Stefnews, September 2, 1945
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STEFNEWS 2 Sep 45 FAPA FTL 25 ballots in the Fantasy Amateur Press Association's annual election had been received by 28 Aug, and it was intended to close the polls on 1 Sep. PLANS Christensen of Ergerzerp plans noch ein fanzine, titled nisi Grotesque Gibberings. "After exams this week and the NFFF official organ next, Speer plans to spend a fortnite doubling the West Coast before school resumes." Widner: "I plan to abandon publishing [but not writing] after I use up Gardner's series on the pros in Yhos. Reason 1: Tired of stenciling & crank-turning. 2:Think there ought to be more writers & fewer eds & pubs in fandom. 3: Hope to get a leetle book larnin' after discharge." AGONY COLUMN BC Helen Wesson having fallen down on him, Translator Burton Crane of the China OSS is without a publisher for The Unspeakable Thing. Requested terms: He will do half the editing and all the financing, desires someone in the United States to do half the editing and all the stenciling and mailing. PROZINES September Astounding came in last week. Part two of Van Vogt's answer to the Lemurian menace explains some things in part one, and continues to toss out fascinating ideas such as, "The human brain ... has not even theoretically an intellectual equal in the universe." "Leinster's The Power is worth reading." Deadly Host is not." Padgett's Camouflage is a masculine development of the same idea as his partner's Deirde tale. L'AFFAIRE GALLET FJA Airmail from Marseille, 23 Aug 45, from Pfc John Cunningham, clears name of French fan Georges Gallet of collaborationist suspicions, brands "Wollheim accusation a base lie." Cunningham states he has examined credentials issued by French, British, & USA depts of military investigation, clearing Gallet. "He is as much a patriot as anyone who fought in this war." DOGFENEWS Cpl Gord Dickson of the lamented MFS is stationed at Ft MacArthur. Pvt Gary Thompson of the LASFS brings the MacArthur contingent of fantasites to three. The War Dept should be warned. "Cpl Larry Farsaci guestedited the July issue of Tulelake Guardsman, and reprinted therein some poems from Star Bound." And citizen Nick Kenealy (discharged 24 Aug) plans to settle in LA. CHANGES OF ADDRESS Rustebar is moving closer to Los Angeles: Sjt James Hevelin, Aerology Office MCAS[?], El Toro (Santa Ana) Calif. "Sjt Robert C Peterson, Finance Office, Las Vegas AAF Nevada." Roy A Squires. 1745 Kenneth Road, Glendale 1 Calif." Cpl Larry Farsaci, Co A SCU 1981, Cp Tulelake Calif.
STEFNEWS 2 Sep 45 FAPA FTL 25 ballots in the Fantasy Amateur Press Association's annual election had been received by 28 Aug, and it was intended to close the polls on 1 Sep. PLANS Christensen of Ergerzerp plans noch ein fanzine, titled nisi Grotesque Gibberings. "After exams this week and the NFFF official organ next, Speer plans to spend a fortnite doubling the West Coast before school resumes." Widner: "I plan to abandon publishing [but not writing] after I use up Gardner's series on the pros in Yhos. Reason 1: Tired of stenciling & crank-turning. 2:Think there ought to be more writers & fewer eds & pubs in fandom. 3: Hope to get a leetle book larnin' after discharge." AGONY COLUMN BC Helen Wesson having fallen down on him, Translator Burton Crane of the China OSS is without a publisher for The Unspeakable Thing. Requested terms: He will do half the editing and all the financing, desires someone in the United States to do half the editing and all the stenciling and mailing. PROZINES September Astounding came in last week. Part two of Van Vogt's answer to the Lemurian menace explains some things in part one, and continues to toss out fascinating ideas such as, "The human brain ... has not even theoretically an intellectual equal in the universe." "Leinster's The Power is worth reading." Deadly Host is not." Padgett's Camouflage is a masculine development of the same idea as his partner's Deirde tale. L'AFFAIRE GALLET FJA Airmail from Marseille, 23 Aug 45, from Pfc John Cunningham, clears name of French fan Georges Gallet of collaborationist suspicions, brands "Wollheim accusation a base lie." Cunningham states he has examined credentials issued by French, British, & USA depts of military investigation, clearing Gallet. "He is as much a patriot as anyone who fought in this war." DOGFENEWS Cpl Gord Dickson of the lamented MFS is stationed at Ft MacArthur. Pvt Gary Thompson of the LASFS brings the MacArthur contingent of fantasites to three. The War Dept should be warned. "Cpl Larry Farsaci guestedited the July issue of Tulelake Guardsman, and reprinted therein some poems from Star Bound." And citizen Nick Kenealy (discharged 24 Aug) plans to settle in LA. CHANGES OF ADDRESS Rustebar is moving closer to Los Angeles: Sjt James Hevelin, Aerology Office MCAS[?], El Toro (Santa Ana) Calif. "Sjt Robert C Peterson, Finance Office, Las Vegas AAF Nevada." Roy A Squires. 1745 Kenneth Road, Glendale 1 Calif." Cpl Larry Farsaci, Co A SCU 1981, Cp Tulelake Calif.
Hevelin Fanzines