Fantasite, v. 1, issue 3, April 1941
Page 28
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28 ........... THE FANTASITE in this issue change your opinion any, Joe??)) Fantascripts are really good. You compare highly with the best letter sections and come close to the par set by dear old VoM ( Yowsah, an it's worth a damn strong "9*! In closing, let me say that Chauvenet digs out for "8". so 'hep' me. I'm hep — are you? HELP! 1836-39 Avenue, Oakland, Calif. B̲O̲B̲ ̲J̲O̲N̲E̲S̲ Ye gods,..what an issue. I can die happy. It is really quite amazing that you could possibly turn out such a fanzine. After having to peruse many messy mimeos all week it certainly was a relief to receive the Fantasite and see some nice easy hekto work. (Not that it was easy on you...I meant to say easy on the eyes.) It is fast becoming the top hekto. Covertocover: The front cover photo was fine. U have a nice looking bunch of boys there. I'm sure that we'll hear quite a lot from them in the future. Contents page was better this time .... most attractive. The heading for Fanta-notes was the finest piece of artwork in the magazine...Simak's article took hold....and I'm glad to see that someone has finally derided the so-called "Golden Age" of Fantasy in the pulps. If anything, now is STF's Gold- en Age....yes....and fandom's too. The treatise on the MFS made alright reading but was rather run-of-the-mil. Argosy Fiction in 1940 held my interest to the last word and satisfied me immensely. Let your public have more of that type. Glad to see someone giving a little more than just plain recognition to Robert Arthur's fantasy. Chauvenet's quirky and damon's nice juicy poem deserve A plusses ... .The illustrations on page thirteen were good also. Heh,heh. I'm still laughing at Dream Transcript. Heh, heh. It was funny without being that sort of....well you know type. Fantasips, as will probably be the case from now until doomsday, took the Jones prize for better depts. But I don't know about authors being human. ((I do. They are; or at least some of them are)) Fanzine Review... good. Whyncha [sic] illustrate it? Chapman's article was right enough....nothing sensational .... and I liked Tucker's review. Fantascripts was fine and I hope it'll continue to be so. ((It will be, providing these swell, long letters continue to come in.)) I'm beginning to think, tho, that some people disagree with me. (( Opinions do differ, all right.)) In a House By the Sea was a fine piece of descriptive writing e'en tho short. . . 281 14th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. T̲O̲M̲ ̲W̲R̲I̲G̲H̲T̲ I sure liked the cover photo. The frontispiece is a beautiful piece of work. Let's have one every issue, eh? ((Okay, we will.)) Fanta-Notes was very-very interesting. Wouldst dare mention Yngvi? Simak was very enjoyable. Sam Russell's article also enjoyable. Warner's article a little drawn out. but he has never written an article that was even half bad yet. More Harry! I found Chauvenet's poem quite good. I got a good chuckle at the end. [?] damon's piece was okay, 'cept I like his art lots better. Not that he isn't a good poet, most of his stuff is tops. 4e's manuscript was mildly interesting. ((Read it over a couple of times and it will sort of grow on you; I know!)}) was it supposed to be a real dream? Fanta-sips was even better than last issue, which is saying something. Great stuff, Donn! "The Door" was a cleverly worked out article. Let's have more "Recommended Reading". ((We have.)) Letter section --swell. All in all, you have got a swell mag. Go ryt with F̲a̲n̲t̲a̲s̲i̲t̲e̲! (Ah, thank you, Tom me lad! Go Ryt With Fantasite!)) 1140 Bush Ave. Los Angeles, Cal. H̲A̲R̲R̲Y̲ ̲S̲C̲H̲M̲A̲R̲J̲E̲ Just a few lines to tell you how much I enjoyed No. 2 Fantasite. The most striking thing I noticed when I first saw the mag was the m̲a̲r̲v̲e̲l̲o̲u̲s̲ photo on the cover. Such a glossy, clear-cut print. Feature a photo every issue. I have arrived at the inevitable conclusion that Joe and Fred Fann are fictitious char-
