Snide, issue 1, May 1940
Page 27
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The Story Behind the Story Behind the Story The editors of THRILLING SNIDE STORIES want to make it plain at this time that our sympathy lies with Practical Science. Naturally we have to publish what you dopes want to read, but personally we think all this stf. stuff is a lot of hooey. Especially time-travel. In case there should be any really intelligence readers reading this, such as farmers and middle-aged ditch diggers, we want to make a sincere apology for printing such tripe as time travel. You can appreciate our position, we know - all these years publishing thrilling westerns and love stories and things, and now to be thrust into this silly stf. field. It's so degrading! And even when we make an effort to make one of these poor demented authors' stories at least halfway readable, the way we did with E.E. Smith's little story a few months back, the so-called 'fans' raise an awful howl. What's a poor publisher to do? Well, we suppose you might as well read the authors' blatherings now. Personally we can't see anything in this authors' corner business, but a certain class of readers wants to see it. HEROISM ON JUPITER by Gordon A. Gillicutty What would be more startling (gentle hints buy Startling Snide Stories) than landing on Jupiter and finding Martians? The answer is - finding Jovians! Or is that right? Oh well, it was a silly riddle anyway. At any rate, here we have the enigma of totem poles all over the System (Printer's note: have you tried Cascara?) The solution to this cosmic puzzle is a dramatic one. Here's an interesting discussion on the problem from the author:
The Story Behind the Story Behind the Story The editors of THRILLING SNIDE STORIES want to make it plain at this time that our sympathy lies with Practical Science. Naturally we have to publish what you dopes want to read, but personally we think all this stf. stuff is a lot of hooey. Especially time-travel. In case there should be any really intelligence readers reading this, such as farmers and middle-aged ditch diggers, we want to make a sincere apology for printing such tripe as time travel. You can appreciate our position, we know - all these years publishing thrilling westerns and love stories and things, and now to be thrust into this silly stf. field. It's so degrading! And even when we make an effort to make one of these poor demented authors' stories at least halfway readable, the way we did with E.E. Smith's little story a few months back, the so-called 'fans' raise an awful howl. What's a poor publisher to do? Well, we suppose you might as well read the authors' blatherings now. Personally we can't see anything in this authors' corner business, but a certain class of readers wants to see it. HEROISM ON JUPITER by Gordon A. Gillicutty What would be more startling (gentle hints buy Startling Snide Stories) than landing on Jupiter and finding Martians? The answer is - finding Jovians! Or is that right? Oh well, it was a silly riddle anyway. At any rate, here we have the enigma of totem poles all over the System (Printer's note: have you tried Cascara?) The solution to this cosmic puzzle is a dramatic one. Here's an interesting discussion on the problem from the author:
Hevelin Fanzines