Tale of the 'Evans, Fall 1944
Page 10
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page 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ new the fine frendship started several years ago. The boy really has ground mature and mandly, and his conversations and discussions logical and solid, as his articles in Inspiration show. A fine mag from a fine guy. BLACK AND WHITE: More pro and con on an ago-old question. I sometimes wonder if those who are against the Negro ever consider the opening of the US Constitution: that "all men are created equal". LA VIE ARISIENNE: Sounds like as much fun as our Slan Shack. It's wonderful when good Fan-friends can live together so congenially. PHANNY: I really should get in on this Genius discussion, but to do so would expose the fact that I'm one of the best, and that I'm not anxious to disclose....The poems very good, including yours... Maybe I am all wet on this business of World Government. But if we can't look forward to something of the sort, what chance for world peace. I cannot feel that Man isn't meant for Brotherly communion. THE NEW HIEROGLYPH: Howard's poems good; the cover very good, in a dismal sort of way. THE PHANTAGRAPH: Don always got something worthwhile in this. THE F.A.P.A. FAN: With Ashley holding a knife on me, I'm sorry to report I can't vote for you this time, Don. AGENBITE OF INWIT: I agree fully with "Rebuttal". You have here one of the finest definitions I have read in some time... Don's story enjoyable...Poems good, as usual. ARCADIA: Last issue I mentioned that Liebscher and Pong were out of the picture as humorists, due to The Clod's humorous publications; now comes Sir Honig to nudge The Clog partially into the far background. Trust Mr. Wollheim and Mr. Ackerman feel thoroughly chastised, and have retired to their underground hovels until this Honig Era has passed on to greater flories. As Tucker remarks -- "Truly, big oafs from leetle corns grow". ELMURMURRINGS: Don't blame you a bit for printing, Elmer. I hope some of these days to do so myself. But I'll bet that even after 25 years of inactivity at the case, I can set and distribute type a darn sight faster than you, if 5 words per minute us your speed. I used to be really fast (offen I do say so meself as shouldn't.) BLITHERINGS: They certainly were . . oh, that was my line lasttime wasn't it? Seriously, Seedy, you are putting out a nice little mag. "Dialogue" was really good, in this reviewer's opinion. BUt I do not like to have to wade through your so-called spelling. Whydon'tyouguyslearnhowtospellandwritelikeyouissupposedto?Can'treaditverygood...I still maintain that IF the Final Man has imagination, his omniscience would not prevent him from dreaming up things that were purely fictional and had no basis in actual fact. FUTURIA: Next issue Johnny Michel can report about that Long Distance call we had. 'Twas good to hear your voice again, Kid.
page 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ new the fine frendship started several years ago. The boy really has ground mature and mandly, and his conversations and discussions logical and solid, as his articles in Inspiration show. A fine mag from a fine guy. BLACK AND WHITE: More pro and con on an ago-old question. I sometimes wonder if those who are against the Negro ever consider the opening of the US Constitution: that "all men are created equal". LA VIE ARISIENNE: Sounds like as much fun as our Slan Shack. It's wonderful when good Fan-friends can live together so congenially. PHANNY: I really should get in on this Genius discussion, but to do so would expose the fact that I'm one of the best, and that I'm not anxious to disclose....The poems very good, including yours... Maybe I am all wet on this business of World Government. But if we can't look forward to something of the sort, what chance for world peace. I cannot feel that Man isn't meant for Brotherly communion. THE NEW HIEROGLYPH: Howard's poems good; the cover very good, in a dismal sort of way. THE PHANTAGRAPH: Don always got something worthwhile in this. THE F.A.P.A. FAN: With Ashley holding a knife on me, I'm sorry to report I can't vote for you this time, Don. AGENBITE OF INWIT: I agree fully with "Rebuttal". You have here one of the finest definitions I have read in some time... Don's story enjoyable...Poems good, as usual. ARCADIA: Last issue I mentioned that Liebscher and Pong were out of the picture as humorists, due to The Clod's humorous publications; now comes Sir Honig to nudge The Clog partially into the far background. Trust Mr. Wollheim and Mr. Ackerman feel thoroughly chastised, and have retired to their underground hovels until this Honig Era has passed on to greater flories. As Tucker remarks -- "Truly, big oafs from leetle corns grow". ELMURMURRINGS: Don't blame you a bit for printing, Elmer. I hope some of these days to do so myself. But I'll bet that even after 25 years of inactivity at the case, I can set and distribute type a darn sight faster than you, if 5 words per minute us your speed. I used to be really fast (offen I do say so meself as shouldn't.) BLITHERINGS: They certainly were . . oh, that was my line lasttime wasn't it? Seriously, Seedy, you are putting out a nice little mag. "Dialogue" was really good, in this reviewer's opinion. BUt I do not like to have to wade through your so-called spelling. Whydon'tyouguyslearnhowtospellandwritelikeyouissupposedto?Can'treaditverygood...I still maintain that IF the Final Man has imagination, his omniscience would not prevent him from dreaming up things that were purely fictional and had no basis in actual fact. FUTURIA: Next issue Johnny Michel can report about that Long Distance call we had. 'Twas good to hear your voice again, Kid.
Hevelin Fanzines