Southern Star, v. 1, issue 1, 1941
Page 23
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SPACE SHIPS AND SPACE WAR A Mutant Article South Carolina & Tennessee by W.B. McQueen, Jr. & Fred W. Fischer Foreword: They say there's nothing new under the sun, but here may well be a new idea in articles. Some time ago W. B. McQueen and Fred W. Fischer became involved in correspondence devoted to the problems and possibilities of was in space, and a development of the limitations imposed upon interplanetary warfar , as well as suggestions toward solving vexatious points which invariably crop up in such imaginary engagements. Taking the stand that to date no story has ever been written which answered all their objections and fault-finding they betheorizing and speculating on the subject. Excerpts from the letters of these two fans provide, we believe, a rather unique science fiction article. We will welcome any material of this nature which may be utilized in composing an article. If you have an idea which you believe could be made into an unusual, "offtrail" article, write it up; send it in. Or any two fans who have had written discussion of certain phases of science-fiction, no matter what the subject are invited to submit their correspondence for boiling-down and excising. Better still, we would prefer that one or both of the correspondents write the article themselves! THE EDITORS * * * * * * * * * * McQueen: I can see that I'm going to have plenty of trouble from the science angle, swallowing some of this stuff appearing in the magazines. Outrageously Impossible and far beyond the realm of probability. I would like to have any ideas you might have on the subject of future civilizations, space battles, etc. I do have some very pronounced ideas about space, space ships, future beings, and so must you The subject is open to discussion, and should provide some fairly interesting conversation. Let's hear from you, particularly regarding space warfare. Fisher: Ordinarily I'd be happy to argue with you on any subject Mac, or just whole-heartedly welcome any invitation to express my viewpoints, because when it comes to the point of expressing my view-points -- especially by invitation -- I'm sure hard to put a stop to. But in this instance you've generalized to the point where I'd have to write a book in reply. Reams and volumes could be written about space warfare and space ships. if you'll narrow down your subject and tell me what particular phase you wish me to discuss maybe I can give you some pronounced ideas of mine. So what say you give me yours, first! McQueen: Okay, Butch -- so you didn't help me on future civilizations or on space battles. But I can see now that I was indeed quite vague. Let me see if I can get down to the point. Regarding space battles, then, I don't mean battles between inhabited worlds. I mean what perhaps you hope I didn't mean -- battles between ships in actual space. I
SPACE SHIPS AND SPACE WAR A Mutant Article South Carolina & Tennessee by W.B. McQueen, Jr. & Fred W. Fischer Foreword: They say there's nothing new under the sun, but here may well be a new idea in articles. Some time ago W. B. McQueen and Fred W. Fischer became involved in correspondence devoted to the problems and possibilities of was in space, and a development of the limitations imposed upon interplanetary warfar , as well as suggestions toward solving vexatious points which invariably crop up in such imaginary engagements. Taking the stand that to date no story has ever been written which answered all their objections and fault-finding they betheorizing and speculating on the subject. Excerpts from the letters of these two fans provide, we believe, a rather unique science fiction article. We will welcome any material of this nature which may be utilized in composing an article. If you have an idea which you believe could be made into an unusual, "offtrail" article, write it up; send it in. Or any two fans who have had written discussion of certain phases of science-fiction, no matter what the subject are invited to submit their correspondence for boiling-down and excising. Better still, we would prefer that one or both of the correspondents write the article themselves! THE EDITORS * * * * * * * * * * McQueen: I can see that I'm going to have plenty of trouble from the science angle, swallowing some of this stuff appearing in the magazines. Outrageously Impossible and far beyond the realm of probability. I would like to have any ideas you might have on the subject of future civilizations, space battles, etc. I do have some very pronounced ideas about space, space ships, future beings, and so must you The subject is open to discussion, and should provide some fairly interesting conversation. Let's hear from you, particularly regarding space warfare. Fisher: Ordinarily I'd be happy to argue with you on any subject Mac, or just whole-heartedly welcome any invitation to express my viewpoints, because when it comes to the point of expressing my view-points -- especially by invitation -- I'm sure hard to put a stop to. But in this instance you've generalized to the point where I'd have to write a book in reply. Reams and volumes could be written about space warfare and space ships. if you'll narrow down your subject and tell me what particular phase you wish me to discuss maybe I can give you some pronounced ideas of mine. So what say you give me yours, first! McQueen: Okay, Butch -- so you didn't help me on future civilizations or on space battles. But I can see now that I was indeed quite vague. Let me see if I can get down to the point. Regarding space battles, then, I don't mean battles between inhabited worlds. I mean what perhaps you hope I didn't mean -- battles between ships in actual space. I
Hevelin Fanzines