one to handle, I can see, so it gets "6". Clifford D. Simak's 'Future of Science Fiction" rates "8" and I almost entirely agree with his points of view. I'm glad to see that he isn't another Asimov! Sam Russell's article was an okey- doke sort of an affair which ties up with Simak for an "8". Good goin *fella*. Harry Warner elicits close to a moan, but I know how rushed he is these days. Give him "7". Louis Russell Chauvenet deserves "7" for that swell piece, "Thoughts on a Starry Night." "The Fneh File" was an all right sort of thing so give it "7". Forry's Sandmanuscript was good, too, but cut it down to "6". Fanta-sips is the best feature in your magazine, but this issue isn't up to the level set in the first — or is it just me? Well, I do like it nevertheless and show my gratitude for having such a superoo by hand it "8.5" on a silver platter. Quite a platterful for such a full patter column . .. ugh.. ((Ditto!)) blame it on the V̲o̲i̲c̲e̲, General ads are only worth "6". Your fanzine review is also worth "6*. "The Door" as previewed and authenticated by Jr. Chapman was really the best thing in the issue. However, I happened to glance again to bring forth the thought that it was really a publicity scheme. ((?)) No matter for I am giving it an "8.5" to tie with Fanta-Sips! Nutz ... Bob ol' boy, you failed me to the core! I did not like your review, but I never do or have or shall like reviews of books, "5"; calls it space filler I does. ((Does the review
Hevelin Fanzines