Iowa Greek Express, 1971
The Iowa Greek Express, Vol. 4 Page 8
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TKE'S SURGE AHEAD OF DU'S IN INTRAMURAL POINT RACE With three major events remaining on the intramural schedule, Tau Kappa Epsilon has finally slipped by Delta Upsilon into first place int he Intramural Sports standings. Delta Upsilon has led for nearly the entire year. Sigma Nu and Delta Chi are still close enough to capture the title before the year is out. Of the top ten teams in the University, fiver are social fraternities. This is a significant improvement over the last poll in which two of the top ten were social fraternities. AKK, the professional fraternity leader, has virtually sewed up the All-University title. Softball, track, tennis, and the canoe race still remain in the IM program. INTRAMURAL TOTALS These are the total points for flag football, outdoor volleyball, golf, tennis, swimming, handball singles, track, wrestling, basketball, paddleball singles, handball doubles, eightball, table tennis doubles and singles, badminton doubles and singles, archery, bowling, volleyball, and paddleball doubles. The range in points are due to the uncertainty in paddleball and/or badminton championship matches. Tau Kappa Epsilon 704-708 Delta Upsilon 665 Sigma Nu 664-672 Delta Chi 630 Acacia 577 Lambda Chi Alpha 569 Delta Tau Delta 550 Pi Kappa Alpha 511 Beta Theta Pi 494-498 Kappa Sigma 400 Phi Delta Theta 369 Sigma Phi Epsilon 358 Alpha Epsilon Pi 340 Phi Gamma Delta 306 Sigma Chi 205 Phi Kappa Psi 190 Sigma Pi 172 Alpha Tau Omega 106 Phi Kappa Sigma 78 Sigma Slpha Epsilon 53 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM Journalism is an exciting major and a gratifying profession! The School of Journalism would like to invite the visiting high school seniors to visit the Communications Center. Feel free to drop by anytime during the weekend. Enjoy your stay! HILFMAN wins TABLE TENNIS Randy Hilfman of AEPi has captured the Social Fraternity Table Tennis title and has advanced to the semi-final of the all-University competition. Hiltman defeated Marshall Daut of Sigma Nu, Al Reed of Delta Upsilon, Dave Wooldrik of Delta Tau Delta and Joe Jurschak of Delta Tau Delta to capture the title.
TKE'S SURGE AHEAD OF DU'S IN INTRAMURAL POINT RACE With three major events remaining on the intramural schedule, Tau Kappa Epsilon has finally slipped by Delta Upsilon into first place int he Intramural Sports standings. Delta Upsilon has led for nearly the entire year. Sigma Nu and Delta Chi are still close enough to capture the title before the year is out. Of the top ten teams in the University, fiver are social fraternities. This is a significant improvement over the last poll in which two of the top ten were social fraternities. AKK, the professional fraternity leader, has virtually sewed up the All-University title. Softball, track, tennis, and the canoe race still remain in the IM program. INTRAMURAL TOTALS These are the total points for flag football, outdoor volleyball, golf, tennis, swimming, handball singles, track, wrestling, basketball, paddleball singles, handball doubles, eightball, table tennis doubles and singles, badminton doubles and singles, archery, bowling, volleyball, and paddleball doubles. The range in points are due to the uncertainty in paddleball and/or badminton championship matches. Tau Kappa Epsilon 704-708 Delta Upsilon 665 Sigma Nu 664-672 Delta Chi 630 Acacia 577 Lambda Chi Alpha 569 Delta Tau Delta 550 Pi Kappa Alpha 511 Beta Theta Pi 494-498 Kappa Sigma 400 Phi Delta Theta 369 Sigma Phi Epsilon 358 Alpha Epsilon Pi 340 Phi Gamma Delta 306 Sigma Chi 205 Phi Kappa Psi 190 Sigma Pi 172 Alpha Tau Omega 106 Phi Kappa Sigma 78 Sigma Slpha Epsilon 53 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM Journalism is an exciting major and a gratifying profession! The School of Journalism would like to invite the visiting high school seniors to visit the Communications Center. Feel free to drop by anytime during the weekend. Enjoy your stay! HILFMAN wins TABLE TENNIS Randy Hilfman of AEPi has captured the Social Fraternity Table Tennis title and has advanced to the semi-final of the all-University competition. Hiltman defeated Marshall Daut of Sigma Nu, Al Reed of Delta Upsilon, Dave Wooldrik of Delta Tau Delta and Joe Jurschak of Delta Tau Delta to capture the title.
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