Emil L. Rinderspacher newspaper clippings, 1972
SDS New Left Notes Page 4
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The following 3 pages describes plans for the convention, workshops and resolutions. If you want to find out what's happening or what you can do to help, read THESE pages - 4,5, and 6. SDS NATIONAL {Photo of students gathered.} Picture from the SDS NATIONAL CONVENTION - DECEMBER 1970 Dear SDS: "Please send me a ticket for the convention. Send me SDS posters, leaflets, stickers and more tickets to sell to my friends, so I can bring people from my school." Hundreds of letters like this have come to SDS the last few months from people who want to come to the SDS National Convention, to publicize it, and bring their friends. Right now, about 400 pre-registration tickets have been sold. Students and workers are coming from all over the U.S. and Canada, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Japan. From England a group of students and faculty, who are fighting racist professor Eysenck, is sending representatives. Workers from the IBUE, a rank and file union at Temple University in Philadelphia; welfare mothers from the Chicago Coalition against the Cuts and members of many other workers', welfare and community organizations are coming. These people are meeting at Harvard to help plan struggles that can set off action on every college campus this spring. We want you to get involved too! The SDS National Interim Committee met Feb. 20th in Boston. It decided that since the overriding purpose of this convention is to develop a strategy to fight racism on and off the campus, then the planning for it should be focused around developing that strategy. The following guidelines were set-up to make the convention better able to accomplish this aim: 1) WORKSHOPS: It seems that the workshops are the crux of the matter. In them people will talk things out better than in the large meetings. More people will say more of what they think and discuss the questions that they have, like: How do you build a fight against racism? What do you do about racist ideology taught in the classrooms? Racism in the dorms, in hiring practices? What are the problems that arise? How does fighting racism relate to building a worker-student alliance? We have to have workshops that are planned ahead and focused on issues that will enable people to leave the convention with a clearer idea of how to launch a fight against racism. They should be concrete and not general, (ie. - "How to fight racism in the dorms", led by some people who have been doing it; not just a workshop on "Racism"). A list of workshops will follow this proposal. ______ 2) PLENARY SESSIONS: A plenary session a meeting of the whole body of the convention, the meeting that decides on the resolutions and holds elections. Most of the nitty gritty discussions of the resolutions will go on in the workshops so that discussions in the plenary should be kept to a minimum unless there is a big controversy about a particular resolution. _______ 3) RESOLUTIONS: Anyone can present a resolution at the convention. People have suggested that the resolutions be specific and not vague and broad, (eg. - "Build Campaigns to Ban Banfield" vs. "Racism", or "Fight for Free Abortions" vs. "The Oppression of Women"). If the resolutions are specific, more concrete plans can be made and carried out in National and local SDS. _________ 4) TIME TO RELAX AND TALK INFORMALLY: Breaks in the schedule are very important so that people can get to know each other, as well as relax. Many people do not like to talk in meetings so that this would give them a chance to let other people know their ideas. Also, no one can take a solid four days of organized political discussion. __________ 5) ENTERTAINMENT: There are a lot of movies we could show which are entertaining politically -- like, Chicago welfare movie, (made by SDSer's there who joined with welfare mothers to fight cutbacks), Salt of the Earth (about a strike of Mexican-American miners in the 50's and the defeat of anti-women ideas in that struggle), Potemkin - a film about the Russian revolution, and many more. Let us know your ideas NOW. Also, plenty of guerilla skits...people can write them about fights they've been involved in. Plus, a Big party saturday night! _________ 6) There will be "Free Time" period where groups could give forums or something like that Chapter members and friends of SDS should send their ideas for workshops and resolutions to: SDS, P.O. Box 423, Prudential Center, Boston, Mass. 02199 OR CALL: Leslie 876-3923, Jeff 498-2666, John 296-7423, or Steve 631-5314 (all area code 617). A big part of the next New Left Notes will be devoted to resolutions to be presented at the convention. The National