Emil L. Rinderspacher newspaper clippings, 1972
SDS New Left Notes Page 6
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SDS NATIONAL CONVENTION p.6 RESOLUTIONS... WORKSHOPS... Stop Racist Dr. Krugman During the last 15 years, Dr. Saul Krugman, chairman of pediatrics at NYU Medical Center, has infected several hundred children at the Willowbrook State School for the Mentally Retarded with hepatitis. Krugman gave--and still gives-- hepatitis to children from 3 to 10 in order to study the disease under "controlled conditions". To excuse his experiments, Krugman points out that "it is inevitable" that most of the newly admitted patients will contract hepatitis. Thanks to the recent TV investigations of Willowbrook, we can all believe that sanitary conditions are so inadequate as to make hepatitis widespread. But Willowbrook was not always the cesspool of disease it is now: Krugman himself reports that "only a few cases of hepatitis with jaundice occurred sporadically before 1953; "but there were 40 cases in 1953, 47 in 1954, and 106 in 1955! Hepatitis was directly related to overcrowding: in 1953 there were 3300 patients at Willowbrook; in 1955, 4500. Krugman didn't take long to sniff at an opportunity--by 1956 he began injecting children with fecal extracts to produce hepatitis. We all know that America has a two-class health care system--the latest in medical expertise for the few who can afford it, but long waiting times, humiliating and shoddy care for those with limited resources. Health care of course, is no different from the rest of America's story of private affluence and public squalor. People like Krugman take advantage of public misery to advance their own careers: in April, the American College of Physicians will present Krugman with a "Doctor of the Year" citation in Atlantic City! WE MUST EXPOSE KRUGMAN BEFORE THIS OUTRAGE TAKES PLACE. The fight against Krugman is the SAME fight as that against Prof. William Shockley at Stanford, Prof. Arthur Jensen at Berkeley, Prof. Edward Banfield at Penn., Prof. Richard Herrnstein at Harvard, Prof. Urie Bronfenbrenner at Cornell. They teach contempt for Black, Latin, and white working class people; Krugman practices it. Would Krugman give hepatitis to his own children or to other doctors' children? You bet your life he wouldn't--he only gives disease to working class children in public institutions! LET'S EXPOSE THIS MEDICAL MONSTER NOW. FOR 15 YEARS HE'S BUILT HIS CAREER OUT OF THE ROTTEN CONDITIONS AT WILLOWBROOK. IF WE DON'T STOP HIM NOW HE'LL CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER 15. WE PROPOSE A JOINT MEDICAL STUDENT--MEDICAL WORKER--SDS DEMONSTRATION ON APRIL 17 IN ATLANTIC CITY, WHEN KRUGMAN IS SLATED TO RECEIVE HIS AWARD. WE SHOULD DEMAND THAT: 1. Krugman should be condemned, not honored 2. The experiments at willowbrook must stop immediately! 3. conditions at willowbrook must be improved and all children there protected against hepatitis, as well as be provided good medical and social care. Willowbrook must be fully staffed. (Proposed by some members of the Einstein Peace Committee of Einstein Medical College, Bronx, N.Y.: Dave Kurnit, Lew Opler, Stuart Shapiro and Peter Wayne.) WAITRESSES ORGANIZE... Waitresses at Cronin's Restaurant in Cambridge have been on strike for 2 months. They're demanding a raise from $1.10 to $1.35 an hour, vacation and sick pay, health insurance, holiday overtime pay, and an anti-racial discrimination clause in their contracts. SDS, University Action Group, Vietnam Vets against the War, and 10 other groups have backed up the waitresses on the picket line - and 95% of Cronin's customers have supported the boycott! It looks like the waitresses will win soon - so they're planning to organize an independent union and organize other working class women. (Space limitations prevented us from printing this resolution in full. We tried to keep the spirit of the resolution.) (Space limitations forced us to edit this resolution - we tried not to alter it politically.) THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION invaded Laos & Cambodia, increased bombing in Vietnam, froze wages, banned strikes and laid-off millions. Students at Kent & Jackson States, black & Chicano workers in East L.A., rebellious prisoners in Attica, all have had to fight Nixon's goons. MORE SPECIFICALLY NIXON 1)used his pay board to stifle aerospace workers, 2)outlawed the dock-workers strike, 3)joined Rockie & Regan to slash medicaid, welfare and medicare. NIXON'S ADVISORS OFTEN double as racist profs. Edward Banfield wrote Unheavenly City while running Nixon's Advisory Committee on Inter-Government relations. Used in schools all over, Unheavenly claims blacks have a "pathological" culture! Roger Freeman, who's for taking poorer kids from their parents ("sometimes") and raising them in government institutions, is a former Nixon aide. THE CHIEF and all is flunkies will be at the Republican Convention is San Diego in August. 