Burlington Atomic Energy Week, 1946-1950
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The Burlington Hawk-Eye Gazette 10-28-1947 [incomplete words on left] to). & Southern ed Hinshaw. ., assistant Omaha will iles, Jr., as anager at ome super- ance, Neb., son of J. district Burlington, of lines terminal will be minals in ng James ng trans- ed post at rintendant g division be super- ibal, Mo., ndrew E. of the mith of Chi- with 40 weigh- sold at me top utsold nished 5. y, then when to me as we not ar- was a ng up found e, but to a com- opin- this the for mar com- rmy to 10," elle ber aw bid- ivi- [partial article] man to reach the scene. When the fire was discovered neighbors reported Malchow's body was lying on a bed which was burning. Malchow was born in the Kingston vicinity July 25, 1901, the son of Louis and Mary Malchow. Surviving are a son, Walter Malchow, in service; a sister, Mrs. Albert Poisel, Burlington, and 2 nephews. Malchow’s brother, Piermont J. Malchow, died last June 14. Funeral rites will be held at the Fry funeral chapel in Mediapolis at 2 p.m. Oct. 29. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery, Burlington. State Balance $107,699,203 Des Moines—(AP)--The state of Iowa had a total net balance in the treasury of $107,699,203.66 Sept. 30, the state treasurer and state comptroller reported Tuesday. This compared with a total balance of $107,958,833.84 June 30, the last previous financial statement. The net expendable balance in the general fund, however, was $40,711,671.82 Sept. 30 compared with $64,614,885.17 June 30. The difference was made up by the fact that the total general fund balance Sept. 30 was $65,103,195.81 compared with $79,557,741.32 in 30. Further, the obligated fund in the general fund Sept. 30 was $24,391,523.99, compared with $14,942.856.15 June 30. “It is awfully hard to make comparisons when you are in a transition period,” Ray Johnson, state comptroller, commented in the report. The 1947 legislature changed the state’s bookkeeping system considerably. Prior to July 1 there were a large number of separate accounts in addition to the general funds. The legislature provided that after July 1 everything should go into the general fund except trust and special funds. Trust funds are pledged accounts such as primary road funds. The special funds include such items as homestead tax credits funds and old age assistance money. One of the major differences in the new system of handling the general fund is that state income the used taxes were listed separately under the old system and now are part of the general fund. This revenue makes up a great majority of the state’s income. Out of it go funds to pay homestead tax credits and old age assistance payments. Sales tax revenue in the July-August-September period amounted to $10,515,102. Use tax receipts for the quarter amounted to $1,336,625. Income tax revenue is comparably very light in the third quarter of the year. In the quarter, however, corporations paid $440,656 and individuals paid $270.658. The total balance on June 30 included $24,923,156 in funds invested in bonds. The September 30 bond investment figure had increased to $44,371,800. [photo partial] Main street during partial eet lights were turned off at ette photo). Atomic Perils, Benefits Told Burlington paused momentarily at the crossroads Monday night. Behind lay the old, comfortable, live-and-let-live way of life. Ahead lay a vista of atoms, cosmic rays, rockets and things that heretofore had only been visualized in comic strips. Bringing the facts of atomic life home were a 5-minute partial blackout, the sounds of exploding "bombs", 2 speakers who discussed atomic energy and its implications to a crowd of 1,200 at Memorial auditorium. The speakers were Adm. Lewis Strauss member of the atomic energy commission, Washington, D. C., and Forrest Seymour of the Des Moines Register & Tribune staff. A plane, scheduled to buzz the city during the blackout, was grounded by bad weather, which also cut the crowd at the auditorium meeting. Downtown exterior lights, with the exception of traffic lights, were pretty well blacked out. [[photo] Strauss However, in some sections of the area, many interior lights continued in evidence. Firecracker bombs were set off in Perkins park, Oak Street junior high playground and from the roof of the auditorium. Folks on the street and in doorways commented on the effectiveness of the simulated raid. There was humor in the dark, too. From one downtown tavern, as the lights went out, some 40 persons literally poured out the front door. When the lights came back on they could be seen standing in the doorway. With the return of light and vision they turned, filed slowly and solemnly back into the building. The weather added to the seriousness of the event as Burlington underwent its first blackout since war days. Rain fell and overhanging clouds prevented anything that even resembled a bomber's moon showing. The exploding "bombs", despite the weather, brought home the fact that with modern weapons, bad weather would be little handicap to an enemy attack. [[bold]]The primary duty of the atomic energy commission, according to Adm. Strauss, is the continued development and production of atomic weapons. However, in the development of such weapons, the peaceful applications are also advanced.