Burlington Atomic Energy Week, 1946-1950
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ATOMIC ENERGY PGM -- 3 The first thing you will want to do prepare yourself to meet that creeping danger is learn more about atomic energy. That is why Burlington is having an Atomic Energy week. Burlington is one of the first cities in American to have an Atomic Energy Week, but before the winter is over, the people of many communities will take the time for self education about a subject which is not just an important event of our lifetime, but a significant date in all the history of man's life upon this earth. We can't wait for atomic energy to come gradually into our lives as did the airplane, radio, radar, television, ether, sulfa drugs, penicillin, and all the great advances in healing. The splitting of the atom's nucleus and the release of the energy which holds matter together means things are going to be different from now on. This is not the world of your childhood, it is new in frightening ways. It is also new in thrilling opportunities for human progress, if we are smart enough to grasp them. Are we going to be frightened, or smart? 5 It will do some good to make the choice between these alternatives singly, as individuals. But, we must also do it as a a a world. For the people of Burlington, tonight is the time to start. Burlington's Atomic Energy Week opens with a mass meeting at Memorial Auditorium at eight o'clock tonight. Go! You will get help towards your answers if you hear Rear[?] Admiral Lewis Strauss, member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and Forrest Seymour, editor of the Des Moines Register. As the street lights come on again, they will light your way to the Mass Meeting at the Auditorium. It is due to begin in fifty-five minutes. It's late...but not TOO late. GO! 6
ATOMIC ENERGY PGM -- 3 The first thing you will want to do prepare yourself to meet that creeping danger is learn more about atomic energy. That is why Burlington is having an Atomic Energy week. Burlington is one of the first cities in American to have an Atomic Energy Week, but before the winter is over, the people of many communities will take the time for self education about a subject which is not just an important event of our lifetime, but a significant date in all the history of man's life upon this earth. We can't wait for atomic energy to come gradually into our lives as did the airplane, radio, radar, television, ether, sulfa drugs, penicillin, and all the great advances in healing. The splitting of the atom's nucleus and the release of the energy which holds matter together means things are going to be different from now on. This is not the world of your childhood, it is new in frightening ways. It is also new in thrilling opportunities for human progress, if we are smart enough to grasp them. Are we going to be frightened, or smart? 5 It will do some good to make the choice between these alternatives singly, as individuals. But, we must also do it as a a a world. For the people of Burlington, tonight is the time to start. Burlington's Atomic Energy Week opens with a mass meeting at Memorial Auditorium at eight o'clock tonight. Go! You will get help towards your answers if you hear Rear[?] Admiral Lewis Strauss, member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and Forrest Seymour, editor of the Des Moines Register. As the street lights come on again, they will light your way to the Mass Meeting at the Auditorium. It is due to begin in fifty-five minutes. It's late...but not TOO late. GO! 6
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