Burlington Atomic Energy Week, 1946-1950
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MESSAGE OF PROFESSOR ALBERT EINSTEIN TO THE ATOMIC ENERGY WEEK COMMITTEE OF BURLINGTON, IOWA Dear Friends: I thank your Committee in the name of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists for this opportunity to acquaint the citizens of Burlington with our efforts. These efforts have their origins in a feeling of he heavy responsibility which physicists have taken upon themselves by the creation of the atom bomb. You all know that the development of this frightful means of destruction was urgently demanded by the perils of the wartime situation. The peril of the moment was removed by the success of this enterprise; simultaneously, however -- by this very success -- a new perilous situation has been created whose shadow is upon us continually. The novelty of the situation lies in the fact that it can no longer be successfully coped with through national armaments. one can well threaten others through armament, yet one cannot defend oneself effectively. Effective defense can be achieved only by the removal of the present anarchy in international affairs and by reliable supranational security against military aggression. To achieve this is the task of responsible statesmen; on its success depends the fate of this and future generations, not only here, but in all other countries. Yet what can the handful of intellectual workers do, so that this goal may be achieved? I may say without exaggeration that we have already started with some success on whit is for us the only hopeful way. The intellectual workers cannot successfully intervene directly in the political struggle. They can achieve, however, the spreading of clear ideas about the situation and the possibilities of successful action. They can contribute through enlightenment to prevent able statesmen from being hampered in their work by antiquated opinions and prejudices. It is for this campaign of enlightenment that the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists was formed. I appeal to you for your support in this work we have undertaken, and wish you every success in your efforts. Faithfully yours, A. Einstein. Princeton, New Jersey October 23, 1946
MESSAGE OF PROFESSOR ALBERT EINSTEIN TO THE ATOMIC ENERGY WEEK COMMITTEE OF BURLINGTON, IOWA Dear Friends: I thank your Committee in the name of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists for this opportunity to acquaint the citizens of Burlington with our efforts. These efforts have their origins in a feeling of he heavy responsibility which physicists have taken upon themselves by the creation of the atom bomb. You all know that the development of this frightful means of destruction was urgently demanded by the perils of the wartime situation. The peril of the moment was removed by the success of this enterprise; simultaneously, however -- by this very success -- a new perilous situation has been created whose shadow is upon us continually. The novelty of the situation lies in the fact that it can no longer be successfully coped with through national armaments. one can well threaten others through armament, yet one cannot defend oneself effectively. Effective defense can be achieved only by the removal of the present anarchy in international affairs and by reliable supranational security against military aggression. To achieve this is the task of responsible statesmen; on its success depends the fate of this and future generations, not only here, but in all other countries. Yet what can the handful of intellectual workers do, so that this goal may be achieved? I may say without exaggeration that we have already started with some success on whit is for us the only hopeful way. The intellectual workers cannot successfully intervene directly in the political struggle. They can achieve, however, the spreading of clear ideas about the situation and the possibilities of successful action. They can contribute through enlightenment to prevent able statesmen from being hampered in their work by antiquated opinions and prejudices. It is for this campaign of enlightenment that the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists was formed. I appeal to you for your support in this work we have undertaken, and wish you every success in your efforts. Faithfully yours, A. Einstein. Princeton, New Jersey October 23, 1946
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