Snide, issue 2, February 1941
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due course, becomes the proud owner of a brand new U.S. magazine, the only copy in England- tho, as her uncle was not the salesman for the particular Pub. Company, it is not exactly the one he had chosen at first. # notice: (Please sit down while you read this. It will give you a nasty shock, we fear.) Beginning with next issue, SNIDE will pay for acceptable material at the rate of 1/25¢ a word. At an average of 250 words to a page, this means something like 20¢ for a short story or article the size of Bradbury's 'Tale of the Mangledomvritch', 50¢ for a longer one like 'Call for Captain Past!', and $1.00 or more for a feature length story such as 'Daisies Will Tell'. As for our reason for taking this step, it is the same as for all the other radical and hare-brained things we have done & will do: simply that we think it is possible, but as far as we know, nobody has ever done it before. This makes us feel agreeably like explorers; &, in a sense, we suppose we are. If, by any chance, our paid circulation should rise appreciably coincident with the adoption of this policy, we will put any excess profits back into space-rates, thus raising the ante still higher, & if that increases the circulation again - you take it from there. Matter of fact, though, we don't promise to continue the policy for more than one issue. It all depends. #
due course, becomes the proud owner of a brand new U.S. magazine, the only copy in England- tho, as her uncle was not the salesman for the particular Pub. Company, it is not exactly the one he had chosen at first. # notice: (Please sit down while you read this. It will give you a nasty shock, we fear.) Beginning with next issue, SNIDE will pay for acceptable material at the rate of 1/25¢ a word. At an average of 250 words to a page, this means something like 20¢ for a short story or article the size of Bradbury's 'Tale of the Mangledomvritch', 50¢ for a longer one like 'Call for Captain Past!', and $1.00 or more for a feature length story such as 'Daisies Will Tell'. As for our reason for taking this step, it is the same as for all the other radical and hare-brained things we have done & will do: simply that we think it is possible, but as far as we know, nobody has ever done it before. This makes us feel agreeably like explorers; &, in a sense, we suppose we are. If, by any chance, our paid circulation should rise appreciably coincident with the adoption of this policy, we will put any excess profits back into space-rates, thus raising the ante still higher, & if that increases the circulation again - you take it from there. Matter of fact, though, we don't promise to continue the policy for more than one issue. It all depends. #
com o decorrer do curso, se torna o orgulhoso dono da mais nova U.S. Magazine, a única cópia na Inglaterra - no entanto, como seu tio não era o vendedor para o particular Pub. Company, não seria bem aquele que fora escolhido inicialmente.
Hevelin Fanzines