Iowa City Oppressed Citizen, September 4, 1970
1970-09-04 Iowa City Oppressed Citizen Page 11
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Mexican-Americans Fight Against Racism At Oscar Mayer In Davenport for the past several months a determined group of Mexican-Americans has been engaged in a struggle to get jobs against racist employers at the Oscar Mayer plant. Some of those involved have been applying for jobs there for two years and have not as yet been given the chance to work. In the meantime, Anglo job applicants were being hired. In one case a woman with ten years meatpacking experience applied for a job at a time when Oscar Mayer was hiring. The same day a youth with four years experience also applied for a job. Both are Mexican-Americans and both were denied jobs. Two days later an Anglo youth fresh out of high school applied for a job and was immediately hired. Other facts which point out the racist nature of Oscar Mayer's hiring practices are: 1) Out of 1500 workers at the plant there are only 25 Mexican-Americans and most of these were hired before 1960. 2) Oscar Mayer continues to administer the Wunderlich Aptitude tests to job applicants even though these have been judged discriminatory by the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission. They continue to use these discriminatory tests in spite of this and te fact that they do not indicate the applicant's on the job ability. Also, Oscar Mayer insists that all employees speak English [[underline]]before[[end underline] they may start work or be trained for jobs. 3) Oscar Mayer through the Dept. of Labor's JOBS program pledged to hire and train 35 disadvantaged persons, especially from minority groups. In the MA-6 section of the program there are specific arrangements for the hiring and training of 6 Mexican-Americans. Well they have already hired these 35, and guess what? Not a single Mexican-American was included in the program despite the fact that there are 3000 of them living in the Davenport area. Upon haring of this, the Davenport Employment Office notified four Mexican-American youths that they should immediately go down to the Oscar Mayer plant to begin training in the MA-6 program. When they arrived at the plant, they were told that there were not jobs - that there must have been some mistake. There is no mistake about racism!! It is purposefully used by many bosses and their managers to keep workers down and keep them divided. They know that they can keep workers from gaining any real demands through solidarity if they play upon racist fears. Knowing full well that wage freezes and massive lay-offs are inevitable, management chooses to keep workers divided so that they can do their dirty work unopposed. In the Oscar Mayer plant, many workers had the implanted fear that the Mexican-Americans outside were after their jobs. This is not true, since many new workers must be hired when the Fall meat rush soon begins. By creating fears such as this, and by playing upon racial differences and stereotypes they hope to create splits and dissension among workers so that they won't be able to fight back against rotten working conditions and the racist hiring practices. These are the same tactics that were and are still being used against Blacks when they seek jobs. Furthermore, they separate and isolate women from men by giving them phony manual dexterity tests and then putting them in jobs which require 'fast hand and finger movement.' By creating these divisions along racial and sex lines and by pitting groups of workers against each other, many bosses succeed in keeping workers divided and thus, can maintain lousy working conditions for all without stiff, massive resistance that can only come from all workers being united. The workers at Oscar Mayer are 100% unionized. The union, therefore, could wield tremendous force in unifying workers to oppose racist conditions which hurt all those on the job and those seeking jobs. The officials of the amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen (AFL-CIO) in Davenport, however, exemplify the trend of many union leaders toward becoming tools of management rather than serving the concerns of rank and file workers. When the Mexican-American group and these officials met in a conference, they said that they "have nothing to do with hiring" They did agree to investigate the charges and contact the Davenport Civil Rights Commission. As of this writing they have not even made an effort to substantiate the charges against Oscar Mayer, and have done absolutely nothing in these areas. Thus, the true colors of these union officials is revealed as they allow racist hiring practices to continue right under their very noses. For the past several weeks, people from Iowa City have been in contact with the leader and spokeswoman of the group, Dolores Carillo. A hard nosed fighter, she destroys completely the myth that women must take a back seat to men in militant struggles. Like several other women in the group, she must support her family solely on a measly monthly welfare check. Realizing this, Oscar Mayer has tried to buy her off, that is, they offered [[underline]]only[[end underline]] her a job. But she rejected this cheap trick that is used so often by management - to break the back of militant struggles by buying off or co-opting the leadership. (this is what happened to most union officials) She felt that for her alone to get a job would not help her people or Blacks who would still be in the thick of militant struggles. To her the important thing is jobs for [[underline]]all[[end underline]]!!! In Iowa City, several organizations have played supporting roles in this struggle. Women's Liberation Front has brought the events in Davenport to the attention of many people in Iowa City and elsewhere, and they have given direct support in manning the picket lines at the Oscar Mayer plant. Their article in August 21 edition of [[underline]]Ain't I A Woman[[end underline]]? gives a valuable insight into the struggle with a stirring interview with Delores Carillo. Students For a Democratic Society have also