Twilight Echoes, Winter 1944
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was to someday be great and wonderful and good and godly and fine like Forrest J Ackerman. In whispers I would confide to myself, "Someday, Joe, you may tie in a poll with Ackerman." Then guiltily I would look about for fear someone had overheard such blasphemous thoughts. And now at last my dream is a reality. Ackerman and I have tied for fourth place as the worst fen in fandom. Maybe I should say shucks and forget it all, but I can think of a four letter word that describes the situation better. Maybe you don't think so, 4e, but I think it's funny as anything in the mailing. "Yesterday's 10,000 years" continues to be one of the brightest spots of the mailing and so Fan-Tods remains one of the better Fapubs... The Panty Raiser vies for first-spot honors of this mailing. Please inform Morojo that for proper postage I'll be willing to contribute one slightly used but neatly laundered pair of silk panties. They fit perfectly if she hasn't put on weight since I last saw her--properly dressed, I hastily add. Anyway, I have to rid myself of surplus stock before taking those final matrimonial steps..(and what were you saying about libel, Laney?) The Mad Muse I saved until last. Through the efforts of James Russell Gray, you've done it again, Bill. This collection does not equal the work of George Ebey by any means, but nevertheless it certainly takes first honor of this mailing. But there are some publications which are praised and repraised consistently. I'd like to ask the membership why (if for other than dogmatic reasons), and I'd like to let the editors know at least one guy doesn't give a hoot, though his hoot doesn't count a good toot. This is the list: The Nucleus, one of the most illegible, ungrammatical, poorly presented bits of illogic in fandom; Beyond, which uses childish material and ridiculous illustrations--excepting Weidenbeck, the coward!: Horizons, illegible, unreadable, and an eyestrain to boot--though it might be good if I could risk my peepers; Fantasy Commentator, as interesting as a congressional report from Washington and as colorful as the stock market reports; Agenbite of Inwit, the point of which escapes me enitrely--all of which may be my fault; The FAPA Fan, dull and strictly a dud, not excusable even on the grounds of the oldest Fapub. It's good to see that a few are getting away from this idea--still prevalent in Caliban and such--of commenting on the last mailing to such an extent that there is nothing new for this mailing. I'm cutting my comments almost in half this time and intend to continue to do so. Incidentally, if as Fran intimated, I injured anyone's pride and prestige or hurt his dignity or position, I want to apologise for the last mailing. Such doings are not my purpose even though my normal overly frank manner may suggest that. In this issue, the jibes at Wiedenbeck and Douglas are purely in fun, no more. And now to slick[?] to a corner, there to write ponderous prose for FAPA. INTERLUDES, I'd like to push back time for a bit, dragging out the most remembered things about the fans I've met while in service. Lynn Bridges dug up stakes recently to join the glider infantry, but before he left MacDill Field I had the distinct privilege and honor of making his acquaintance. The tech-sarge didn't disappoint me by one bit; he was everything I had imagined and much more. It's good to be able, even though only now and then, to meet someone as level headed as Lynn. He's strictly a man with his feet on the ground and his mind on the future. Genial, sincere, his interest in fandom lies --2--
was to someday be great and wonderful and good and godly and fine like Forrest J Ackerman. In whispers I would confide to myself, "Someday, Joe, you may tie in a poll with Ackerman." Then guiltily I would look about for fear someone had overheard such blasphemous thoughts. And now at last my dream is a reality. Ackerman and I have tied for fourth place as the worst fen in fandom. Maybe I should say shucks and forget it all, but I can think of a four letter word that describes the situation better. Maybe you don't think so, 4e, but I think it's funny as anything in the mailing. "Yesterday's 10,000 years" continues to be one of the brightest spots of the mailing and so Fan-Tods remains one of the better Fapubs... The Panty Raiser vies for first-spot honors of this mailing. Please inform Morojo that for proper postage I'll be willing to contribute one slightly used but neatly laundered pair of silk panties. They fit perfectly if she hasn't put on weight since I last saw her--properly dressed, I hastily add. Anyway, I have to rid myself of surplus stock before taking those final matrimonial steps..(and what were you saying about libel, Laney?) The Mad Muse I saved until last. Through the efforts of James Russell Gray, you've done it again, Bill. This collection does not equal the work of George Ebey by any means, but nevertheless it certainly takes first honor of this mailing. But there are some publications which are praised and repraised consistently. I'd like to ask the membership why (if for other than dogmatic reasons), and I'd like to let the editors know at least one guy doesn't give a hoot, though his hoot doesn't count a good toot. This is the list: The Nucleus, one of the most illegible, ungrammatical, poorly presented bits of illogic in fandom; Beyond, which uses childish material and ridiculous illustrations--excepting Weidenbeck, the coward!: Horizons, illegible, unreadable, and an eyestrain to boot--though it might be good if I could risk my peepers; Fantasy Commentator, as interesting as a congressional report from Washington and as colorful as the stock market reports; Agenbite of Inwit, the point of which escapes me enitrely--all of which may be my fault; The FAPA Fan, dull and strictly a dud, not excusable even on the grounds of the oldest Fapub. It's good to see that a few are getting away from this idea--still prevalent in Caliban and such--of commenting on the last mailing to such an extent that there is nothing new for this mailing. I'm cutting my comments almost in half this time and intend to continue to do so. Incidentally, if as Fran intimated, I injured anyone's pride and prestige or hurt his dignity or position, I want to apologise for the last mailing. Such doings are not my purpose even though my normal overly frank manner may suggest that. In this issue, the jibes at Wiedenbeck and Douglas are purely in fun, no more. And now to slick[?] to a corner, there to write ponderous prose for FAPA. INTERLUDES, I'd like to push back time for a bit, dragging out the most remembered things about the fans I've met while in service. Lynn Bridges dug up stakes recently to join the glider infantry, but before he left MacDill Field I had the distinct privilege and honor of making his acquaintance. The tech-sarge didn't disappoint me by one bit; he was everything I had imagined and much more. It's good to be able, even though only now and then, to meet someone as level headed as Lynn. He's strictly a man with his feet on the ground and his mind on the future. Genial, sincere, his interest in fandom lies --2--
Hevelin Fanzines