1) SDS should make this an important focus. 2)We have helped form a San Diego Convention Coalition. Within it, SDS should fight for anti-racist action as the focus of the fight. 3)Suggested demands: a) US out of SE Asia - end the airwar now! b) Jobs now - smash the pay-board! c) Ban Banfield, all racist professors, texts! d) End federal funds-cuts! 4) We should join with Mexican workers & students if possible in action when the puppet mayor of Tuiajuana entertains the who convention at a fiesta in Nixon's honor. International unity will turn their racist laughter into tears! (Some SDS'ers from San Diego) Say No to ROTC WHEREAS, the US military is instrumental on the international level in the racist subjugation of third world peoples and on the domestic level in the racist suppression of ghetto rebellions; WHEREAS, R.O.T.C. provides manpower for the leadership implementation of these policies; WHEREAS, university trustees and administrators are returning R.O.T.C. to campuses; WHEREAS, the above-mentioned policies are expected to continue; BE IT RESOLVED that this conference actively oppose the presence of ROTC in any form on any college campus; and be it resolved that where ROTC presently exists or where efforts are being made to reinstitute ROTC, the following tactics be recommended where applicable: 1) Turning the ROTC classroom into a moral discussion on American military policy; 2) Physically disrupting ROTC activities; 3) Blocking & discouraging efforts to recruit ROTC members; 4) Mobilizing students against the administrative decision-makers by way of petitioning, demonstrations, and militant actions to secure reversal of the university's sanctions of ROTC. (Members of Princeton UAG: Steve Well, Dave Snyder, Dan LIchty.) Worker-Student Alliance When IBUE union at Temple went on strike last Oct., the worker-student alliance was strengthened as workers, students, and faculty united to support the predominately black union. Throughout the struggle, racism and chauvinism was fought as SDS organized students and faculty to win the strike with IBUE members. When 500 strike supporters blocked a Temple scab truck, 21 students were arrested. Two days later, Temple was forced to give in to IBUE demands. At the National SDS convention against racism, held at Harvard March 30 to April 2, Temple's SDS chapter will sponsor a workshop on the worker-student alliance and how it can fight racism. IBUE members will tell their experiences with the Temple bosses, and how other Temple employees who supported the strike were fired. Learn how Temple is trying to take away the demands IBUE has won. SDS members will relate their experiences on how effective the worker-student alliance is, and that, through unity, the administrations can be defeated. A slide show about the strike will be shown, and recordings will be played. Come to the worker student workshop and help plan ways to crush the racist ideology being pushed in the classroom by allying with workers everywhere. {Photo of people in front of building} "Are you working Smith?" "No, I'm with them. In a tremendous display of solidarity all the members of the Temple University "bull gang" refused to work after lunch. The picture shows the workers, one by one, turning down their assignments until eight workers, who were robbed of their overtime pay by the supervisors, get what was due them. SDS supported the action. Racism and the Law SEVERAL BOSTON/CAMBRIDGE law students, legal workers and lawyers have planned a workshop on racism in the criminal process. Here's the tentative agenda: 1. GENERAL DISCUSSION of the all-pervasivness of racism in the law. 2. SPECIFIC CASE STUDIES - examples of racism in the courts, in prison, in statutes. 3. LAWYER-DEFENDANT RELATIONSHIP, including fighting our own racism. 4. TACTICS of fighting racism: jury selection; motions directed against racism; jury instructions; fighting racism in prisons, around questions of bail, habeas corpus, injunctions. THE 4 PRECEEDING TOPICS should make us more aware that in these areas, as others, these cases are very political. The more we understand racism and the legal "craftmanship," the more we can expose racism in the legal process. Everyone, but especially legal workers, law students, and lawyers, are invited to participate. We welcome new ideas & suggestions for this workshop. If interested, call 617-491-0581, or write Doyle, etc., room 208, 595 Mass Ave, Cambridge, Mass 02139.