Interim Committee also voted to urge all to plan demonstrations on the anniversary of the Sharpville Massacre of South African Freedom Fighters on March 21st, the week before the Convention. Come to the Convention to express your ideas and learn from each other's experiences in fighting racism and other forms of oppression. HOUSING is free. And if you want more information on transportation, the convention, workshops, resolutions etc., Write to the SDS P.O. Box in Boston, OR get in touch with one of the SDS chapters listed on the Back Page. WORKSHOPS *The fight against racist ideology and the worker-student alliance. *Prison Support -- given by Minnesota, Cleveland, & San Francisco State SDS *Film-making & other art projects people can do to build SDS -- given by Chicago and Maryland SDS *Political Trials *Fight against budget cuts and tuition hikes -- given by Loop SDS, Chicago *Racism & the Law -- given by Boston lawyers who do political trials *Herrnstein's ideology and IQ -- Harvard & Univ. of Iowa SDS *The Unheavenly City and banning Banfield -- Lanney College & Atlanta SDS *30 for 40 and jobs for students -- Trade Tech SDS in L.A. *N. Ireland and British Imperialism -- Tufts SDS *International Aspects of Racism and Imperialism *Free Abortion Fight -- Chicago SDS *Women's Oppression and Racism *Bussing, Tracking as examples of Racism & How to fight them -- Minnesota SDS *High Schools and Oppression *How to fight university expansion *How to fight racism in the dorms -- NU SDS *Fight for free gynecological care, health care and free day care -- Tufts, U Conn & Stoneybrook SDS *Strike Support *Racist Beast of Willowbrook State: about Dr. Krugman who gives hepatitis to children at Willowbrook, most of whom are minorities -- given by NY doctors and medical students *Discrimination against women and minortiy workers in hiring practices *ROTC - the government attempt to revive it & how to stop it -- Princeton UAG *Billy Smith Campaign - deals with racism in the army and how students can help--given by Vets from the Los Angeles area *Should we throw racist texts Off Campus?? *History of Racist Ideology in the U.S. -- Boston UAG *Students role in fighting welfare cuts -- Chicago SDS CONVENTION SCH THURSDAY FRIDAY Morning REGISTER WORKSHOPS Afternoon PANEL DEMO MOVIE WORKSHOPS Evening OPENING FREE TIME PLENARY Martie Riefe's Speech - Nat'l Secretary SDS {Left half of photo of people in a street}
The following 3 pages describes plans for the convention, workshops and resolutions. If you want to find out what's happening or what you can do to help, read THESE pages - 4,5, and 6. SDS NATIONAL {Photo of students gathered.} Picture from the SDS NATIONAL CONVENTION - DECEMBER 1970 Dear SDS: "Please send me a ticket for the convention. Send me SDS posters, leaflets, stickers and more tickets to sell to my friends, so I can bring people from my school." Hundreds of letters like this have come to SDS the last few months from people who want to come to the SDS National Convention, to publicize it, and bring their friends. Right now, about 400 pre-registration tickets have been sold. Students and workers are coming from all over the U.S. and Canada, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Japan. From England a group of students and faculty, who are fighting racist professor Eysenck, is sending representatives. Workers from the IBUE, a rank and file union at Temple University in Philadelphia; welfare mothers from the Chicago Coalition against the Cuts and members of many other workers', welfare and community organizations are coming. These people are meeting at Harvard to help plan struggles that can set off action on every college campus this spring. We want you to get involved too! The SDS National Interim Committee met Feb. 20th in Boston. It decided that since the overriding purpose of this convention is to develop a strategy to fight racism on and off the campus, then the planning for it should be focused around developing that strategy. The following guidelines were set-up to make the convention better able to accomplish this aim: 1) WORKSHOPS: It seems that the workshops are the crux of the matter. In them people will talk things out better than in the large meetings. More people will say more of what they think and discuss the questions that they have, like: How do you build a fight against racism? What do you do about racist ideology taught in the classrooms? Racism in the dorms, in hiring practices? What are the problems that arise? How does fighting racism relate to building a worker-student alliance? We have to have workshops that are planned ahead and focused on issues that will enable people to leave the convention with a clearer idea of how to launch a fight against racism. They should be concrete