[[end bold]] "The atomic weapon. when it first appeared," Strauss said, "W'was greeted as a herald of world peace. In the face of its demonstrated power to devastate and kill on the grand scale--it would be folly for nations to engage in warfare as a method of settling international differences. Yet this has been the conclusion of wise men in other generations in the face of other scientific developments. "Benjamin Franklin, 154 years ago stood in the grounds of the palace of Versailles and witnessed the birth of aviation. He wrote his friend, Dr. Ingenhous, 'It appears to be a discovery of tremendous importance. It may convince sovereigns of the folly of wars.' " Strauss gave a comprehensive explanation of the fundamentals of atomic power, then went on to discuss posibilities for its use in peacetime. [[bold]]"In time its coast may become so low as to give real competition to other power sources, but it looks today like rather a legacy to our children or even our grandchildren that we shall make our own breakfast toast with electricity generated by the heat of an atomic pile.[[end bold]] "It would not be surprising if the most important consequences of the release of atomic energy are in directions as yet unpredictable." Strauss pointed out ways in which at least 3 fields, biology, engineering and medicine, have already benefited by atomic discoveries. He said the commission is making available large amount of isotopes to be qualified medical men for both therapy and research. "If, as the race of man, we can exercise the power of choice to use that knowledge for good and for life, we may indeed come to be 'but little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and with honor.' " Some fire-eating American crusaders who dare to think, Seymour told the audience, would be one of the best bulwarks against ultimate atomic war. Jabbing at the bureaucrats who, he said, are fostering an arrogant philosophy of contempt for public opinion, Seymour denounced them as "little tyrants," who have assumed omnipotence and established themselves as censors of the public conscience." He said there was an increas- --Discuss Atom Era, Page 2-- Chairman Thomas (R.-N.J.) pounded with his gavel and warned the audience to refrain from demonstrations. "This is the beginning of American concentration camps," Trumbo shouted as he walked from the witness stand, [unreadable] several Capitol policemen standing around him. Trumbo's activities in Hollywood were criticized last week by several witnesses in the committee's investigation of communism in Hollywood. Jack L. Warner, movie producer, listed Trumbo among writers Three Cited Washington—(AP)—Alva Bessie, fourth screen writer to take that stand, refused Tuesday to tell the house committee on un-American activities whether he is a Communist, and together with Dalton Trumbo and Albert Maltz, was cited by the committee for contempt. he said he believes attempt to inject “un-American doctrines” in movie scenarios. When the committee declined to let Trumbo read his statement, the writer protested: “You permitted a statement made by Gerald L.K. Smith to be--,” banging his gavel, Thomas cut him off with a shout “that is out of order.” “I would like to know what it is in my statement--,” Trumbo stuttered. Thomas banged his gavel again. “I have evidence—,” Trumbo shouted. Cautioned to proceed in order, Trumbo stated his name, address and place of birth, Montrose, Colo. He said he was born Dec. 9, 1905 and has been a writer since 1934 or 1935. “Are you a member of the Screen Writers’ Guild?” asked Robert E. Stripling, chief investigator for the committee. “At this point,” Trumbo replied, “I would like to introduce certain statements about my work from Gen. Arnold, head of the army air forces--.” “Just a minute,” Thomas shouted above the banging of his own gavel. Stripling told Trumbo that he would ask a series of questions that could be answered “yes” or “no.” He added that if Trumbo wanted to make an explanation after he gave the answer, the committee probably would be willing to listen. The mustache little writer insisted that he could not answer all questions “yes or no,” asserting that such answers could be given only by a moron or slave.” New War Weapons Will Wreck Target Areas 'for 1,000 Years' --ZACHARIAS New York--(AP)--Several nations have developed weapons--excluding the atomic bomb--so lethal their use might leave blasted areas incapable of supporting life of any kind for "a thousand years," Rear Adm. Ellis M. Zacharias, USN (retired), says. Writing in the current issue of United Nations World, the navy man said that the developments are not an American monopoly but are being manufactured "right now" by other nations. The magazine is a privately financed periodical and not an official UN publication. He described the weapons, which he said were "shrouded in the closet military secrecy," as of a biological, bacteriological and climateological nature. [photo] Zacharias Russia, Zacharias declared,is studying military applications of cosmic rays and going ahead with ricket development while Great Britain is making progress in guided missiles. The US, which the admiral wrote had developed an atom bomb 50 times more powerful than that dropped on the Japanese, has a secret biological weapon which Zacharias described as a "germ proposition" spread by planes or rockets. The weapons are designed to permit waging inter-continental war from long distances, he said, adding that they were so destructive they "could wipe the last vestige of human, animal and vegetable life from the face of the earth." Rib Tickler A wisecrack from the recent state prison show at Ft. Madison: One supposedly angry endman to another, "Look, son! You has 32 teeth. Does you want to try for none?"
