Tympani, v. 1, issue 18, December 29, 1947
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TYM TOPICS ARTHUR H. RAPP: I heard a stf drama on the radio recently tuned in about two minutes after it began, so I didn't learn the name of the program or who wrote the script, but it was on a Toronto station, and concerned the first rocket trip to the Moon, Passengers included a General, a priest, a reporter, and the sponsor of the trip, a manufacturer of candy-bars which he kept offering to everyone. Upon arrival, they found the moon inhabited by (a) the Man in the Moon and (b) Diana, who carried a silver bow and wore no clothes. This disconcerted the priest quite a bit. The General turned out to be a wolf. The Moon was composed of green cheese. (Oh yes, there was a scientist along, who refused to believe all this because the pre-flight predictions had indicated that the Moon was lifeless, airless, etc.) So they flew back to Earth, and the reporter ended up in a sanitarium when he tried to tell what the Moon was like. Seems the scientist said that conditions had conformed exactly to scientific predictions; the General wouldn't say anything for reasons of military security, and the priest had entered a Trappist monastary. The story ended with the General requesting a transfer to the Mediterranean area so he could hunt for the lost Temple of Diana and meet her again. All this sounded, all in all, like something out of Fantastic Adventures in one of its goofy periods — but what the hell, stf is stf, and here's hoping this is a sign that it's crashing radio as well as the slicks. Adv. ASTRA'S T0WER DO YOU WANT TO GET A FAN MAGAZINE THAT FEATURES SOMETHING FOR EVERY FAN ? Whatever your interest---fan-fiction, book reviews of rare items, poetry, satire of fan affairs, articles and critical discussions of fantasy and science-fiction—you' 11 find it in... ASTRA'S TOWER Sixteen to twenty mimeographed pages, with material by such noted fans as Thyril Ladd, 4sj Ackerman, George Caldwell and Bill Oberfield, as well as many others, in the big second issue---covering every field of fan interest. Subscribe today! A dime brings you the second issue. Send to: MARION ZIMMER (Editor), R.F. D. #1, EAST GREENBUSH, N.Y. TYMPANI Redd Boggs 2215 Benjamin St NE Minneapolis 18 Minn PRINTED MATTER RETURN POSTAGE Guaranteed Dr. C. L. Barrett 119 So. Madriver St Bellefontaine, Ohio
TYM TOPICS ARTHUR H. RAPP: I heard a stf drama on the radio recently tuned in about two minutes after it began, so I didn't learn the name of the program or who wrote the script, but it was on a Toronto station, and concerned the first rocket trip to the Moon, Passengers included a General, a priest, a reporter, and the sponsor of the trip, a manufacturer of candy-bars which he kept offering to everyone. Upon arrival, they found the moon inhabited by (a) the Man in the Moon and (b) Diana, who carried a silver bow and wore no clothes. This disconcerted the priest quite a bit. The General turned out to be a wolf. The Moon was composed of green cheese. (Oh yes, there was a scientist along, who refused to believe all this because the pre-flight predictions had indicated that the Moon was lifeless, airless, etc.) So they flew back to Earth, and the reporter ended up in a sanitarium when he tried to tell what the Moon was like. Seems the scientist said that conditions had conformed exactly to scientific predictions; the General wouldn't say anything for reasons of military security, and the priest had entered a Trappist monastary. The story ended with the General requesting a transfer to the Mediterranean area so he could hunt for the lost Temple of Diana and meet her again. All this sounded, all in all, like something out of Fantastic Adventures in one of its goofy periods — but what the hell, stf is stf, and here's hoping this is a sign that it's crashing radio as well as the slicks. Adv. ASTRA'S T0WER DO YOU WANT TO GET A FAN MAGAZINE THAT FEATURES SOMETHING FOR EVERY FAN ? Whatever your interest---fan-fiction, book reviews of rare items, poetry, satire of fan affairs, articles and critical discussions of fantasy and science-fiction—you' 11 find it in... ASTRA'S TOWER Sixteen to twenty mimeographed pages, with material by such noted fans as Thyril Ladd, 4sj Ackerman, George Caldwell and Bill Oberfield, as well as many others, in the big second issue---covering every field of fan interest. Subscribe today! A dime brings you the second issue. Send to: MARION ZIMMER (Editor), R.F. D. #1, EAST GREENBUSH, N.Y. TYMPANI Redd Boggs 2215 Benjamin St NE Minneapolis 18 Minn PRINTED MATTER RETURN POSTAGE Guaranteed Dr. C. L. Barrett 119 So. Madriver St Bellefontaine, Ohio
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