University of Iowa handbooks for new students, 1960-1968
Page 19
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STUDENT LIFE << 19 Association of Residence Halls - All residents are members of the Association of Residence Halls which functions through a Council composed of presidents from each of the men's and women's residence halls. The ARH council coordinates the programs of the residence halls and plans interdormitory activities. There is also an ARH Social Board and Cultural Affairs Board composed of the respective chairmen from each residence hall, which coordinates these special activities. Interfraternity Council - The Interfraternity Council is the governing body for the twenty national social fraternities on the campus. Each fraternity has one delegate on the council, and from this group the Council elects its own executive board. The Interfraternity Council, with the Fraternity Adviser in the Office of Student Affairs, plans programs and sets policies for all the men's social fraternities on campus. Women's Panhellenic Association - All members of the sixteen national social sororities on campus belong to the Women's Panhellenic Association and the group is governed by the Panhellenic Council. Each sorority chapter selects two delegates to serve on the Council. From the thirty-two delegates, four officers are elected who make up the Executive Council. In addition, there are chairmen of nine standing committees who carry on the various activities of the Association. Town Men - Town Women - This organization extends membership to students living in the town area and not affiliated with a fraternity or sorority residence group. Its officers are elected in the all-campus election and its purpose is to provide an activities and social program for the students involved. All-Campus Activities and Program Organizations Iowa Union Student Board - The purpose of the Union Board is to provide programs and activities that will reach the entire University community, and provide students who work on the fifty Union Board committees an opportunity for social responsibility and leadership. Each year it provides over 500 events with a total attendance of well over 250,000 students. The Board of Directors of Union Board is composed of fourteen students, both undergraduate and graduate, selected by application and interview from applicants representing all colleges of the University and all segments of the campus. The officers of the Board of Directors include a president, a vice-president, and a secretary-treasurer. There are twelve major programming areas divided into committees representing a special program function, each under the direction of one of the members of the Board of Directors. Upperclass members of the committees and the Board are selected in the spring, while over 50 per cent of the membership remains open for new students who are selected in the fall. Professional program advisers are assigned to each one of the major areas. The twelve major areas of Union Board and the committees which compos them are: ART -- Artist at Work, Art Lending, Exhibits, Local Shows, Thieves Market. LITERARY -- Books and Coffee, Literary Displays, Poetry Reading, Special Projects. MUSIC -- Classical Evening, Concerts, Hootenanny, Jazz. GAMES -- Bowling, Billiards, Bridge,
STUDENT LIFE << 19 Association of Residence Halls - All residents are members of the Association of Residence Halls which functions through a Council composed of presidents from each of the men's and women's residence halls. The ARH council coordinates the programs of the residence halls and plans interdormitory activities. There is also an ARH Social Board and Cultural Affairs Board composed of the respective chairmen from each residence hall, which coordinates these special activities. Interfraternity Council - The Interfraternity Council is the governing body for the twenty national social fraternities on the campus. Each fraternity has one delegate on the council, and from this group the Council elects its own executive board. The Interfraternity Council, with the Fraternity Adviser in the Office of Student Affairs, plans programs and sets policies for all the men's social fraternities on campus. Women's Panhellenic Association - All members of the sixteen national social sororities on campus belong to the Women's Panhellenic Association and the group is governed by the Panhellenic Council. Each sorority chapter selects two delegates to serve on the Council. From the thirty-two delegates, four officers are elected who make up the Executive Council. In addition, there are chairmen of nine standing committees who carry on the various activities of the Association. Town Men - Town Women - This organization extends membership to students living in the town area and not affiliated with a fraternity or sorority residence group. Its officers are elected in the all-campus election and its purpose is to provide an activities and social program for the students involved. All-Campus Activities and Program Organizations Iowa Union Student Board - The purpose of the Union Board is to provide programs and activities that will reach the entire University community, and provide students who work on the fifty Union Board committees an opportunity for social responsibility and leadership. Each year it provides over 500 events with a total attendance of well over 250,000 students. The Board of Directors of Union Board is composed of fourteen students, both undergraduate and graduate, selected by application and interview from applicants representing all colleges of the University and all segments of the campus. The officers of the Board of Directors include a president, a vice-president, and a secretary-treasurer. There are twelve major programming areas divided into committees representing a special program function, each under the direction of one of the members of the Board of Directors. Upperclass members of the committees and the Board are selected in the spring, while over 50 per cent of the membership remains open for new students who are selected in the fall. Professional program advisers are assigned to each one of the major areas. The twelve major areas of Union Board and the committees which compos them are: ART -- Artist at Work, Art Lending, Exhibits, Local Shows, Thieves Market. LITERARY -- Books and Coffee, Literary Displays, Poetry Reading, Special Projects. MUSIC -- Classical Evening, Concerts, Hootenanny, Jazz. GAMES -- Bowling, Billiards, Bridge,
Campus Culture