The Burlington Hawk-Eye Gazette 10-28-1947 [incomplete words on left] to). & Southern ed Hinshaw. ., assistant Omaha will iles, Jr., as anager at ome super- ance, Neb., son of J. district Burlington, of lines terminal will be minals in ng James ng trans- ed post at rintendant g division be super- ibal, Mo., ndrew E. of the mith of Chi- with 40 weigh- sold at me top utsold nished 5. y, then when to me as we not ar- was a ng up found e, but to a com- opin- this the for mar com- rmy to 10," elle ber aw bid- ivi- [partial article] man to reach the scene. When the fire was discovered neighbors reported Malchow's body was lying on a bed which was burning. Malchow was born in the Kingston vicinity July 25, 1901, the son of Louis and Mary Malchow. Surviving are a son, Walter Malchow, in service; a sister, Mrs. Albert Poisel, Burlington, and 2 nephews. Malchow’s brother, Piermont J. Malchow, died last June 14. Funeral rites will be held at the Fry funeral chapel in Mediapolis at 2 p.m. Oct. 29. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery, Burlington. State Balance $107,699,203 Des Moines—(AP)--The state of Iowa had a total net balance in the treasury of $107,699,203.66 Sept. 30, the state treasurer and state comptroller reported Tuesday. This compared with a total balance of $107,958,833.84 June 30, the last previous financial statement. The net expendable balance in the general fund, however, was $40,711,671.82 Sept. 30 compared with $64,614,885.17 June 30. The difference was made up by the fact that the total general fund balance Sept. 30 was $65,103,195.81 compared with $79,557,741.32 in 30. Further, the obligated fund in the general fund Sept. 30 was $24,391,523.99, compared with $14,942.856.15 June 30. “It is awfully hard to make comparisons when you are in a transition period,” Ray Johnson, state comptroller, commented in the report. The 1947 legislature changed the state’s bookkeeping system considerably. Prior to July 1 there were a large number of separate accounts in addition to the general funds. The legislature provided that after July 1 everything should go into the general fund except trust and special funds. Trust funds are pledged accounts such as primary road funds. The special funds include such items as homestead tax credits funds and old age assistance money. One of the major differences in the new system of handling the general fund is that state income the used taxes were listed separately under the old system and now are part of the general fund. This revenue makes up a great majority of the state’s income. Out of it go funds to pay homestead tax credits and old age assistance payments. Sales tax revenue in the July-August-September period amounted to $10,515,102. Use tax receipts for the quarter amounted to $1,336,625. Income tax revenue is comparably very light in the third quarter of the year. In the quarter, however, corporations paid $440,656 and individuals paid $270.658. The total balance on June 30 included $24,923,156 in funds invested in bonds. The September 30 bond investment figure had increased to $44,371,800. [photo partial] Main street during partial eet lights were turned off at ette photo). Atomic Perils, Benefits Told Burlington paused momentarily at the crossroads Monday night. Behind lay the old, comfortable, live-and-let-live way of life. Ahead lay a vista of atoms, cosmic rays, rockets and things that heretofore had only been visualized in comic strips. Bringing the facts of atomic life home were a 5-minute partial blackout, the sounds of exploding "bombs", 2 speakers who discussed atomic energy and its implications to a crowd of 1,200 at Memorial auditorium. The speakers were Adm. Lewis Strauss member of the atomic energy commission, Washington, D. C., and Forrest Seymour of the Des Moines Register & Tribune staff. A plane, scheduled to buzz the city during the blackout, was grounded by bad weather, which also cut the crowd at the auditorium meeting. Downtown exterior lights, with the exception of traffic lights, were pretty well blacked out. [[photo] Strauss However, in some sections of the area, many interior lights continued in evidence. Firecracker bombs were set off in Perkins park, Oak Street junior high playground and from the roof of the auditorium. Folks on the street and in doorways commented on the effectiveness of the simulated raid. There was humor in the dark, too. From one downtown tavern, as the lights went out, some 40 persons literally poured out the front door. When the lights came back on they could be seen standing in the doorway. With the return of light and vision they turned, filed slowly and solemnly back into the building. The weather added to the seriousness of the event as Burlington underwent its first blackout since war days. Rain fell and overhanging clouds prevented anything that even resembled a bomber's moon showing. The exploding "bombs", despite the weather, brought home the fact that with modern weapons, bad weather would be little handicap to an enemy attack. [[bold]]The primary duty of the atomic energy commission, according to Adm. Strauss, is the continued development and production of atomic weapons. However, in the development of such weapons, the peaceful applications are also advanced.