Necromancer, v. 1, issue 1, July 1947
Page 9
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FANTASTIC SHORTS FANSHORTS WILL BE A REGULAR DEPARTMENT. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SOLICITED. THE MUTE QUESTION BY LOOSE GADGET (alias 40) TWINHEAD the talker was puzzling over the old problem. "Do you think," he asked, in the queer lisp that was the heritage of his cleft tongue, "that Man could have made mutant in his own image?" His acquaintance of the twilight hour vouchsafed no opinion. Twinhead continued, his second head -- the two-tongued one -- musing with its characteristic twang, "But if Man's son, Adam, created us all with the Adam bomb---?" "I don't hold with that Bomb birth story," he lisped. "You, stranger?" Still the stranger did not respond. Why, it could not be directly told, for it was very dark in the cave. Twang-tongue argued: "But for Man to have made mutio in His own image, He would have had to be a polymorph! Part of Him would have had to be like us, and part like our Siamese sisters and part like little Roll Ball and part like the Octo-Arms and the Conti-Foots … Why, He would have been a monster! Don't you agree, stranger?' The stranger stirred, but still said nothing, as this theological debate of the late 1990s stalemated itself. Then Luna's rays crept into the cave, and illuminated the two mutios who sat there, and it became evident why the stranger did not speak. It became clear to you, the reader, thru the author's license of omnipresence, but to Twinhead it was still a mystery. For the Twinhead had four eyes, he was blind -- he could not see. PAGE 9
FANTASTIC SHORTS FANSHORTS WILL BE A REGULAR DEPARTMENT. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SOLICITED. THE MUTE QUESTION BY LOOSE GADGET (alias 40) TWINHEAD the talker was puzzling over the old problem. "Do you think," he asked, in the queer lisp that was the heritage of his cleft tongue, "that Man could have made mutant in his own image?" His acquaintance of the twilight hour vouchsafed no opinion. Twinhead continued, his second head -- the two-tongued one -- musing with its characteristic twang, "But if Man's son, Adam, created us all with the Adam bomb---?" "I don't hold with that Bomb birth story," he lisped. "You, stranger?" Still the stranger did not respond. Why, it could not be directly told, for it was very dark in the cave. Twang-tongue argued: "But for Man to have made mutio in His own image, He would have had to be a polymorph! Part of Him would have had to be like us, and part like our Siamese sisters and part like little Roll Ball and part like the Octo-Arms and the Conti-Foots … Why, He would have been a monster! Don't you agree, stranger?' The stranger stirred, but still said nothing, as this theological debate of the late 1990s stalemated itself. Then Luna's rays crept into the cave, and illuminated the two mutios who sat there, and it became evident why the stranger did not speak. It became clear to you, the reader, thru the author's license of omnipresence, but to Twinhead it was still a mystery. For the Twinhead had four eyes, he was blind -- he could not see. PAGE 9
Hevelin Fanzines