Snide, issue 2, February 1941
Page 23
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Editorially Speaking Hi, Last issue, on this page, we made two and a half promises: justified margins, better hektographing, & possibly more pages. Somehow or other, we have managed to keep all of these in this, the 2nd issue. This emboldens us to make several more for the third, to wit: For SNIDE #3 we promise, first, better material. For most of this we are counting on our new space rates, but a little is on hand already - & we might as well tell you now that our feature story for next issue is a beautiful humorous fantasy by Art Widner called 'Quest of the Foo-Stone', which we're sure you'll like. Second, we promise a more orderly format. Up to now, SNIDE has been thrown together more or less haphazardly; in future we'll make a more elaborate dummy, & otherwise take greater care in assembling our material. And third, to contributors we reiterate our promise of careful copyreading, little editing beyond correction of errors in spelling and grammar, and a free copy of the ish in which an item appears....this in addition to space rates as previously announced. O yes - one more thing. We're thinking, in a vague sort of way, of changing to large-sized format with #3. When you write, please tell us what you think about this, will you? If public opinion is overwhelmingly against us, chances are we'll stick to our present chubby size. C U N Denver, [?] Bill 23
Editorially Speaking Hi, Last issue, on this page, we made two and a half promises: justified margins, better hektographing, & possibly more pages. Somehow or other, we have managed to keep all of these in this, the 2nd issue. This emboldens us to make several more for the third, to wit: For SNIDE #3 we promise, first, better material. For most of this we are counting on our new space rates, but a little is on hand already - & we might as well tell you now that our feature story for next issue is a beautiful humorous fantasy by Art Widner called 'Quest of the Foo-Stone', which we're sure you'll like. Second, we promise a more orderly format. Up to now, SNIDE has been thrown together more or less haphazardly; in future we'll make a more elaborate dummy, & otherwise take greater care in assembling our material. And third, to contributors we reiterate our promise of careful copyreading, little editing beyond correction of errors in spelling and grammar, and a free copy of the ish in which an item appears....this in addition to space rates as previously announced. O yes - one more thing. We're thinking, in a vague sort of way, of changing to large-sized format with #3. When you write, please tell us what you think about this, will you? If public opinion is overwhelmingly against us, chances are we'll stick to our present chubby size. C U N Denver, [?] Bill 23
Hevelin Fanzines