University of Iowa handbooks for new students, 1960-1968
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individual student-governing bodies providing opportunities for participation by student residents. A staff of advisers, under the supervision of a head and an assistant head counselor, provides counseling for individuals and advisory services for group activities. For men, the Quadrangle and Hillcrest boarding residences accommo- date about 1,600 students, and South Quadrangle, a non-boarding residence, house 150. In the Quadrangle, a student adviser is responsible in each of the thirteen sections, in addition to the head counselor and an assistant. There is a student adviser in each of the sixteen house in Hillcrest, supervised by a head counselor and an assistant. Each of the three units in South Quadrangle has an adviser and there is one counselor. University Married Student Housing The University has more than 900 units for married students and those in- terested may request that their names be placed on a waiting list by the Mar- ried Housing Assignment Office, University Hall, Iowa City, Iowa. The units include Hawkeye Apartments, which are two-bedroom quarters; Parklawn, which provides both one-bedroom and one-room efficiency type apartments; and the barracks-type apartments, which are temporary units with two bed- rooms. The academic requirement for occupancy of these facilities is registra- tion for nine or more credit hours of course work a semester. Fraternity and Sorority Chapter Houses Students considering membership in a fraternity or sorority may indicate this interest by marking the box on the application for admission. Only mem- bers live in chapter houses, and new members are selected each fall during "Rush Week." Women rushees who have residence hall contracts live in their assigned rooms during "Rush Week" and pay a special charge per night until the year's contract becomes effective. Women rushees without dormitory contacts, and all men rushees, may request temporary housing for "Rush Week" through the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association of- fices, 111 University Hall, Iowa City, Iowa. These offices will also supply addi- tional information about membership and the rushing program. Men's Fraternities Iowa has nineteen national social fraternities, all of which operate chap- ter houses for members with a housemother acting as social hostess and chaperon. Membership is by invitation and the Interfraternity Council has scheduled a fall rush period prior to registration, during which interested young men may meet all groups and see all houses. If a young man is in- terested in pledging a fraternity, he should not make a contract for a room in a University residence hall unless he desires to live in the dormitory for the entire school year. The following is the list of fraternities with chapter houses: Men's Social Fraternities Acacia 202 Ellis 7-3101 Alpha Epsilon Pi 339 N. Riverside 8-1159 27
individual student-governing bodies providing opportunities for participation by student residents. A staff of advisers, under the supervision of a head and an assistant head counselor, provides counseling for individuals and advisory services for group activities. For men, the Quadrangle and Hillcrest boarding residences accommo- date about 1,600 students, and South Quadrangle, a non-boarding residence, house 150. In the Quadrangle, a student adviser is responsible in each of the thirteen sections, in addition to the head counselor and an assistant. There is a student adviser in each of the sixteen house in Hillcrest, supervised by a head counselor and an assistant. Each of the three units in South Quadrangle has an adviser and there is one counselor. University Married Student Housing The University has more than 900 units for married students and those in- terested may request that their names be placed on a waiting list by the Mar- ried Housing Assignment Office, University Hall, Iowa City, Iowa. The units include Hawkeye Apartments, which are two-bedroom quarters; Parklawn, which provides both one-bedroom and one-room efficiency type apartments; and the barracks-type apartments, which are temporary units with two bed- rooms. The academic requirement for occupancy of these facilities is registra- tion for nine or more credit hours of course work a semester. Fraternity and Sorority Chapter Houses Students considering membership in a fraternity or sorority may indicate this interest by marking the box on the application for admission. Only mem- bers live in chapter houses, and new members are selected each fall during "Rush Week." Women rushees who have residence hall contracts live in their assigned rooms during "Rush Week" and pay a special charge per night until the year's contract becomes effective. Women rushees without dormitory contacts, and all men rushees, may request temporary housing for "Rush Week" through the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association of- fices, 111 University Hall, Iowa City, Iowa. These offices will also supply addi- tional information about membership and the rushing program. Men's Fraternities Iowa has nineteen national social fraternities, all of which operate chap- ter houses for members with a housemother acting as social hostess and chaperon. Membership is by invitation and the Interfraternity Council has scheduled a fall rush period prior to registration, during which interested young men may meet all groups and see all houses. If a young man is in- terested in pledging a fraternity, he should not make a contract for a room in a University residence hall unless he desires to live in the dormitory for the entire school year. The following is the list of fraternities with chapter houses: Men's Social Fraternities Acacia 202 Ellis 7-3101 Alpha Epsilon Pi 339 N. Riverside 8-1159 27
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