Burlington Atomic Energy Week, 1946-1950
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[image of hill] NDS--These 4 men are taking pride in the constru at Houghton because they are doing so much of it w ettenburg, Rev. Fr. Albert R. Goetzman, pastor; Jo . If the photographer had been about 5 minutes ea donned in overalls, helping lay stone masonry. (Haw just to h spirit counts tzeman easant small f gor wn to that asked lads und ved. hey'll Burl- y to Tile ere lus ing ons. at a Gar- this root ld be mber, tions. in the with- beets y root repeated rate the les from only the the dam- y will not - or cotton, ree-wool." Atomic Talks During Week With a successful atomic energy meeting and blackout completed, the League of Women Voters and other Burlington organizations moved ahead today to carry out the remainder of a planned Atomic Energy week here. Members of a speakers bureau have been listed and will address meetings during the rest of the week. Schools will devote certain periods to discussion of the subject, radio talks will be presented and the final showing of an atomic energy film will be on the screen at the Palace theater tonight. W. W. Waymack, a member of the atomic energy commission, in a statement to Mrs. J. C. Pryor, radio chairman of the week, said, "you could not be carrying out a more important project in your community. I am very interested in this saturation technique, county by county, of the League of Women Voters in this educational effort. It is, I think, the best idea that any group has developed. All power to you." In addition to Waymack, communications have been received from Sen. B. B. Hickenlooper, David Lilienthal and Albert Einstein. Mrs. Frank Schramm is chairman of the speakers bureau and she is assisted by Laura Wehman, Viola Lauth and Donald Walter. Information on atomic power and energy has been distributed and at the conclusion of the week, Nov. 1, a public opinion poll will be taken. Purpose of the week is to acquaint people with the implications arising from the atomic age in which we live. Mrs. James Schramm is general chairman of the observance program. gazette Oct 29 '47 [incomplete words on right] Egypt throu from the N of the cre tanker. Sa oculated be sia to take
[image of hill] NDS--These 4 men are taking pride in the constru at Houghton because they are doing so much of it w ettenburg, Rev. Fr. Albert R. Goetzman, pastor; Jo . If the photographer had been about 5 minutes ea donned in overalls, helping lay stone masonry. (Haw just to h spirit counts tzeman easant small f gor wn to that asked lads und ved. hey'll Burl- y to Tile ere lus ing ons. at a Gar- this root ld be mber, tions. in the with- beets y root repeated rate the les from only the the dam- y will not - or cotton, ree-wool." Atomic Talks During Week With a successful atomic energy meeting and blackout completed, the League of Women Voters and other Burlington organizations moved ahead today to carry out the remainder of a planned Atomic Energy week here. Members of a speakers bureau have been listed and will address meetings during the rest of the week. Schools will devote certain periods to discussion of the subject, radio talks will be presented and the final showing of an atomic energy film will be on the screen at the Palace theater tonight. W. W. Waymack, a member of the atomic energy commission, in a statement to Mrs. J. C. Pryor, radio chairman of the week, said, "you could not be carrying out a more important project in your community. I am very interested in this saturation technique, county by county, of the League of Women Voters in this educational effort. It is, I think, the best idea that any group has developed. All power to you." In addition to Waymack, communications have been received from Sen. B. B. Hickenlooper, David Lilienthal and Albert Einstein. Mrs. Frank Schramm is chairman of the speakers bureau and she is assisted by Laura Wehman, Viola Lauth and Donald Walter. Information on atomic power and energy has been distributed and at the conclusion of the week, Nov. 1, a public opinion poll will be taken. Purpose of the week is to acquaint people with the implications arising from the atomic age in which we live. Mrs. James Schramm is general chairman of the observance program. gazette Oct 29 '47 [incomplete words on right] Egypt throu from the N of the cre tanker. Sa oculated be sia to take
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