SDS NATIONAL CONVENTION p.6 RESOLUTIONS... WORKSHOPS... Stop Racist Dr. Krugman During the last 15 years, Dr. Saul Krugman, chairman of pediatrics at NYU Medical Center, has infected several hundred children at the Willowbrook State School for the Mentally Retarded with hepatitis. Krugman gave--and still gives-- hepatitis to children from 3 to 10 in order to study the disease under "controlled conditions". To excuse his experiments, Krugman points out that "it is inevitable" that most of the newly admitted patients will contract hepatitis. Thanks to the recent TV investigations of Willowbrook, we can all believe that sanitary conditions are so inadequate as to make hepatitis widespread. But Willowbrook was not always the cesspool of disease it is now: Krugman himself reports that "only a few cases of hepatitis with jaundice occurred sporadically before 1953; "but there were 40 cases in 1953, 47 in 1954, and 106 in 1955! Hepatitis was directly related to overcrowding: in 1953 there were 3300 patients at Willowbrook; in 1955, 4500. Krugman didn't take long to sniff at an opportunity--by 1956 he began injecting children with fecal extracts to produce hepatitis. We all know that America has a two-class health care system--the latest in medical expertise for the few who can afford it, but long waiting times, humiliating and shoddy care for those with limited resources. Health care of course, is no different from the rest of America's story of private affluence and public squalor. People like Krugman take advantage of public misery to advance their own careers: in April, the American College of Physicians will present Krugman with a "Doctor of the Year" citation in Atlantic City! WE MUST EXPOSE KRUGMAN BEFORE THIS OUTRAGE TAKES PLACE. The fight against Krugman is the SAME fight as that against Prof. William Shockley at Stanford, Prof. Arthur Jensen at Berkeley, Prof. Edward Banfield at Penn., Prof. Richard Herrnstein at Harvard, Prof. Urie Bronfenbrenner at Cornell. They teach contempt for Black, Latin, and white working class people; Krugman practices it. Would Krugman give hepatitis to his own children or to other doctors' children? You bet your life he wouldn't--he only gives disease to working class children in public institutions! LET'S EXPOSE THIS MEDICAL MONSTER NOW. FOR 15 YEARS HE'S BUILT HIS CAREER OUT OF THE ROTTEN CONDITIONS AT WILLOWBROOK. IF WE DON'T STOP HIM NOW HE'LL CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER 15. WE PROPOSE A JOINT MEDICAL STUDENT--MEDICAL WORKER--SDS DEMONSTRATION ON APRIL 17 IN ATLANTIC CITY, WHEN KRUGMAN IS SLATED TO RECEIVE HIS AWARD. WE SHOULD DEMAND THAT: 1. Krugman should be condemned, not honored 2. The experiments at willowbrook must stop immediately! 3. conditions at willowbrook must be improved and all children there protected against hepatitis, as well as be provided good medical and social care. Willowbrook must be fully staffed. (Proposed by some members of the Einstein Peace Committee of Einstein Medical College, Bronx, N.Y.: Dave Kurnit, Lew Opler, Stuart Shapiro and Peter Wayne.) WAITRESSES ORGANIZE... Waitresses at Cronin's Restaurant in Cambridge have been on strike for 2 months. They're demanding a raise from $1.10 to $1.35 an hour, vacation and sick pay, health insurance, holiday overtime pay, and an anti-racial discrimination clause in their contracts. SDS, University Action Group, Vietnam Vets against the War, and 10 other groups have backed up the waitresses on the picket line - and 95% of Cronin's customers have supported the boycott! It looks like the waitresses will win soon - so they're planning to organize an independent union and organize other working class women. (Space limitations prevented us from printing this resolution in full. We tried to keep the spirit of the resolution.) (Space limitations forced us to edit this resolution - we tried not to alter it politically.) THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION invaded Laos & Cambodia, increased bombing in Vietnam, froze wages, banned strikes and laid-off millions. Students at Kent & Jackson States, black & Chicano workers in East L.A., rebellious prisoners in Attica, all have had to fight Nixon's goons. MORE SPECIFICALLY NIXON 1)used his pay board to stifle aerospace workers, 2)outlawed the dock-workers strike, 3)joined Rockie & Regan to slash medicaid, welfare and medicare. NIXON'S ADVISORS OFTEN double as racist profs. Edward Banfield wrote Unheavenly City while running Nixon's Advisory Committee on Inter-Government relations. Used in schools all over, Unheavenly claims blacks have a "pathological" culture! Roger Freeman, who's for taking poorer kids from their parents ("sometimes") and raising them in government institutions, is a former Nixon aide. THE CHIEF and all is flunkies will be at the Republican Convention is San Diego in August. 