28 ........... THE FANTASITE in this issue change your opinion any, Joe??)) Fantascripts are really good. You compare highly with the best letter sections and come close to the par set by dear old VoM ( Yowsah, an it's worth a damn strong "9*! In closing, let me say that Chauvenet digs out for "8". so 'hep' me. I'm hep — are you? HELP! 1836-39 Avenue, Oakland, Calif. B̲O̲B̲ ̲J̲O̲N̲E̲S̲ Ye gods,..what an issue. I can die happy. It is really quite amazing that you could possibly turn out such a fanzine. After having to peruse many messy mimeos all week it certainly was a relief to receive the Fantasite and see some nice easy hekto work. (Not that it was easy on you...I meant to say easy on the eyes.) It is fast becoming the top hekto. Covertocover: The front cover photo was fine. U have a nice looking bunch of boys there. I'm sure that we'll hear quite a lot from them in the future. Contents page was better this time .... most attractive. The heading for Fanta-notes was the finest piece of artwork in the magazine...Simak's article took hold....and I'm glad to see that someone has finally derided the so-called "Golden Age" of Fantasy in the pulps. If anything, now is STF's Gold- en Age....yes....and fandom's too. The treatise on the MFS made alright reading but was rather run-of-the-mil. Argosy Fiction in 1940 held my interest to the last word and satisfied me immensely. Let your public have more of that type. Glad to see someone giving a little more than just plain recognition to Robert Arthur's fantasy. Chauvenet's quirky and damon's nice juicy poem deserve A plusses ... .The illustrations on page thirteen were good also. Heh,heh. I'm still laughing at Dream Transcript. Heh, heh. It was funny without being that sort of....well you know type. Fantasips, as will probably be the case from now until doomsday, took the Jones prize for better depts. But I don't know about authors being human. ((I do. They are; or at least some of them are)) Fanzine Review... good. Whyncha [sic] illustrate it? Chapman's article was right enough....nothing sensational .... and I liked Tucker's review. Fantascripts was fine and I hope it'll continue to be so. ((It will be, providing these swell, long letters continue to come in.)) I'm beginning to think, tho, that some people disagree with me. (( Opinions do differ, all right.)) In a House By the Sea was a fine piece of descriptive writing e'en tho short. . . 281 14th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. T̲O̲M̲ ̲W̲R̲I̲G̲H̲T̲ I sure liked the cover photo. The frontispiece is a beautiful piece of work. Let's have one every issue, eh? ((Okay, we will.)) Fanta-Notes was very-very interesting. Wouldst dare mention Yngvi? Simak was very enjoyable. Sam Russell's article also enjoyable. Warner's article a little drawn out. but he has never written an article that was even half bad yet. More Harry! I found Chauvenet's poem quite good. I got a good chuckle at the end. [?] damon's piece was okay, 'cept I like his art lots better. Not that he isn't a good poet, most of his stuff is tops. 4e's manuscript was mildly interesting. ((Read it over a couple of times and it will sort of grow on you; I know!)}) was it supposed to be a real dream? Fanta-sips was even better than last issue, which is saying something. Great stuff, Donn! "The Door" was a cleverly worked out article. Let's have more "Recommended Reading". ((We have.)) Letter section --swell. All in all, you have got a swell mag. Go ryt with F̲a̲n̲t̲a̲s̲i̲t̲e̲! (Ah, thank you, Tom me lad! Go Ryt With Fantasite!)) 1140 Bush Ave. Los Angeles, Cal. H̲A̲R̲R̲Y̲ ̲S̲C̲H̲M̲A̲R̲J̲E̲ Just a few lines to tell you how much I enjoyed No. 2 Fantasite. The most striking thing I noticed when I first saw the mag was the m̲a̲r̲v̲e̲l̲o̲u̲s̲ photo on the cover. Such a glossy, clear-cut print. Feature a photo every issue. I have arrived at the inevitable conclusion that Joe and Fred Fann are fictitious char-
Hevelin Fanzines