Iowa City Oppressed Citizen, September 4, 1970
1970-09-04 Iowa City Oppressed Citizen Page 4
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Keep on Truckin'... Page 4 [[Underline]]THE IOWA BOYD DROPPINGS SOCIETY QUARTERLY AWARDS[[end underline]] to [[Underline]]DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS OF IOWA UNIVERSITY[[end underline]] *This quarter devoted to the events of April-May.* The SOMEBODY'S GOT TO WATCH THE STORE Award to Provost [[underline]]RAY L. HEFFNER[[end underline] who, following the strike, instructed the payroll office to deduct from the strikers' paychecks one-twenty-oneth of their May salary for each working day they struck. Iowa taxpayers can rest easily. The REGISTRAR'S Award to Iowa State Bank president, [[underline]]BEN E. SUMMERWILL[[end underline]], who told the Board of Regents that was needed were new entrance requirements for both students and faculty to "screen out criminals, dope addicts, perverts, and the like." That's tellin' 'em Bennie. The WRONG WAY CORRIGAN Award to [[underline]]Robert C.[[end underline]whose apocalyptic pronouncement that the campus would be leveled by 12 noon May 12th failed to come true. Better luck next time, Bob. The POLITICAL CLOWN Award to [[underline]]VANCE BOURJAILY.[[end underline]] In a lengthy detailed letter to the Daily Iowan novelist Bourjaily reminded and urged students to vote int he coming primary elections. The following day, Bourjaily failed to show up at the Faculty Senate meeting to vote on the ROTC issue. Mr. Bourjaily's political clownish-ness was further expressed in his Des Moines Register article, May 24, 1970 where he asserted: "The Church-Cooper amendment and Amendment 609, the Amendment to End the War, seem to me among the most important pieces of legislation offered in my lifetime." In an unsolicited letter to the Register, new Regent, [[underline RAY V. [[end underline]] BAILEY, concluded: "Is it not our responsibility to provide an academic atmosphere in which learning is possible even though doing so may entail eliminating certain faculty members as well as certain students?" To Regent Bailey goes the MAFIA TROPHY. Made of concrete and shaped in the form of a lectern with specifically designed slots for hands and feet, it bears the ancient inscription: "Nobody crosses the boss and gets away with it." The OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES Award to [[underline]]DEWEY B. STUIT[[end underline]], dean of the College of Liberal Arts, who told his assembled faculty: "For all too long we have listened to various legal arguments about 'due process' and in doing so have made ourselves powerless to act when action was urgently needed. The public will simply not accept these 'legal' excuses any longer." The STRAIGHT SHOOTERS Award to [[underline]]ROBERT MCMURRAY[[end underline]], administrative assistant for the Regents, who informed the Des Moines Register that "a university's first responsibility is obviously to its bondholders." Obviously. BOYO DROPPINGS CONT. THE FIFTH ESTATE AWARDS The BENITO MUSSOLINI citation to the ex-publications board cairman, LANE DAVIS, who only wanted to get the newspaper out on time; the CAPITALIST OPPRESSION DID THIS TO ME citation to ex-photography editor [[underline]]RICK GREENAWALT[[end underline]] who justified his sale of photographs to Campus Security by noting that sometimes he even sold his pictures to campus demonstrators; the BE A FRIEND TO SOMEBODY citation to publications board member [[underline]]DAVID SCHOENBAUM[[end underline]] who testified to the investigating commission that some of his best friends are journalists; the CHRISTIAN ANTI-FASCIST CRUSADE citation to publications board member Rev. [[underline GEORGE FORRELL[[end underline]] who acts of Christian love were in the finest tradition of the Inquisition; the SHOW MUST GO ON citation to publications board member [[underline]]WILLIAM ZIMA[[end underline]] who, while under heavy sedation and extreme pain as a result of two surgical bouts, permitted himself to be steered into board meetings and dutifully voted with the majority; the SPIRO AGNEW citation for journalistic ethics to the ex-staffers of the [[underline]]FORTEROHNER[[end underline]]Daily Iowan who earned their anonymity. Special citations are to be granted to two members of the Investigating Commission. the BARRY FITZGERALD citatio to Burlington Hawk-Eye publisher [[underline]]JOHN McCORMALLY[[end underline]] for his engrossing performance as a crusty old small town fighting newspaperman; and to Commission chairman [[underline]]RON CARLSON[[end underline]] goes the CHARLIE BROWN citation for his genial and good-hearted conduct of the investigation which masked his total lack of comprehension of what was going on. Finally THE MOST DUBIOUS ACHIEVEMENT of 1969-70: WILLARD L. BOYD DAYCARE Over