attempted to play a supporting role in this struggle. Besides helping on the picket lines, we have tried to relate this struggle and others such as ghetto rebellions to the broader aspects of racism that are maintained by the ruling class in this capitalistic and imerialistic society. AT a recent SDS sponsored rally we talked about how racism affects everyone-workers, students, soldiers. We tried to point out the racist aspects of the war and of exploitation through imperialism. We showed how ghetto rebellions are valiant struggles against rotten conditions and blatant exploitation by slum landlords and merchants. We tried to point out how racism effects students and that it is important for all students to join in and play supporting roles in struggles such as the one at Oscar Mayer. The show of support can serve to bolster morale and strike fear into the hearts of bosses as they see a united struggle. RACISM MUST BE COMBATTED ON ALL FRONTS!! If you are interested in finding our further information about the situation in Davenport or would like to offer support, there are several organizations that you can contact: 1) Woman's Liberation Front 337-4398 2) Student's for a Democratic Society 351-6266 or 338-5808 In the near future look for; a local boycott of Oscar Mayer products, trips to Davenport to gather information and show support, a program on migrant workers conditions including speakers and films. BOYCOTT OSCAR MAYER!! written by - sds - BOWERY GENERAL MEMBER OF OM "Organic Merchants" PAGE 11 I read the news today, oh boy. The regents, the governor, Iowa U. p0resident Boyd and his deans have decided to make some rules (laws) that will govern student and non-student conduct away from demonstrations and political protest. These broad statements imply that if Boyd deems fit a student may be castrated for loitering in the entranceway of Shaeffer Hall. It is evident to this biased graduate student that these authority people are scared motherfuckers. Scared of losing their jobs, their authority (power) and their money. Surely, most of these people call themselves educated, intelligent liberals. But they act like fascists. Self conceptions are often misleading. If they, indeed, are intelligent then they must know that political/legal repression will not curtail a specific type of behavior. Such repression may force the behavior underground, but it will not stop it. The only way to stop political protest and possible riots is to effectively rectify the causes. Stop the war. Stop institutional discrimination of our brothers and sisters. End police brutality and the police state tactics of the repression of our civil liberties and responsibilities as listed in The Declaration of Independence. End the forced poverty and ignorance of our brothers and sisters by distributing our wealth (sharing). Stop the systematic destruction of the earth. Make the Constitution a viable document for the people. We have read it. It can work. Do not let these authority trippers set up a commission to study the rape of our vitality. Stand up! BE AT THE VANGUARD: IT'S A KEEN VIEW - d.miller -
Mexican-Americans Fight Against Racism At Oscar Mayer In Davenport for the past several months a determined group of Mexican-Americans has been engaged in a struggle to get jobs against racist employers at the Oscar Mayer plant. Some of those involved have been applying for jobs there for two years and have not as yet been given the chance to work. In the meantime, Anglo job applicants were being hired. In one case a woman with ten years meatpacking experience applied for a job at a time when Oscar Mayer was hiring. The same day a youth with four years experience also applied for a job. Both are Mexican-Americans and both were denied jobs. Two days later an Anglo youth fresh out of high school applied for a job and was immediately hired. Other facts which point out the racist nature of Oscar Mayer's hiring practices are: 1) Out of 1500 workers at the plant there are only 25 Mexican-Americans and most of these were hired before 1960. 2) Oscar Mayer continues to administer the Wunderlich Aptitude tests to job applicants even though these have been judged discriminatory by the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission. They continue to use these discriminatory tests in spite of this and te fact that they do not indicate the applicant's on the job ability. Also, Oscar Mayer insists that all employees speak English [[underline]]before[[end underline] they may start work or be trained for jobs. 3) Oscar Mayer through the Dept. of Labor's JOBS program pledged to hire and train 35 disadvantaged persons, especially from minority groups. In the MA-6 section of the program there are specific arrangements for the hiring and training of 6 Mexican-Americans. Well they have already hired these 35, and guess what? Not a single Mexican-American was included in the program despite the fact that there are 3000 of them living in the Davenport area. Upon haring of this, the Davenport Employment Office notified four Mexican-American youths that they should immediately go down to the Oscar Mayer plant to begin training in the MA-6 program. When they arrived at the plant, they were told that there were not jobs - that there must have been some mistake. There is no mistake about racism!! It is purposefully used by many bosses and their managers to keep workers down and keep them divided. They know that they can keep workers from gaining any real demands through solidarity if they play upon racist fears. Knowing full well that wage freezes and massive lay-offs are inevitable, management chooses to keep workers divided so that they can do their dirty work unopposed. In the Oscar Mayer plant, many workers had the implanted fear that the Mexican-Americans outside were after their jobs. This is not true, since many new workers must be hired when the Fall meat rush soon begins. By creating fears such as this, and by playing upon racial differences and stereotypes they hope to create splits and dissension among workers so that they won't be able to fight back against rotten working conditions