Burlington Atomic Energy Week, 1946-1950
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ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH BULLETIN Page 3 Calendar of Weeks Events MONDAY 27-- Meetings of Legion of Mary and the Boy Scouts. TUESDAY 28-- Meeting of St. Vincent de Paul. Girl Scout Troop Six. WEDNESDAY 29-- 7:30, Novena in honor of the Sacred Heart. THURSDAY 30-- 7:00, Skating for seventh, eighth and ninth grades. Oblates conference at 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY 31-- A day of fast and abstinence. Confessions from 4-5:30 and from 7:30 -8:30 for tomorrows feat. SATURDAY 1-- All Saints Day. Masses at 5:30; 7:00; 9:00; 12:15. This is a Holy Day of Obligation to be observed as Sunday. There will be no six o'clock Mass during the week. Beginning next week, there will be two Requiem High masses sung here in church every week during November, and thirty masses said at the Abbey for the souls of this Parish languishing in purgatory. If you wish to make a contribution to this cause you will find envelopes in the vestibule of the church. Sacred Scripture tells "It is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead." Pictures to be shown during the Week:-- A-1 Rating--Mother wore tights; Son of Rusty. A-2 Rating--Under Cover Maisie. B-Rating--Wild Harvest; Carnival in Costa Rica INQUIRERERS CLASS: There is a goodly number in the parish that would like to know more about their religion. There are many outside our church that would like to know something about our Faith. Others have an inclination to join our church. A new class will begin Wednesday evening at 7:30, November the fifth. All of a sudden we have an Atomic Week. There seems to be a lot of importance attached to all this. What is at the bottom of all this? We confess we do not know, but it must be important judging from all the ado about it. At any rate there will be a mass meeting today at the Municipal Auditorium and Adm. Louis Strauss will tell you what it is all about. We have been asked to lay a lot of stress on Atomic Week, Oct. 26- Nov. 1. Servers for the Week: ]No six o'clock mass during the week. 7:00, Eddie Rump and Jack Monhan; 8:10, Warren Ertz and Joe Hauser. Novena: James Diewold, Donald Pierce and John Mosena. Sunday: Gayland Pohren and Dick Diewold at 6:00; John Rauenbuehler and Paul Brueck at 8:00; John Carter and Jim De Lashmut at 10:00; Cliff Sauer and Richard Schneider at 11:15. There will be a Stag Party, fostered by the Holy Name Society and St. John's Society on November 19. This party is for the purpose of raising money for childrens Christmas Party. We have a St. John's Basket Ball Team this year. There will be an open house meeting of the national council of Catholic Women on Wednesday evening, October 29, at 8:15 P.M. in St. John's School. Opening Address by Rev. Wm. T. O'Conner, Professor of Sociology, at St. Ambrose. "The Municipal Court", Mr. Richard Beckman, Attorney. "The Taft-Hartly Law", Joseph E. Braun. St. John's P.T.A. will have a "Bake Sale" Saturday, November 1, at I.S.U. This is an ernest attempt to raise funds for school needs, childrens school picnic, graduation etc. Sale starts at 9:30 A.M. Baked goods should be brought between 9:30 and 12:00. suggestions: cakes, pies, coffee cakes, pecan rolls, jelly rolls, cup cakes; cream puffs; home made bread, candies, fudge.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH BULLETIN Page 3 Calendar of Weeks Events MONDAY 27-- Meetings of Legion of Mary and the Boy Scouts. TUESDAY 28-- Meeting of St. Vincent de Paul. Girl Scout Troop Six. WEDNESDAY 29-- 7:30, Novena in honor of the Sacred Heart. THURSDAY 30-- 7:00, Skating for seventh, eighth and ninth grades. Oblates conference at 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY 31-- A day of fast and abstinence. Confessions from 4-5:30 and from 7:30 -8:30 for tomorrows feat. SATURDAY 1-- All Saints Day. Masses at 5:30; 7:00; 9:00; 12:15. This is a Holy Day of Obligation to be observed as Sunday. There will be no six o'clock Mass during the week. Beginning next week, there will be two Requiem High masses sung here in church every week during November, and thirty masses said at the Abbey for the souls of this Parish languishing in purgatory. If you wish to make a contribution to this cause you will find envelopes in the vestibule of the church. Sacred Scripture tells "It is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead." Pictures to be shown during the Week:-- A-1 Rating--Mother wore tights; Son of Rusty. A-2 Rating--Under Cover Maisie. B-Rating--Wild Harvest; Carnival in Costa Rica INQUIRERERS CLASS: There is a goodly number in the parish that would like to know more about their religion. There are many outside our church that would like to know something about our Faith. Others have an inclination to join our church. A new class will begin Wednesday evening at 7:30, November the fifth. All of a sudden we have an Atomic Week. There seems to be a lot of importance attached to all this. What is at the bottom of all this? We confess we do not know, but it must be important judging from all the ado about it. At any rate there will be a mass meeting today at the Municipal Auditorium and Adm. Louis Strauss will tell you what it is all about. We have been asked to lay a lot of stress on Atomic Week, Oct. 26- Nov. 1. Servers for the Week: ]No six o'clock mass during the week. 7:00, Eddie Rump and Jack Monhan; 8:10, Warren Ertz and Joe Hauser. Novena: James Diewold, Donald Pierce and John Mosena. Sunday: Gayland Pohren and Dick Diewold at 6:00; John Rauenbuehler and Paul Brueck at 8:00; John Carter and Jim De Lashmut at 10:00; Cliff Sauer and Richard Schneider at 11:15. There will be a Stag Party, fostered by the Holy Name Society and St. John's Society on November 19. This party is for the purpose of raising money for childrens Christmas Party. We have a St. John's Basket Ball Team this year. There will be an open house meeting of the national council of Catholic Women on Wednesday evening, October 29, at 8:15 P.M. in St. John's School. Opening Address by Rev. Wm. T. O'Conner, Professor of Sociology, at St. Ambrose. "The Municipal Court", Mr. Richard Beckman, Attorney. "The Taft-Hartly Law", Joseph E. Braun. St. John's P.T.A. will have a "Bake Sale" Saturday, November 1, at I.S.U. This is an ernest attempt to raise funds for school needs, childrens school picnic, graduation etc. Sale starts at 9:30 A.M. Baked goods should be brought between 9:30 and 12:00. suggestions: cakes, pies, coffee cakes, pecan rolls, jelly rolls, cup cakes; cream puffs; home made bread, candies, fudge.
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