University of Iowa handbooks for new students, 1960-1968
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Student Services Many facilities and services exist to help University of Iowa students. In the following sections are listed various University administrative offices and their functions, as well as special student services. Whenever a student has questions, he should seek information from the office which seems appropriate. Office of Admissions and Registrar Probably the first office with which a student comes in contact is the Office of Admissions and Registrar, at 1 University Hall. Evaluation of high school and college credits and determination of admission status, acceptance of transfer credits, and evaluation of degree requirements are among the responsibilities of this office. The official academic records of all students are permanently maintained there and these include the record of initial admission, all credits earned, all academic or other types of action taken, and graduation information. In responding to student applications for admission to the University, the Director of Admissions provides special assistance and counseling for applicants to all colleges, for students from foreign lands and foreign institutions, and for those applying to the Teacher Education Program. Additional responsibilities include registration for each session, fee assessments, residence classification, draft information for men, registration certification to all governmental agencies from which students may be receiving educational benefits, and enforcement of rules governing course offerings and student enrollment. Students should check the current Schedule of Courses for detailed information and regulations regarding any change in registration, cancellation of registration, fee assessment, application for graduation, and related questions. If a student feels uncertain about any of the information given in the Schedule of Courses or has further questions, he is encouraged to come to the Office of Admissions and Registrar for personal assistance with his problem. This office plays a part in student lives through the very last day of college, for it is responsible for all official academic ceremonies and convocations, including Commencement. It evaluates the student's graduation qualifications, and it provides the academic apparel worn at Commencement, the diplomas, Commencement programs, and related activities. It prepares and distributes the Schedule of Courses, the University catalogues, and other academic publications. The Office of the Registrar prepares a directory of students registered in the summer session and in the fall semester, along with names of all faculty and staff members. A supplementary directory of new students is prepared for the spring semester. These directories include the student's college and class, local address and telephone number, and home town. The directories may be purchased at Campus Stores, 17 W. College Street. << 3
Student Services Many facilities and services exist to help University of Iowa students. In the following sections are listed various University administrative offices and their functions, as well as special student services. Whenever a student has questions, he should seek information from the office which seems appropriate. Office of Admissions and Registrar Probably the first office with which a student comes in contact is the Office of Admissions and Registrar, at 1 University Hall. Evaluation of high school and college credits and determination of admission status, acceptance of transfer credits, and evaluation of degree requirements are among the responsibilities of this office. The official academic records of all students are permanently maintained there and these include the record of initial admission, all credits earned, all academic or other types of action taken, and graduation information. In responding to student applications for admission to the University, the Director of Admissions provides special assistance and counseling for applicants to all colleges, for students from foreign lands and foreign institutions, and for those applying to the Teacher Education Program. Additional responsibilities include registration for each session, fee assessments, residence classification, draft information for men, registration certification to all governmental agencies from which students may be receiving educational benefits, and enforcement of rules governing course offerings and student enrollment. Students should check the current Schedule of Courses for detailed information and regulations regarding any change in registration, cancellation of registration, fee assessment, application for graduation, and related questions. If a student feels uncertain about any of the information given in the Schedule of Courses or has further questions, he is encouraged to come to the Office of Admissions and Registrar for personal assistance with his problem. This office plays a part in student lives through the very last day of college, for it is responsible for all official academic ceremonies and convocations, including Commencement. It evaluates the student's graduation qualifications, and it provides the academic apparel worn at Commencement, the diplomas, Commencement programs, and related activities. It prepares and distributes the Schedule of Courses, the University catalogues, and other academic publications. The Office of the Registrar prepares a directory of students registered in the summer session and in the fall semester, along with names of all faculty and staff members. A supplementary directory of new students is prepared for the spring semester. These directories include the student's college and class, local address and telephone number, and home town. The directories may be purchased at Campus Stores, 17 W. College Street. << 3
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