1) SDS should make this an important focus. 2)We have helped form a San Diego Convention Coalition. Within it, SDS should fight for anti-racist action as the focus of the fight. 3)Suggested demands: a) US out of SE Asia - end the airwar now! b) Jobs now - smash the pay-board! c) Ban Banfield, all racist professors, texts! d) End federal funds-cuts! 4) We should join with Mexican workers & students if possible in action when the puppet mayor of Tuiajuana entertains the who convention at a fiesta in Nixon's honor. International unity will turn their racist laughter into tears! (Some SDS'ers from San Diego) Say No to ROTC WHEREAS, the US military is instrumental on the international level in the racist subjugation of third world peoples and on the domestic level in the racist suppression of ghetto rebellions; WHEREAS, R.O.T.C. provides manpower for the leadership implementation of these policies; WHEREAS, university trustees and administrators are returning R.O.T.C. to campuses; WHEREAS, the above-mentioned policies are expected to continue; BE IT RESOLVED that this conference actively oppose the presence of ROTC in any form on any college campus; and be it resolved that where ROTC presently exists or where efforts are being made to reinstitute ROTC, the following tactics be recommended where applicable: 1) Turning the ROTC classroom into a moral discussion on American military policy; 2) Physically disrupting ROTC activities; 3) Blocking & discouraging efforts to recruit ROTC members; 4) Mobilizing students against the administrative decision-makers by way of petitioning, demonstrations, and militant actions to secure reversal of the university's sanctions of ROTC. (Members of Princeton UAG: Steve Well, Dave Snyder, Dan LIchty.) Worker-Student Alliance When IBUE union at Temple went on strike last Oct., the worker-student alliance was strengthened as workers, students, and faculty united to support the predominately black union. Throughout the struggle, racism and chauvinism was fought as SDS organized students and faculty to win the strike with IBUE members. When 500 strike supporters blocked a Temple scab truck, 21 students were arrested. Two days later, Temple was forced to give in to IBUE demands. At the National SDS convention against racism, held at Harvard March 30 to April 2, Temple's SDS chapter will sponsor a workshop on the worker-student alliance and how it can fight racism. IBUE members will tell their experiences with the Temple bosses, and how other Temple employees who supported the strike were fired. Learn how Temple is trying to take away the demands IBUE has won. SDS members will relate their experiences on how effective the worker-student alliance is, and that, through unity, the administrations can be defeated. A slide show about the strike will be shown, and recordings will be played. Come to the worker student workshop and help plan ways to crush the racist ideology being pushed in the classroom by allying with workers everywhere. {Photo of people in front of building} "Are you working Smith?" "No, I'm with them. In a tremendous display of solidarity all the members of the Temple University "bull gang" refused to work after lunch. The picture shows the workers, one by one, turning down their assignments until eight workers, who were robbed of their overtime pay by the supervisors, get what was due them. SDS supported the action. Racism and the Law SEVERAL BOSTON/CAMBRIDGE law students, legal workers and lawyers have planned a workshop on racism in the criminal process. Here's the tentative agenda: 1. GENERAL DISCUSSION of the all-pervasivness of racism in the law. 2. SPECIFIC CASE STUDIES - examples of racism in the courts, in prison, in statutes. 3. LAWYER-DEFENDANT RELATIONSHIP, including fighting our own racism. 4. TACTICS of fighting racism: jury selection; motions directed against racism; jury instructions; fighting racism in prisons, around questions of bail, habeas corpus, injunctions. THE 4 PRECEEDING TOPICS should make us more aware that in these areas, as others, these cases are very political. The more we understand racism and the legal "craftmanship," the more we can expose racism in the legal process. Everyone, but especially legal workers, law students, and lawyers, are invited to participate. We welcome new ideas & suggestions for this workshop. If interested, call 617-491-0581, or write Doyle, etc., room 208, 595 Mass Ave, Cambridge, Mass 02139.
Campus Culture