Le Zombie, Special Convention Issue, 1939
Page 2
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READ THIS FIRST, DEPT: This of course is page two of the Special Convention issue of LE ZOMBIE, the glorious, the divine, the nertz! All of the pages published in this issue are by Bob Tucker, P. O. Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois - which is as usual; and the wire staples holding the pages together are given you thru the courtesy of Cosmic Publications! NOW THAT YOU ARE SETTLED,DEPT: and comfortably situated with a sandwich in one hand and a bottle of red pop in the other (if you aren’t, protest at once too Moskowitz!) we shall indulge in a bit of sly advertising! YEARBOOK DEPT: Along about New Year’s a new type of “fan mag” appeared. It was a magnificent compilation of titles and data on all the stories and articles that were printed in the weird and science fiction magazines during 1938. Twenty pages worth of information, YEARBOOK is really a giant index to 1938 fantasy fiction in ASTOUNDING, AMAZING, ARGOSY, WEIRD, MARVEL, WONDER, TALES OF WONDER and FANTASY! YEARBOOK is divided into 2 sections; (1) listing all titles in alphabetical order, and (2) listing all magazines contents in chronological order. In the alphabetical list a key shows at once which month and magazine any given title appeared in. The whole result is something you must have, authors and fans alike, to file away for indexing your 1938 science and weird fiction! YEARBOOK’S editor has on file complimenting letters from nearly all the better-known fans who have copies; Editor Wright of WEIRD TALES and Editor Campbell of ASTOUNDING & UNKNOWN have both written personal, praising letters of it; Weisinger of STARTLING-WONDER and STRANGE gave it a glowing review in STARTLING STORIES. Copies may BE had at fifteen cents each from Bob Tucker, at address above; postpaid. GEE, WE FORGET TO MENTION, DEPT: We almost forgot one important thing we intended to tell you in the dept. above! Editor Whipple of ARGOSY also wrote us a personal letter thanking us for his copy and spoke most highly of it! He promised us that he would try to find room in ‘Argonotes’ for some mention of it --- something no other fan mag has ever achieved! And we also might mention that YEARBOOK is the only “fan mag” ever to go into a second edition! (which it did, on May 1, 1939.) NOVA DEPT: (yes, more advertising) In May of this year there appeared another record breaker in the way of ‘fan mags’. This was NOVA, which, in it’s first issue contained some 34 pages; boasted nineteen articles and features, twenty-some fan-authors, three cover; a full page of illustrations, sketches, etc. plus other small cartoons and drawings scattered thru-out the issue; a full page cartoon by ‘Mack’; three issues of LE ZOMBIE ( ‘LZ’ is a supplement to NOVA); reprints from a 1933 fan magazine----all this in one magazine: NOVA. NOVA is made up of five seperate fan mags publishing under one cover! The second issue, due in July, will add a sixth: Jim Avery’s ‘FUNTASY’. Imagine six magazines in one, for the price of one! Too, NOVA is tinkering with fan photographs, and expects to run photo’s every issue. We suggest you send 15¢ at once for a sample copy, to BOB TUCKER, address above; postpaid. GAD! THAT’S OVER WITH DEPT: NOW for other things. On the following two pages you will find the latest Pong masterpiece. If any of you are a stranger to Pong, ask the fan next to you – no doubt that personage can spill you an ear-full anent the chinese Buck Rogers. NOW WHAT THE DEVIL SHALL I SAY?, DEPT: Lemme see. Ah, there’s Bradbury. Hello Bradbury! (If Brad was able to attend, that’s him. If he wasn’t, you are speaking at empty air, you dope!) ---- Meanwhile, onto the next page, and away……….!
READ THIS FIRST, DEPT: This of course is page two of the Special Convention issue of LE ZOMBIE, the glorious, the divine, the nertz! All of the pages published in this issue are by Bob Tucker, P. O. Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois - which is as usual; and the wire staples holding the pages together are given you thru the courtesy of Cosmic Publications! NOW THAT YOU ARE SETTLED,DEPT: and comfortably situated with a sandwich in one hand and a bottle of red pop in the other (if you aren’t, protest at once too Moskowitz!) we shall indulge in a bit of sly advertising! YEARBOOK DEPT: Along about New Year’s a new type of “fan mag” appeared. It was a magnificent compilation of titles and data on all the stories and articles that were printed in the weird and science fiction magazines during 1938. Twenty pages worth of information, YEARBOOK is really a giant index to 1938 fantasy fiction in ASTOUNDING, AMAZING, ARGOSY, WEIRD, MARVEL, WONDER, TALES OF WONDER and FANTASY! YEARBOOK is divided into 2 sections; (1) listing all titles in alphabetical order, and (2) listing all magazines contents in chronological order. In the alphabetical list a key shows at once which month and magazine any given title appeared in. The whole result is something you must have, authors and fans alike, to file away for indexing your 1938 science and weird fiction! YEARBOOK’S editor has on file complimenting letters from nearly all the better-known fans who have copies; Editor Wright of WEIRD TALES and Editor Campbell of ASTOUNDING & UNKNOWN have both written personal, praising letters of it; Weisinger of STARTLING-WONDER and STRANGE gave it a glowing review in STARTLING STORIES. Copies may BE had at fifteen cents each from Bob Tucker, at address above; postpaid. GEE, WE FORGET TO MENTION, DEPT: We almost forgot one important thing we intended to tell you in the dept. above! Editor Whipple of ARGOSY also wrote us a personal letter thanking us for his copy and spoke most highly of it! He promised us that he would try to find room in ‘Argonotes’ for some mention of it --- something no other fan mag has ever achieved! And we also might mention that YEARBOOK is the only “fan mag” ever to go into a second edition! (which it did, on May 1, 1939.) NOVA DEPT: (yes, more advertising) In May of this year there appeared another record breaker in the way of ‘fan mags’. This was NOVA, which, in it’s first issue contained some 34 pages; boasted nineteen articles and features, twenty-some fan-authors, three cover; a full page of illustrations, sketches, etc. plus other small cartoons and drawings scattered thru-out the issue; a full page cartoon by ‘Mack’; three issues of LE ZOMBIE ( ‘LZ’ is a supplement to NOVA); reprints from a 1933 fan magazine----all this in one magazine: NOVA. NOVA is made up of five seperate fan mags publishing under one cover! The second issue, due in July, will add a sixth: Jim Avery’s ‘FUNTASY’. Imagine six magazines in one, for the price of one! Too, NOVA is tinkering with fan photographs, and expects to run photo’s every issue. We suggest you send 15¢ at once for a sample copy, to BOB TUCKER, address above; postpaid. GAD! THAT’S OVER WITH DEPT: NOW for other things. On the following two pages you will find the latest Pong masterpiece. If any of you are a stranger to Pong, ask the fan next to you – no doubt that personage can spill you an ear-full anent the chinese Buck Rogers. NOW WHAT THE DEVIL SHALL I SAY?, DEPT: Lemme see. Ah, there’s Bradbury. Hello Bradbury! (If Brad was able to attend, that’s him. If he wasn’t, you are speaking at empty air, you dope!) ---- Meanwhile, onto the next page, and away……….!
Hevelin Fanzines