Necromancer, v. 1, issue 1, July 1947
Page 14
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NECROMANCER DIMENSIONS UNLIMITED If enough advertisements come in, Dimensions Unlimited will appear in each forth coming issue of Necromancer. Ad rates, revenue from which will be used to buy materials, are as follows: $2.00 full page; $1.50 half page; 50¢ quarter page or any fraction thereof. To start the ball rolling, here are some items from my own library (which I am disposing of because they are either duplicates or I just don't care for them) or books I have picked up here and there in my travels. I'm not out to make a profit from fandom, so you can have them for the price I paid, or less. First come, first served. Submit ads suitable for mimeographing. WILL ALSO TRADE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING H. Rider Haggard-- SHE-- Books Inc. (N.Y.) Mint with d/w. Three copies at 75¢ per H. Rider Haggard-- QUEEN SHEBA'S RING-- Garden City, '26-- Fair. Pages loose 75¢. H. Rider Haggard-- COLONEL QUARITICH [sic], V.C.-- Syndicate (N.Y.) Fair...50¢ Curt Siodmak-- DONOVAN'S BRAIN-- Chapman & Hall Ltd. (London) '44. First edition, fair. Cover poor. Bought it for $2.50, you can have it for... $2.50. H. G. Wells-- IN THE DAYS OF THE COMET-- Scribner's (N.Y.) '24. Excellent... $2.00 H. G. Wells-- THE FOOD OF THE GODS-- Scribner's (N.Y.) '24. Excellent... $2.00 H. G. Wells-- THE CROQUET PLAYER-- The Viking Press (N.Y.) '37. Good.... 75¢ E. R. Burroughs-- TARZAN AND THE ANTMEN-- G&D (N.Y.) '24. 1st edition. Good. $1.00 A. C. Doyle-- THE LOST WORLD-- Triangle (N.Y.) '43. Good... 50¢ S. Fowler Wright-- DELUGE-- Cosmopolitan (N.Y.) '28. 1st ed. (2 copies) Good. $1.50 Robert Nathan-- MR. WHITTLE AND THE MORNING STAR-- Knoph [sic] (N.Y.) '47. 1st edition mint, with d/w... $1.50 M. W. Shelley-- FRANKENSTEIN-- Illustrated Editions Co. (N.Y.) '32 9 1/2" x 6 1/2" Ex. $1.50 George Orwell-- ANIMAL FARM-- Harcourt Brace (N.Y.) '46. Excellent with dw. $1.00 Pratt & de Camp-- LAND OF UNREASON-- Holt (N.Y.) '42. Excellent... $1.00 Carl H. Claudy-- A 1,000 YEARS A MINUTE-- G&D (N.Y.) '33. Pencil marked...10¢ M. P. Shiel-- INVISIBLE VOICES-- Richards (London) 1st ed. Mint with d/w... $5.00 M.P. Shiel-- UNTO THE THIRD GENERATION-- Chatto & Windus (London) 1st ed. Ex $5.00 Ambrose Bierce-- IN THE MIDST OF LIFE-- Modern Library Ed. '27. Excellent...75¢ T. H. White-- THE SWORD IN THE STONE-- Putnam (N.Y.) '39. Good... $1.50 FOR THE COMPLETIST'S LIBRARY Oliver Onions-- THE SPITE OF HEAVEN-- Doran (N.Y.) '26. First edition. Ex.. $1.75 Norval Richardson-- DREAM BOAT-- L. B. '29. First edition. Excellent... $1.50 G. W. Brace-- THE WAYEARD [sic] PILGRIMS-- Putnam '38. 2nd edition. Excellent... $1.75 H. G. Wells-- A QUARTETTE OF COMEDIES-- Bonn (London) '28. First edition. Good $2.00 The above collection of H. G. Wells comedies is a real bargain for anyone collecting a complete Wells library. The volume includes KIPPS; THE HISTORY OF MR. POLLY; BEALBY and LOVE AND MR. LEVISHAM. Not fantasy. Necromancer solicits ads of all types. If not a hoodwinker, your ad is acceptable. PAGE 14