the summer a few people got their heads together and created the Dum Dum Day Care Center. The day care is aimed at taking the burden off parents - especially working parents - who would have to foot he fee of baby sitters or work in shifts without the help of the free center. There are currently two free centers in Iowa City; located at St. Paul's University Lutheran Chapel and at Wesley House. Plans for opening more are already underway. Many volunteers and of course parents, are all working and playing together to make it a communal success. Perhaps the most obvious benefit of free day care is the freedom it offers for parents and especially those yet untogether families where much, if not all, of the labor (diapers, feeding, time etc.) is left to the woman. But a second, and what I feel is the most important benefit of day care, is the fantastic opportunities it opens up for the kids themselves. When you take your child to a day care center regularly, or any place where they're allowed to play with other kids and meet different older children (me for one, and maybe even you?) you're opening them up to a larger family that greatly passes over the restrictions of the traditional family. Times have changed and the idea of the family must change with them. If one of our goals is to create a sense of community between ALL of its members, we must trash that antiquated concept of separate families living their separate lives. This is not a sound or realistic springboard for attaining a sense of comradeship that goes along with the idea of a community. That idea of raising your child as being solely your own responsibility is merely an egotistical excuse for transforming your child into another one of your possessions. Afterall, who among us is so certain of his own thoughts, beliefs and direction that they would restrict their child to receiving only these attitudes. Day care centers offer parents the opportunity for avoiding this restrictive responsibility, and allow their children to achieve the needed sense of community that comes fro meeting and learning from a wide array of different people. If you have some spare time and would like to get in on something worthy of your time get in touch with Sondra Smith- 351-2973- or drop by one of the day care centers for information. We need volunteers and will help other parents get together and organize more day care centers. It's time we stopped producing "family animals" and began creating true "social animals".
Keep on Truckin'... Page 4 [[Underline]]THE IOWA BOYD DROPPINGS SOCIETY QUARTERLY AWARDS[[end underline]] to [[Underline]]DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS OF IOWA UNIVERSITY[[end underline]] *This quarter devoted to the events of April-May.* The SOMEBODY'S GOT TO WATCH THE STORE Award to Provost [[underline]]RAY L. HEFFNER[[end underline] who, following the strike, instructed the payroll office to deduct from the strikers' paychecks one-twenty-oneth of their May salary for each working day they struck. Iowa taxpayers can rest easily. The REGISTRAR'S Award to Iowa State Bank president, [[underline]]BEN E. SUMMERWILL[[end underline]], who told the Board of Regents that was needed were new entrance requirements for both students and faculty to "screen out criminals, dope addicts, perverts, and the like." That's tellin' 'em Bennie. The WRONG WAY CORRIGAN Award to [[underline]]Robert C.[[end underline]whose apocalyptic pronouncement that the campus would be leveled by 12 noon May 12th failed to come true. Better luck next time, Bob. The POLITICAL CLOWN Award to [[underline]]VANCE BOURJAILY.[[end underline]] In a lengthy detailed letter to the Daily Iowan novelist Bourjaily reminded and urged students to vote int he coming primary elections. The following day, Bourjaily failed to show up at the Faculty Senate meeting to vote on the ROTC issue. Mr. Bourjaily's political clownish-ness was further expressed in his Des Moines Register article, May 24, 1970 where he asserted: "The Church-Cooper amendment and Amendment 609, the Amendment to End the War, seem to me among the most important pieces of legislation offered in my lifetime." In an unsolicited letter to the Register, new Regent, [[underline RAY V. [[end underline]] BAILEY, concluded: "Is it not our responsibility to provide an academic atmosphere in which learning is possible even though doing so may entail eliminating certain faculty members as well as certain students?" To Regent Bailey goes the MAFIA TROPHY. Made of concrete and shaped in the form of a lectern with specifically designed slots for hands and feet, it bears the ancient inscription: "Nobody crosses the boss and gets away with it." The OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES Award to [[underline]]DEWEY B. STUIT[[end underline]], dean of the College of Liberal Arts, who told