Cosmic Tales, v. 2, issue 1, Summer 1939
Page 39
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COSMIC TALES , 39 Most punks, when we got to the subject of John A. Bristol and I showed my tag labeled "John Bristol Speer", with the first two words in authentic handwriting, just said "Oh" and smiled. Bob Madie raised a bit more fuss. But Efjay's my friend for life, he actually was astounded by the revelation. Considering all the trouble I've put into Bristol, for the sole aim of creating a deception (full details somelsetime), I am grateful for any recognition. Much good natured banter re "dictators" and "Il Duce of Flushing Flats" ... The curse of N'Yagogghua on Baltadonis for outbidding me on that back cover painting ... After all present the third day had autographed the corner post of Taurasi's porch. Reinsberg wanted to take it home with him for a souvenir ... Evening of the last day, I could only find two fellows who'd go with me back to the fair, but we had a great time of it.... Tho we pled with her for hours on end to return to WHaven alone Sunday night to watch the store Monday, Gertie Kuslan was adamant, so Looie had to go back home after but one day.... Toward midnight Monday, when the more cautious instincts were dulled, Bob Madie let it out that he had been married and unmarried, and it further developed that Johnny Baltadonis had also taken the nuptial plunge, but more recently ... Cameras everywhere!.... "Well, Balty, are all of us going to Hell but you?" .... SaM makes a top-flight auctioneer, but he sounds as if his heart were breaking everytime he says, "Sold, for fifteen cents." or whatever the price may be. The most successful feature of the program, in my opinion, was, from the standpoint of worth, the banquet at the Wyndham. Tho some couldn't restrain themselves from putting tobacco in the coffee, salt in the sugar, spilling ice on the table or taking candid pictures, asf, in the general impression I was reminded of the high school Junior-Senior Banquet -- they're still kids, but for the time being they have truly grown up. Not much space for the small change this time; but say, fellows, if you've been missing Hal Foster's "Prince Vailiant in the Days of King Arthur"in your Sunday comics, by all means hunt around till you find a paper thatcarries it. Honest to Foo, it's the high est type of literature that has yet seen the American "comic" page. Foster, who drew Tarzan for a long time, has outdone himself on this subject. He has picked a time when things were happening all over Europe -- the Hun invasion, the crumbling of Rome, the ravagings of the Vikings, whispers of renascent Persia , whispers of Thule, whispers of the Hesperides, whispers of Mohammed; and his sense of the dramatic does the possibilities 100% justice. Words re the last CT: "Vagrant" Lowndes has taken for my belief of what would happen, my statement of the worst that could happen. As for his bids for an allegiance, no soap, and may I suggest he confine them to our personal correspondence? I know what happens to fellow-travellers... If it be not fascist to ask that the ban on Fascist material in Mickey be lifted, I should like to ask that for the principle, and for the sake of any Fascist there may be, and for the sake of liberal democracy. In a democracy, and where there is freedom and equal means for speech, extreme ideas tend to cancel each other off, obstruct the one without denying the other, and the Center, liberal democracy must move further to the Right (In this case) to strike a new balance. So I desire Kuslan or his successor to abandon this inequitable policy, tho I myself am no fascist, and am a believer in democracy (in spite of the fact that I occasionally get atavistic urges like wanting to talk back to the Declaration of Independence).... FAPA members know of (Con't on page 42)
COSMIC TALES , 39 Most punks, when we got to the subject of John A. Bristol and I showed my tag labeled "John Bristol Speer", with the first two words in authentic handwriting, just said "Oh" and smiled. Bob Madie raised a bit more fuss. But Efjay's my friend for life, he actually was astounded by the revelation. Considering all the trouble I've put into Bristol, for the sole aim of creating a deception (full details somelsetime), I am grateful for any recognition. Much good natured banter re "dictators" and "Il Duce of Flushing Flats" ... The curse of N'Yagogghua on Baltadonis for outbidding me on that back cover painting ... After all present the third day had autographed the corner post of Taurasi's porch. Reinsberg wanted to take it home with him for a souvenir ... Evening of the last day, I could only find two fellows who'd go with me back to the fair, but we had a great time of it.... Tho we pled with her for hours on end to return to WHaven alone Sunday night to watch the store Monday, Gertie Kuslan was adamant, so Looie had to go back home after but one day.... Toward midnight Monday, when the more cautious instincts were dulled, Bob Madie let it out that he had been married and unmarried, and it further developed that Johnny Baltadonis had also taken the nuptial plunge, but more recently ... Cameras everywhere!.... "Well, Balty, are all of us going to Hell but you?" .... SaM makes a top-flight auctioneer, but he sounds as if his heart were breaking everytime he says, "Sold, for fifteen cents." or whatever the price may be. The most successful feature of the program, in my opinion, was, from the standpoint of worth, the banquet at the Wyndham. Tho some couldn't restrain themselves from putting tobacco in the coffee, salt in the sugar, spilling ice on the table or taking candid pictures, asf, in the general impression I was reminded of the high school Junior-Senior Banquet -- they're still kids, but for the time being they have truly grown up. Not much space for the small change this time; but say, fellows, if you've been missing Hal Foster's "Prince Vailiant in the Days of King Arthur"in your Sunday comics, by all means hunt around till you find a paper thatcarries it. Honest to Foo, it's the high est type of literature that has yet seen the American "comic" page. Foster, who drew Tarzan for a long time, has outdone himself on this subject. He has picked a time when things were happening all over Europe -- the Hun invasion, the crumbling of Rome, the ravagings of the Vikings, whispers of renascent Persia , whispers of Thule, whispers of the Hesperides, whispers of Mohammed; and his sense of the dramatic does the possibilities 100% justice. Words re the last CT: "Vagrant" Lowndes has taken for my belief of what would happen, my statement of the worst that could happen. As for his bids for an allegiance, no soap, and may I suggest he confine them to our personal correspondence? I know what happens to fellow-travellers... If it be not fascist to ask that the ban on Fascist material in Mickey be lifted, I should like to ask that for the principle, and for the sake of any Fascist there may be, and for the sake of liberal democracy. In a democracy, and where there is freedom and equal means for speech, extreme ideas tend to cancel each other off, obstruct the one without denying the other, and the Center, liberal democracy must move further to the Right (In this case) to strike a new balance. So I desire Kuslan or his successor to abandon this inequitable policy, tho I myself am no fascist, and am a believer in democracy (in spite of the fact that I occasionally get atavistic urges like wanting to talk back to the Declaration of Independence).... FAPA members know of (Con't on page 42)
Hevelin Fanzines