NECROMANCER DIMENSIONS UNLIMITED If enough advertisements come in, Dimensions Unlimited will appear in each forth coming issue of Necromancer. Ad rates, revenue from which will be used to buy materials, are as follows: $2.00 full page; $1.50 half page; 50¢ quarter page or any fraction thereof. To start the ball rolling, here are some items from my own library (which I am disposing of because they are either duplicates or I just don't care for them) or books I have picked up here and there in my travels. I'm not out to make a profit from fandom, so you can have them for the price I paid, or less. First come, first served. Submit ads suitable for mimeographing. WILL ALSO TRADE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING H. Rider Haggard-- SHE-- Books Inc. (N.Y.) Mint with d/w. Three copies at 75¢ per H. Rider Haggard-- QUEEN SHEBA'S RING-- Garden City, '26-- Fair. Pages loose 75¢. H. Rider Haggard-- COLONEL QUARITICH [sic], V.C.-- Syndicate (N.Y.) Fair...50¢ Curt Siodmak-- DONOVAN'S BRAIN-- Chapman & Hall Ltd. (London) '44. First edition, fair. Cover poor. Bought it for $2.50, you can have it for... $2.50. H. G. Wells-- IN THE DAYS OF THE COMET-- Scribner's (N.Y.) '24. Excellent... $2.00 H. G. Wells-- THE FOOD OF THE GODS-- Scribner's (N.Y.) '24. Excellent... $2.00 H. G. Wells-- THE CROQUET PLAYER-- The Viking Press (N.Y.) '37. Good.... 75¢ E. R. Burroughs-- TARZAN AND THE ANTMEN-- G&D (N.Y.) '24. 1st edition. Good. $1.00 A. C. Doyle-- THE LOST WORLD-- Triangle (N.Y.) '43. Good... 50¢ S. Fowler Wright-- DELUGE-- Cosmopolitan (N.Y.) '28. 1st ed. (2 copies) Good. $1.50 Robert Nathan-- MR. WHITTLE AND THE MORNING STAR-- Knoph [sic] (N.Y.) '47. 1st edition mint, with d/w... $1.50 M. W. Shelley-- FRANKENSTEIN-- Illustrated Editions Co. (N.Y.) '32 9 1/2" x 6 1/2" Ex. $1.50 George Orwell-- ANIMAL FARM-- Harcourt Brace (N.Y.) '46. Excellent with dw. $1.00 Pratt & de Camp-- LAND OF UNREASON-- Holt (N.Y.) '42. Excellent... $1.00 Carl H. Claudy-- A 1,000 YEARS A MINUTE-- G&D (N.Y.) '33. Pencil marked...10¢ M. P. Shiel-- INVISIBLE VOICES-- Richards (London) 1st ed. Mint with d/w... $5.00 M.P. Shiel-- UNTO THE THIRD GENERATION-- Chatto & Windus (London) 1st ed. Ex $5.00 Ambrose Bierce-- IN THE MIDST OF LIFE-- Modern Library Ed. '27. Excellent...75¢ T. H. White-- THE SWORD IN THE STONE-- Putnam (N.Y.) '39. Good... $1.50 FOR THE COMPLETIST'S LIBRARY Oliver Onions-- THE SPITE OF HEAVEN-- Doran (N.Y.) '26. First edition. Ex.. $1.75 Norval Richardson-- DREAM BOAT-- L. B. '29. First edition. Excellent... $1.50 G. W. Brace-- THE WAYEARD [sic] PILGRIMS-- Putnam '38. 2nd edition. Excellent... $1.75 H. G. Wells-- A QUARTETTE OF COMEDIES-- Bonn (London) '28. First edition. Good $2.00 The above collection of H. G. Wells comedies is a real bargain for anyone collecting a complete Wells library. The volume includes KIPPS; THE HISTORY OF MR. POLLY; BEALBY and LOVE AND MR. LEVISHAM. Not fantasy. Necromancer solicits ads of all types. If not a hoodwinker, your ad is acceptable. PAGE 14
Hevelin Fanzines