Army ROTC photograph album, 1968-1969
Photo 1d
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LTC FRANCIS B. ROBERTSON, USA (RET.) 8132 137TH COURT WEST APPLE VALLEY, MN 55123 January 20, 2002 MAJ Steven W. Kelly Department of Military Science The University of Iowa 101 South Quad Iowa City, IA 52242 Dear Steve: Thank you for visiting with Colin and me last Friday. I know he was impressed by your program, as well as by the rest of the campus. It was also fun for "old Dad" to revisit my home of 20+ years ago! Colin received an excellent tour of the Physics Department in the afternoon, including being escorted by the department chair, Tom Boggess, down to the Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories for a personal tour of the lab by one of the Physics faculty members. He also visited with the assistant director of the Honors Program and with Jill Kuhlers in Admissions. As he indicated, he has narrowed his choices down to Iowa and Minnesota, assuming he does not receive a West Point appointment. I am quite sure that, after our visit last week, Iowa is #1 on his list. Your comments concerning his potential for an ROTC scholarship at Iowa are especially encouraging, as without one, I'm afraid that Minnesota (in-state tuition) will be the way he will have to go. As I indicated, his mother and I were both students at Iowa, so there is also a sentimental "family predisposition" for the university. I found a couple of items that I thought might amuse you (enclosed). Feel free to include them in your 1978-1981 file, with my compliments. I enjoyed meeting you and LTC St. John, and I wish you continued success regardless of where Colin enrolls next fall! Best regards, Frank [actual signature] Frank Robertson
LTC FRANCIS B. ROBERTSON, USA (RET.) 8132 137TH COURT WEST APPLE VALLEY, MN 55123 January 20, 2002 MAJ Steven W. Kelly Department of Military Science The University of Iowa 101 South Quad Iowa City, IA 52242 Dear Steve: Thank you for visiting with Colin and me last Friday. I know he was impressed by your program, as well as by the rest of the campus. It was also fun for "old Dad" to revisit my home of 20+ years ago! Colin received an excellent tour of the Physics Department in the afternoon, including being escorted by the department chair, Tom Boggess, down to the Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories for a personal tour of the lab by one of the Physics faculty members. He also visited with the assistant director of the Honors Program and with Jill Kuhlers in Admissions. As he indicated, he has narrowed his choices down to Iowa and Minnesota, assuming he does not receive a West Point appointment. I am quite sure that, after our visit last week, Iowa is #1 on his list. Your comments concerning his potential for an ROTC scholarship at Iowa are especially encouraging, as without one, I'm afraid that Minnesota (in-state tuition) will be the way he will have to go. As I indicated, his mother and I were both students at Iowa, so there is also a sentimental "family predisposition" for the university. I found a couple of items that I thought might amuse you (enclosed). Feel free to include them in your 1978-1981 file, with my compliments. I enjoyed meeting you and LTC St. John, and I wish you continued success regardless of where Colin enrolls next fall! Best regards, Frank [actual signature] Frank Robertson
Campus Culture