National Fantasy Fan, v. 9, issue 3, June 1950
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TREASURER'S REPORT This includes all business to 14 May 1950. CREDITS: Brought forward from books kept by Leslie Hudson ……… $205.04 (Of this amount, Dale Tarr was holding $43.00 and the balance was received by check). Income from memberships...……. 65.50 (5 half-year memberships to adjust to calendar year, and 63 full-year memberships). Credited N3F for handling Operation Fantast ……….. 3.05 TOTAL: 273.59 DEBITS: Club expenses (stationery, postage, etc.) ………… $13.15 Defaulted by Dale Tarr ……. 43.00 April TNFF …………….. 30.00 86.15 86.15 Cash on hand 14 May 1950 ……………. $187.44 Two other memberships have been received and entered on roster, but have not yet been entered in the books, pending straightening out difficulties with foreign exchange. Roy Lavender ) Deedee Lavender) Sec-Treas. CAR POOL TO PORTLAND STAN SKIRVIN Share-The-Ride Committee Head Be it known to all that I have committed myself as Car-Pool Chairman; specifically, for the Norwescon. Be it known further that this is no nursemaid's service; I will put the people concerned in touch with each other if they contact me, but it is up to them to make final arrangements with each other. So, those desiring rides to the Norwescon send me their names and those willing to supply rides do likewise. I will then endeavor to play cupid and bring these people together for the satisfaction of their mutual..uh, aims. It will probably expedite matters if the suppliers of rides give an outline of their projected route, if possible. Stan Skirvin 389 King Avenue Columbus 1, Ohio FAN DIRECTORY LEN MOFFATT Editor STAN WOOLSTON Publisher The Fan Directory (a joint project of the NFFF and the Fantasy Foundation) will be ready soon. Stan Woolston is labouring on it now. Stan -- in case you didn't know -- is the fan printer who operates Lilliputian Press. The NFFF and the Fantasy Foundation are lucky to have such a find craftsman working for them. You can order your copy of the Directory now by sending 25c (in coin, no stamps please) to me. Please note my new street address: LEN MOFFATT 5969 Lanto St. Bell Gardens, California
TREASURER'S REPORT This includes all business to 14 May 1950. CREDITS: Brought forward from books kept by Leslie Hudson ……… $205.04 (Of this amount, Dale Tarr was holding $43.00 and the balance was received by check). Income from memberships...……. 65.50 (5 half-year memberships to adjust to calendar year, and 63 full-year memberships). Credited N3F for handling Operation Fantast ……….. 3.05 TOTAL: 273.59 DEBITS: Club expenses (stationery, postage, etc.) ………… $13.15 Defaulted by Dale Tarr ……. 43.00 April TNFF …………….. 30.00 86.15 86.15 Cash on hand 14 May 1950 ……………. $187.44 Two other memberships have been received and entered on roster, but have not yet been entered in the books, pending straightening out difficulties with foreign exchange. Roy Lavender ) Deedee Lavender) Sec-Treas. CAR POOL TO PORTLAND STAN SKIRVIN Share-The-Ride Committee Head Be it known to all that I have committed myself as Car-Pool Chairman; specifically, for the Norwescon. Be it known further that this is no nursemaid's service; I will put the people concerned in touch with each other if they contact me, but it is up to them to make final arrangements with each other. So, those desiring rides to the Norwescon send me their names and those willing to supply rides do likewise. I will then endeavor to play cupid and bring these people together for the satisfaction of their mutual..uh, aims. It will probably expedite matters if the suppliers of rides give an outline of their projected route, if possible. Stan Skirvin 389 King Avenue Columbus 1, Ohio FAN DIRECTORY LEN MOFFATT Editor STAN WOOLSTON Publisher The Fan Directory (a joint project of the NFFF and the Fantasy Foundation) will be ready soon. Stan Woolston is labouring on it now. Stan -- in case you didn't know -- is the fan printer who operates Lilliputian Press. The NFFF and the Fantasy Foundation are lucky to have such a find craftsman working for them. You can order your copy of the Directory now by sending 25c (in coin, no stamps please) to me. Please note my new street address: LEN MOFFATT 5969 Lanto St. Bell Gardens, California
Hevelin Fanzines