IFA Review, v. 1, issue 2, September-October 1940
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I. F. A. LIBRARY LISTINGS This month the listings include only books. However, negotiations are in progress at various points and I can safely promise that next month's issue will list scores of magazines. Following is a list of rules. This is tentative only and may be changed to whatever the members deem most far. 1. The rental on each book, magazine, & series excerpt shall be 3c. 2. The borrower shall refund the sum spent on postage in sending him or her any literature. 3. The number of pieces borrowed at one time shall not exceed 5. 4. The time limit on these books shall be two weeks. They must be mailed back within 14 days of the date stamped on the package cover. Extension of 3 days is allowed to members residing in the Far West. 5. A fine of 2c per piece shall be assessed for every day the piece is over-drawn. Shuddering Castle -- Pirates of Venus -- Radium Terrors -- At the Earth's Core -- Monkey Have No Tails in Zamboanga -- Coming of the Amazons -- The Centaur -- Pellucidar -- Hampdenshire Wonder -- Doctor Fogg -- Phantom in the Rainbow -- Intrigue on the Upper Level -- Monster MEn -- Gabriel Over the White House -- Black Angus -- Cave Girl -- Phantom of the Opera -- Iron Heel -- Moon Maid -- Vampire of N'Gobi -- Moon Terror -- Burn, Witch, Burn -- Armoured Doves -- Man's Mortality -- Memoirs of Satan -- Seven Famous Novels of H. G. Wells -- Short Stories of H. G. Wells -- Bridge of Time -- Last Men & First -- Land That Time Forgot -- Chessmen of Mars -- Gods of Mars -- A Fighting Man of Mars -- Thuvia, Maid of Mars -- Warlord of Mars. -------------------------- BIOGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING Charles Powell was born on June 2, 1916 at Danvill, Kentucky, but he has lived in the Hoosier state since 1934. Attended Tech High School in Indianapolis. Has been married for four years and has a baby girl, 18 months old, who did considerable fussing while he wrote these facts about himself. First heard of the I. F. A. from a friend of his, Martin Cramer, who is Supt. at the Geo J. Mayer Co., where he is also employed as an order clerk. --------------------------- [Hand-written in script] Bibliography For many years there has been a great need for a bibliography of fantastic literature. There have been several efforts made in this direction, but all have been inadequate. However Fred Shroyer and Ted Dikty have been engaged for over a year on this task, and can now see their way to its completion. Over 2000 titles have been collected, along with various data. It is hoped that the task will be completed by the latter part of 1941. At this time, Dikty is engaged in transferring all the information from scores of lists, magazines, etc. on to cards. This card file, when completed, after having any further data added to it, will then be typed out in manuscript form and be ready for publication.
I. F. A. LIBRARY LISTINGS This month the listings include only books. However, negotiations are in progress at various points and I can safely promise that next month's issue will list scores of magazines. Following is a list of rules. This is tentative only and may be changed to whatever the members deem most far. 1. The rental on each book, magazine, & series excerpt shall be 3c. 2. The borrower shall refund the sum spent on postage in sending him or her any literature. 3. The number of pieces borrowed at one time shall not exceed 5. 4. The time limit on these books shall be two weeks. They must be mailed back within 14 days of the date stamped on the package cover. Extension of 3 days is allowed to members residing in the Far West. 5. A fine of 2c per piece shall be assessed for every day the piece is over-drawn. Shuddering Castle -- Pirates of Venus -- Radium Terrors -- At the Earth's Core -- Monkey Have No Tails in Zamboanga -- Coming of the Amazons -- The Centaur -- Pellucidar -- Hampdenshire Wonder -- Doctor Fogg -- Phantom in the Rainbow -- Intrigue on the Upper Level -- Monster MEn -- Gabriel Over the White House -- Black Angus -- Cave Girl -- Phantom of the Opera -- Iron Heel -- Moon Maid -- Vampire of N'Gobi -- Moon Terror -- Burn, Witch, Burn -- Armoured Doves -- Man's Mortality -- Memoirs of Satan -- Seven Famous Novels of H. G. Wells -- Short Stories of H. G. Wells -- Bridge of Time -- Last Men & First -- Land That Time Forgot -- Chessmen of Mars -- Gods of Mars -- A Fighting Man of Mars -- Thuvia, Maid of Mars -- Warlord of Mars. -------------------------- BIOGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING Charles Powell was born on June 2, 1916 at Danvill, Kentucky, but he has lived in the Hoosier state since 1934. Attended Tech High School in Indianapolis. Has been married for four years and has a baby girl, 18 months old, who did considerable fussing while he wrote these facts about himself. First heard of the I. F. A. from a friend of his, Martin Cramer, who is Supt. at the Geo J. Mayer Co., where he is also employed as an order clerk. --------------------------- [Hand-written in script] Bibliography For many years there has been a great need for a bibliography of fantastic literature. There have been several efforts made in this direction, but all have been inadequate. However Fred Shroyer and Ted Dikty have been engaged for over a year on this task, and can now see their way to its completion. Over 2000 titles have been collected, along with various data. It is hoped that the task will be completed by the latter part of 1941. At this time, Dikty is engaged in transferring all the information from scores of lists, magazines, etc. on to cards. This card file, when completed, after having any further data added to it, will then be typed out in manuscript form and be ready for publication.
Hevelin Fanzines