and not general, (ie. - "How to fight racism in the dorms", led by some people who have been doing it; not just a workshop on "Racism"). A list of workshops will follow this proposal. ______ 2) PLENARY SESSIONS: A plenary session a meeting of the whole body of the convention, the meeting that decides on the resolutions and holds elections. Most of the nitty gritty discussions of the resolutions will go on in the workshops so that discussions in the plenary should be kept to a minimum unless there is a big controversy about a particular resolution. _______ 3) RESOLUTIONS: Anyone can present a resolution at the convention. People have suggested that the resolutions be specific and not vague and broad, (eg. - "Build Campaigns to Ban Banfield" vs. "Racism", or "Fight for Free Abortions" vs. "The Oppression of Women"). If the resolutions are specific, more concrete plans can be made and carried out in National and local SDS. _________ 4) TIME TO RELAX AND TALK INFORMALLY: Breaks in the schedule are very important so that people can get to know each other, as well as relax. Many people do not like to talk in meetings so that this would give them a chance to let other people know their ideas. Also, no one can take a solid four days of organized political discussion. __________ 5) ENTERTAINMENT: There are a lot of movies we could show which are entertaining politically -- like, Chicago welfare movie, (made by SDSer's there who joined with welfare mothers to fight cutbacks), Salt of the Earth (about a strike of Mexican-American miners in the 50's and the defeat of anti-women ideas in that struggle), Potemkin - a film about the Russian revolution, and many more. Let us know your ideas NOW. Also, plenty of guerilla skits...people can write them about fights they've been involved in. Plus, a Big party saturday night! _________ 6) There will be "Free Time" period where groups could give forums or something like that Chapter members and friends of SDS should send their ideas for workshops and resolutions to: SDS, P.O. Box 423, Prudential Center, Boston, Mass. 02199 OR CALL: Leslie 876-3923, Jeff 498-2666, John 296-7423, or Steve 631-5314 (all area code 617). A big part of the next New Left Notes will be devoted to resolutions to be presented at the convention. The National Interim Committee also voted to urge all to plan demonstrations on the anniversary of the Sharpville Massacre of South African Freedom Fighters on March 21st, the week before the Convention. Come to the Convention to express your ideas and learn from each other's experiences in fighting racism and other forms of oppression. HOUSING is free. And if you want more information on transportation, the convention, workshops, resolutions etc., Write to the SDS P.O. Box in Boston, OR get in touch with one of the SDS chapters listed on the Back Page. WORKSHOPS *The fight against racist ideology and the worker-student alliance. *Prison Support -- given by Minnesota, Cleveland, & San Francisco State SDS *Film-making & other art projects people can do to build SDS -- given by Chicago and Maryland SDS *Political Trials *Fight against budget cuts and tuition hikes -- given by Loop SDS, Chicago *Racism & the Law -- given by Boston lawyers who do political trials *Herrnstein's ideology and IQ -- Harvard & Univ. of Iowa SDS *The Unheavenly City and banning Banfield -- Lanney College & Atlanta SDS *30 for 40 and jobs for students -- Trade Tech SDS in L.A. *N. Ireland and British Imperialism -- Tufts SDS *International Aspects of Racism and Imperialism *Free Abortion Fight -- Chicago SDS *Women's Oppression and Racism *Bussing, Tracking as examples of Racism & How to fight them -- Minnesota SDS *High Schools and Oppression *How to fight university expansion *How to fight racism in the dorms -- NU SDS *Fight for free gynecological care, health care and free day care -- Tufts, U Conn & Stoneybrook SDS *Strike Support *Racist Beast of Willowbrook State: about Dr. Krugman who gives hepatitis to children at Willowbrook, most of whom are minorities -- given by NY doctors and medical students *Discrimination against women and minortiy workers in hiring practices *ROTC - the government attempt to revive it & how to stop it -- Princeton UAG *Billy Smith Campaign - deals with racism in the army and how students can help--given by Vets from the Los Angeles area *Should we throw racist texts Off Campus?? *History of Racist Ideology in the U.S. -- Boston UAG *Students role in fighting welfare cuts -- Chicago SDS CONVENTION SCH THURSDAY FRIDAY Morning REGISTER WORKSHOPS Afternoon PANEL DEMO MOVIE WORKSHOPS Evening OPENING FREE TIME PLENARY Martie Riefe's Speech - Nat'l Secretary SDS {Left half of photo of people in a street}
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