I.C. Notebooks 1
Page 378
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378 TECHNICIANS OF THE SACRED (who may have opened things to start with, i.e., the one I’m calling the “announcer”) speaks without preliminary dancing— followed by music, dance, etc. New speaker (woman) raps. Speaks. (Some participants now drinking coffee.) She finishes, distributes something small to the three “sponsors.” Music, etc. New woman speaker. Avery Jimerson (horn-rattle) goes out, Dick Johnny John (drum) walks to side for cigarette. Speaker distributes fruit (apples) to the three sponsors. New woman speaker without music (Salina Johnny John)--distributes bananas. Still no music. New woman speaker. Gives coins to the dancers, the musicians, the “announcer,” the whooper. Ed Currey raps, speaks. Distributes packs of cigarettes. Whoop. Music. Dance. Sticks & gourds are set down on the floor. The “announcer” collects them. Ed Currey speaks again. Voice moving as in prayer. Announcer distributes pinches from tobacco bowl to various participants & individuals around the room who accept it or refuse. GIFT EVENT III: A CELEBRATION FOR POETS, MUSICIAN & DANCERS, BASED ON THE ORDERS OF THE SENECA INDIAN EAGLE DANCE & PERFORMED AT THE JUDSON DANCE THEATER, JUDSON MEMORIAL CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, MARCH 21ST & 22ND 1967. A PART OF THE SPRING “HAPPENINGS.” Adaptation by Jerome Rothenberg Choreography by Carol Ritter Music by Philip Corner Jackson Mac Low Dick Higgins Susan Sherman Clayton Eshleman Robert David Cohen Hannah Weiner Carol Berge George Kimball Eleanor Antin David Antin Paul Blackburn Jerome Rothenberg (poets)
378 TECHNICIANS OF THE SACRED (who may have opened things to start with, i.e., the one I’m calling the “announcer”) speaks without preliminary dancing— followed by music, dance, etc. New speaker (woman) raps. Speaks. (Some participants now drinking coffee.) She finishes, distributes something small to the three “sponsors.” Music, etc. New woman speaker. Avery Jimerson (horn-rattle) goes out, Dick Johnny John (drum) walks to side for cigarette. Speaker distributes fruit (apples) to the three sponsors. New woman speaker without music (Salina Johnny John)--distributes bananas. Still no music. New woman speaker. Gives coins to the dancers, the musicians, the “announcer,” the whooper. Ed Currey raps, speaks. Distributes packs of cigarettes. Whoop. Music. Dance. Sticks & gourds are set down on the floor. The “announcer” collects them. Ed Currey speaks again. Voice moving as in prayer. Announcer distributes pinches from tobacco bowl to various participants & individuals around the room who accept it or refuse. GIFT EVENT III: A CELEBRATION FOR POETS, MUSICIAN & DANCERS, BASED ON THE ORDERS OF THE SENECA INDIAN EAGLE DANCE & PERFORMED AT THE JUDSON DANCE THEATER, JUDSON MEMORIAL CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, MARCH 21ST & 22ND 1967. A PART OF THE SPRING “HAPPENINGS.” Adaptation by Jerome Rothenberg Choreography by Carol Ritter Music by Philip Corner Jackson Mac Low Dick Higgins Susan Sherman Clayton Eshleman Robert David Cohen Hannah Weiner Carol Berge George Kimball Eleanor Antin David Antin Paul Blackburn Jerome Rothenberg (poets)
Campus Culture