[[end bold]] "The atomic weapon. when it first appeared," Strauss said, "W'was greeted as a herald of world peace. In the face of its demonstrated power to devastate and kill on the grand scale--it would be folly for nations to engage in warfare as a method of settling international differences. Yet this has been the conclusion of wise men in other generations in the face of other scientific developments. "Benjamin Franklin, 154 years ago stood in the grounds of the palace of Versailles and witnessed the birth of aviation. He wrote his friend, Dr. Ingenhous, 'It appears to be a discovery of tremendous importance. It may convince sovereigns of the folly of wars.' " Strauss gave a comprehensive explanation of the fundamentals of atomic power, then went on to discuss posibilities for its use in peacetime. [[bold]]"In time its coast may become so low as to give real competition to other power sources, but it looks today like rather a legacy to our children or even our grandchildren that we shall make our own breakfast toast with electricity generated by the heat of an atomic pile.[[end bold]] "It would not be surprising if the most important consequences of the release of atomic energy are in directions as yet unpredictable." Strauss pointed out ways in which at least 3 fields, biology, engineering and medicine, have already benefited by atomic discoveries. He said the commission is making available large amount of isotopes to be qualified medical men for both therapy and research. "If, as the race of man, we can exercise the power of choice to use that knowledge for good and for life, we may indeed come to be 'but little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and with honor.' " Some fire-eating American crusaders who dare to think, Seymour told the audience, would be one of the best bulwarks against ultimate atomic war. Jabbing at the bureaucrats who, he said, are fostering an arrogant philosophy of contempt for public opinion, Seymour denounced them as "little tyrants," who have assumed omnipotence and established themselves as censors of the public conscience." He said there was an increas- --Discuss Atom Era, Page 2-- Chairman Thomas (R.-N.J.) pounded with his gavel and warned the audience to refrain from demonstrations. "This is the beginning of American concentration camps," Trumbo shouted as he walked from the witness stand, [unreadable] several Capitol policemen standing around him. Trumbo's activities in Hollywood were criticized last week by several witnesses in the committee's investigation of communism in Hollywood. Jack L. Warner, movie producer, listed Trumbo among writers Three Cited Washington—(AP)—Alva Bessie, fourth screen writer to take that stand, refused Tuesday to tell the house committee on un-American activities whether he is a Communist, and together with Dalton Trumbo and Albert Maltz, was cited by the committee for contempt. he said he believes attempt to inject “un-American doctrines” in movie scenarios. When the committee declined to let Trumbo read his statement, the writer protested: “You permitted a statement made by Gerald L.K. Smith to be--,” banging his gavel, Thomas cut him off with a shout “that is out of order.” “I would like to know what it is in my statement--,” Trumbo stuttered. Thomas banged his gavel again. “I have evidence—,” Trumbo shouted. Cautioned to proceed in order, Trumbo stated his name, address and place of birth, Montrose, Colo. He said he was born Dec. 9, 1905 and has been a writer since 1934 or 1935. “Are you a member of the Screen Writers’ Guild?” asked Robert E. Stripling, chief investigator for the committee. “At this point,” Trumbo replied, “I would like to introduce certain statements about my work from Gen. Arnold, head of the army air forces--.” “Just a minute,” Thomas shouted above the banging of his own gavel. Stripling told Trumbo that he would ask a series of questions that could be answered “yes” or “no.” He added that if Trumbo wanted to make an explanation after he gave the answer, the committee probably would be willing to listen. The mustache little writer insisted that he could not answer all questions “yes or no,” asserting that such answers could be given only by a moron or slave.” New War Weapons Will Wreck Target Areas 'for 1,000 Years' --ZACHARIAS New York--(AP)--Several nations have developed weapons--excluding the atomic bomb--so lethal their use might leave blasted areas incapable of supporting life of any kind for "a thousand years," Rear Adm. Ellis M. Zacharias, USN (retired), says. Writing in the current issue of United Nations World, the navy man said that the developments are not an American monopoly but are being manufactured "right now" by other nations. The magazine is a privately financed periodical and not an official UN publication. He described the weapons, which he said were "shrouded in the closet military secrecy," as of a biological, bacteriological and climateological nature. [photo] Zacharias Russia, Zacharias declared,is studying military applications of cosmic rays and going ahead with ricket development while Great Britain is making progress in guided missiles. The US, which the admiral wrote had developed an atom bomb 50 times more powerful than that dropped on the Japanese, has a secret biological weapon which Zacharias described as a "germ proposition" spread by planes or rockets. The weapons are designed to permit waging inter-continental war from long distances, he said, adding that they were so destructive they "could wipe the last vestige of human, animal and vegetable life from the face of the earth." Rib Tickler A wisecrack from the recent state prison show at Ft. Madison: One supposedly angry endman to another, "Look, son! You has 32 teeth. Does you want to try for none?"
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