University of Iowa handbooks for new students, 1960-1968
Page 37
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POLICIES AND REGULATIONS << 37 their merits as individuals without restrictions as to race, color, or national origin. Recognition and Registration - Students desiring to organize student groups and seek University recognition are asked to submit a request form to the Office of Student Affairs. The form may be obtained in that office or from the Director of Activities Office in the Union. The request is referred to Student Senate which will study it and make a recommendation to recognize or not to recognize the group. A certificate of recognition is issued to the organizations approved. In the event a request for recognition is denied, the group may appeal to the Committee on Student Life. Advisers - Each recognized student organization must have one or more advisers who are members of the University faculty or administrative staff. Student Organizations Fund - All officially recognized student organizations are required to utilize the Student Organizations Fund and the services of the Auditor for Student Organizations. This requires the deposit of all organization monies, the clearance of any plans involving finances, and the payment of all bills by University voucher. Programs and events for which admission is charged must be approved in advance. Social Regulations Reporting functions - All student social functions attended by men and women students must be reported in advance to the Office of Student Affairs. Regular business sessions and routine meetings of recognized student organizations are not considered to be social functions. Events scheduled for weekends must be reported with names of chaperons and addresses not later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday before the function. Formal functions and those held outside Iowa City must be reported at least one week in advance. Report forms may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. Hours - Social functions held on weekdays must end by 8 p.m. Those held on Friday and Saturday nights must close not later than 12:30 a.m., except for functions held outside Iowa City which must close by midnight. Dances are to be held only on Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening. Place - Student social functions may be held only in places approved by the Office of Student Affairs. Be sure to check before making arrangements. Any function held outside Iowa City must be reported and approved at least one week in advance. Open Houses and Intervisitations - Students may entertain guests in their residence rooms at times and places determined by the residence governing body and within the regulations established for all social functions, including reporting to and approval by the Office of Student Affairs. Serenade regulations - The head resident or housemother and Campus Security Office must be notified in advance of all serenades, which must be held within one hour after the closing of women's residences. Girls remain in their housing units for after-hour serenades. Alcoholic Beverages - No beer, wine, or other intoxicating beverages may be served at any student function. Chaperons - All student functions should include faculty guests and
POLICIES AND REGULATIONS << 37 their merits as individuals without restrictions as to race, color, or national origin. Recognition and Registration - Students desiring to organize student groups and seek University recognition are asked to submit a request form to the Office of Student Affairs. The form may be obtained in that office or from the Director of Activities Office in the Union. The request is referred to Student Senate which will study it and make a recommendation to recognize or not to recognize the group. A certificate of recognition is issued to the organizations approved. In the event a request for recognition is denied, the group may appeal to the Committee on Student Life. Advisers - Each recognized student organization must have one or more advisers who are members of the University faculty or administrative staff. Student Organizations Fund - All officially recognized student organizations are required to utilize the Student Organizations Fund and the services of the Auditor for Student Organizations. This requires the deposit of all organization monies, the clearance of any plans involving finances, and the payment of all bills by University voucher. Programs and events for which admission is charged must be approved in advance. Social Regulations Reporting functions - All student social functions attended by men and women students must be reported in advance to the Office of Student Affairs. Regular business sessions and routine meetings of recognized student organizations are not considered to be social functions. Events scheduled for weekends must be reported with names of chaperons and addresses not later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday before the function. Formal functions and those held outside Iowa City must be reported at least one week in advance. Report forms may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. Hours - Social functions held on weekdays must end by 8 p.m. Those held on Friday and Saturday nights must close not later than 12:30 a.m., except for functions held outside Iowa City which must close by midnight. Dances are to be held only on Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening. Place - Student social functions may be held only in places approved by the Office of Student Affairs. Be sure to check before making arrangements. Any function held outside Iowa City must be reported and approved at least one week in advance. Open Houses and Intervisitations - Students may entertain guests in their residence rooms at times and places determined by the residence governing body and within the regulations established for all social functions, including reporting to and approval by the Office of Student Affairs. Serenade regulations - The head resident or housemother and Campus Security Office must be notified in advance of all serenades, which must be held within one hour after the closing of women's residences. Girls remain in their housing units for after-hour serenades. Alcoholic Beverages - No beer, wine, or other intoxicating beverages may be served at any student function. Chaperons - All student functions should include faculty guests and
Campus Culture