and the racist hiring practices. These are the same tactics that were and are still being used against Blacks when they seek jobs. Furthermore, they separate and isolate women from men by giving them phony manual dexterity tests and then putting them in jobs which require 'fast hand and finger movement.' By creating these divisions along racial and sex lines and by pitting groups of workers against each other, many bosses succeed in keeping workers divided and thus, can maintain lousy working conditions for all without stiff, massive resistance that can only come from all workers being united. The workers at Oscar Mayer are 100% unionized. The union, therefore, could wield tremendous force in unifying workers to oppose racist conditions which hurt all those on the job and those seeking jobs. The officials of the amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen (AFL-CIO) in Davenport, however, exemplify the trend of many union leaders toward becoming tools of management rather than serving the concerns of rank and file workers. When the Mexican-American group and these officials met in a conference, they said that they "have nothing to do with hiring" They did agree to investigate the charges and contact the Davenport Civil Rights Commission. As of this writing they have not even made an effort to substantiate the charges against Oscar Mayer, and have done absolutely nothing in these areas. Thus, the true colors of these union officials is revealed as they allow racist hiring practices to continue right under their very noses. For the past several weeks, people from Iowa City have been in contact with the leader and spokeswoman of the group, Dolores Carillo. A hard nosed fighter, she destroys completely the myth that women must take a back seat to men in militant struggles. Like several other women in the group, she must support her family solely on a measly monthly welfare check. Realizing this, Oscar Mayer has tried to buy her off, that is, they offered [[underline]]only[[end underline]] her a job. But she rejected this cheap trick that is used so often by management - to break the back of militant struggles by buying off or co-opting the leadership. (this is what happened to most union officials) She felt that for her alone to get a job would not help her people or Blacks who would still be in the thick of militant struggles. To her the important thing is jobs for [[underline]]all[[end underline]]!!! In Iowa City, several organizations have played supporting roles in this struggle. Women's Liberation Front has brought the events in Davenport to the attention of many people in Iowa City and elsewhere, and they have given direct support in manning the picket lines at the Oscar Mayer plant. Their article in August 21 edition of [[underline]]Ain't I A Woman[[end underline]]? gives a valuable insight into the struggle with a stirring interview with Delores Carillo. Students For a Democratic Society have also attempted to play a supporting role in this struggle. Besides helping on the picket lines, we have tried to relate this struggle and others such as ghetto rebellions to the broader aspects of racism that are maintained by the ruling class in this capitalistic and imerialistic society. AT a recent SDS sponsored rally we talked about how racism affects everyone-workers, students, soldiers. We tried to point out the racist aspects of the war and of exploitation through imperialism. We showed how ghetto rebellions are valiant struggles against rotten conditions and blatant exploitation by slum landlords and merchants. We tried to point out how racism effects students and that it is important for all students to join in and play supporting roles in struggles such as the one at Oscar Mayer. The show of support can serve to bolster morale and strike fear into the hearts of bosses as they see a united struggle. RACISM MUST BE COMBATTED ON ALL FRONTS!! If you are interested in finding our further information about the situation in Davenport or would like to offer support, there are several organizations that you can contact: 1) Woman's Liberation Front 337-4398 2) Student's for a Democratic Society 351-6266 or 338-5808 In the near future look for; a local boycott of Oscar Mayer products, trips to Davenport to gather information and show support, a program on migrant workers conditions including speakers and films. BOYCOTT OSCAR MAYER!! written by - sds - BOWERY GENERAL MEMBER OF OM "Organic Merchants" PAGE 11 I read the news today, oh boy. The regents, the governor, Iowa U. p0resident Boyd and his deans have decided to make some rules (laws) that will govern student and non-student conduct away from demonstrations and political protest. These broad statements imply that if Boyd deems fit a student may be castrated for loitering in the entranceway of Shaeffer Hall. It is evident to this biased graduate student that these authority people are scared motherfuckers. Scared of losing their jobs, their authority (power) and their money. Surely, most of these people call themselves educated, intelligent liberals. But they act like fascists. Self conceptions are often misleading. If they, indeed, are intelligent then they must know that political/legal repression will not curtail a specific type of behavior. Such repression may force the behavior underground, but it will not stop it. The only way to stop political protest and possible riots is to effectively rectify the causes. Stop the war. Stop institutional discrimination of our brothers and sisters. End police brutality and the police state tactics of the repression of our civil liberties and responsibilities as listed in The Declaration of Independence. End the forced poverty and ignorance of our brothers and sisters by distributing our wealth (sharing). Stop the systematic destruction of the earth. Make the Constitution a viable document for the people. We have read it. It can work. Do not let these authority trippers set up a commission to study the rape of our vitality. Stand up! BE AT THE VANGUARD: IT'S A KEEN VIEW - d.miller -
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