Van Houten Says, v. 5, issue 2, October 1, 1940
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VAN HOUTEN SAYS ____________________________ Vol. 5, No. [6]-10/1/40. ____________________________ Published sporadically by Ray Van Houten, 26 Seeley St., Paterson, N.J. Exchange subscriptions respectfully solicited. No outside material required -o 5 issues for 10c. o- "What has the Encyclopedia Brittanica got that Van Houten Says hasn't got?"---RVH. {Hand drawing to right of page} Well, the big news this issue is that at last Van Houten has sold a story! Mr. F. Orlin Tremaine, well-known former editor of“ASTOUNDING STORIES”, and [?] Editor of “COMET ”, has just bought a 5000 word short entitled “THE COSMIC COUNTERFEITS” through my agents, Jimmy Taurasi and Sam Moskowitz. It will appear, I am informed, in the fourth issue of “COMET ” and will probably be illustrated by Giunta, although this is not definite. Howzat?! You’ll probably be seeing quite a bit of my stuff from now on, if I have anything to say about it. Mr. Tremaine promises that Comet will develop a “new, pace-setting speed” in its first issues, and he says that he is “making the preliminary moves to taking the lead in the field with a new series of stories which will come to be listed among the classics.” Those of you who remember the terrific upward drive exhibited by “ASTOUNDING STORIES” under Mr. Tremaine’s editorship will not hold many doubts of his ability to fulfill this promise. We sincerely hope that at last a magazine has arisen which will fill the gap in this scientifictional [well] of which we have been growing more and more conscious with the passing years. The first of these coming classics will be “The Immortal” by Ross Rocklynne, slated definitely for the February issue. In the same issue also appears a story by Jack Williamson and, “The Star of Dreams”, which Mr. Tremaine describes as a “thought-variant” and “worth mentioning.” You have our support and best wishes, Mr. Tremaine, and we hope that you have as much success with “COMET” as you did with “ASTOUNDING”, and that [youccan] again edit a field-leading magazine. Just bought the December issue of “FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES” for the small sum of a thin dime. At last they have located the price level at which a reprint magazine, no matter how good, should be sold. It isn’t quite fair, when you consider that second pulp rights can be bought for something below ½¢ per word, that such a magazine compete on equal terms with the ones which publish---and pay for---new
VAN HOUTEN SAYS ____________________________ Vol. 5, No. [6]-10/1/40. ____________________________ Published sporadically by Ray Van Houten, 26 Seeley St., Paterson, N.J. Exchange subscriptions respectfully solicited. No outside material required -o 5 issues for 10c. o- "What has the Encyclopedia Brittanica got that Van Houten Says hasn't got?"---RVH. {Hand drawing to right of page} Well, the big news this issue is that at last Van Houten has sold a story! Mr. F. Orlin Tremaine, well-known former editor of“ASTOUNDING STORIES”, and [?] Editor of “COMET ”, has just bought a 5000 word short entitled “THE COSMIC COUNTERFEITS” through my agents, Jimmy Taurasi and Sam Moskowitz. It will appear, I am informed, in the fourth issue of “COMET ” and will probably be illustrated by Giunta, although this is not definite. Howzat?! You’ll probably be seeing quite a bit of my stuff from now on, if I have anything to say about it. Mr. Tremaine promises that Comet will develop a “new, pace-setting speed” in its first issues, and he says that he is “making the preliminary moves to taking the lead in the field with a new series of stories which will come to be listed among the classics.” Those of you who remember the terrific upward drive exhibited by “ASTOUNDING STORIES” under Mr. Tremaine’s editorship will not hold many doubts of his ability to fulfill this promise. We sincerely hope that at last a magazine has arisen which will fill the gap in this scientifictional [well] of which we have been growing more and more conscious with the passing years. The first of these coming classics will be “The Immortal” by Ross Rocklynne, slated definitely for the February issue. In the same issue also appears a story by Jack Williamson and, “The Star of Dreams”, which Mr. Tremaine describes as a “thought-variant” and “worth mentioning.” You have our support and best wishes, Mr. Tremaine, and we hope that you have as much success with “COMET” as you did with “ASTOUNDING”, and that [youccan] again edit a field-leading magazine. Just bought the December issue of “FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES” for the small sum of a thin dime. At last they have located the price level at which a reprint magazine, no matter how good, should be sold. It isn’t quite fair, when you consider that second pulp rights can be bought for something below ½¢ per word, that such a magazine compete on equal terms with the ones which publish---and pay for---new
Hevelin Fanzines