his assembled faculty: "For all too long we have listened to various legal arguments about 'due process' and in doing so have made ourselves powerless to act when action was urgently needed. The public will simply not accept these 'legal' excuses any longer." The STRAIGHT SHOOTERS Award to [[underline]]ROBERT MCMURRAY[[end underline]], administrative assistant for the Regents, who informed the Des Moines Register that "a university's first responsibility is obviously to its bondholders." Obviously. BOYO DROPPINGS CONT. THE FIFTH ESTATE AWARDS The BENITO MUSSOLINI citation to the ex-publications board cairman, LANE DAVIS, who only wanted to get the newspaper out on time; the CAPITALIST OPPRESSION DID THIS TO ME citation to ex-photography editor [[underline]]RICK GREENAWALT[[end underline]] who justified his sale of photographs to Campus Security by noting that sometimes he even sold his pictures to campus demonstrators; the BE A FRIEND TO SOMEBODY citation to publications board member [[underline]]DAVID SCHOENBAUM[[end underline]] who testified to the investigating commission that some of his best friends are journalists; the CHRISTIAN ANTI-FASCIST CRUSADE citation to publications board member Rev. [[underline GEORGE FORRELL[[end underline]] who acts of Christian love were in the finest tradition of the Inquisition; the SHOW MUST GO ON citation to publications board member [[underline]]WILLIAM ZIMA[[end underline]] who, while under heavy sedation and extreme pain as a result of two surgical bouts, permitted himself to be steered into board meetings and dutifully voted with the majority; the SPIRO AGNEW citation for journalistic ethics to the ex-staffers of the [[underline]]FORTEROHNER[[end underline]]Daily Iowan who earned their anonymity. Special citations are to be granted to two members of the Investigating Commission. the BARRY FITZGERALD citatio to Burlington Hawk-Eye publisher [[underline]]JOHN McCORMALLY[[end underline]] for his engrossing performance as a crusty old small town fighting newspaperman; and to Commission chairman [[underline]]RON CARLSON[[end underline]] goes the CHARLIE BROWN citation for his genial and good-hearted conduct of the investigation which masked his total lack of comprehension of what was going on. Finally THE MOST DUBIOUS ACHIEVEMENT of 1969-70: WILLARD L. BOYD DAYCARE Over the summer a few people got their heads together and created the Dum Dum Day Care Center. The day care is aimed at taking the burden off parents - especially working parents - who would have to foot he fee of baby sitters or work in shifts without the help of the free center. There are currently two free centers in Iowa City; located at St. Paul's University Lutheran Chapel and at Wesley House. Plans for opening more are already underway. Many volunteers and of course parents, are all working and playing together to make it a communal success. Perhaps the most obvious benefit of free day care is the freedom it offers for parents and especially those yet untogether families where much, if not all, of the labor (diapers, feeding, time etc.) is left to the woman. But a second, and what I feel is the most important benefit of day care, is the fantastic opportunities it opens up for the kids themselves. When you take your child to a day care center regularly, or any place where they're allowed to play with other kids and meet different older children (me for one, and maybe even you?) you're opening them up to a larger family that greatly passes over the restrictions of the traditional family. Times have changed and the idea of the family must change with them. If one of our goals is to create a sense of community between ALL of its members, we must trash that antiquated concept of separate families living their separate lives. This is not a sound or realistic springboard for attaining a sense of comradeship that goes along with the idea of a community. That idea of raising your child as being solely your own responsibility is merely an egotistical excuse for transforming your child into another one of your possessions. Afterall, who among us is so certain of his own thoughts, beliefs and direction that they would restrict their child to receiving only these attitudes. Day care centers offer parents the opportunity for avoiding this restrictive responsibility, and allow their children to achieve the needed sense of community that comes fro meeting and learning from a wide array of different people. If you have some spare time and would like to get in on something worthy of your time get in touch with Sondra Smith- 351-2973- or drop by one of the day care centers for information. We need volunteers and will help other parents get together and organize more day care centers. It's time we stopped producing "family animals" and began creating true "social animals".
Campus Culture