New Fandom, v. 2, issue 1, April 1940
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Page Four NEW FANDOM fiction that used fantasy to any extent until a few years ago. It must not be forgotten that science-fiction is a deliberate creation of this civilization, in an attempt to find a literature that would express the ideals of the Western World. Science-fiction is a planned literature, and is more significant of our world spirit than any other. Forget not that, until Herbert Spenser clearly elucidated that progress was a concept of man as a people, such was not realized to be the case. Science-fiction is the flowering of our ideals for tomorrow and the rising sun of the earth. Science-fiction fills a felt need! Thus since science-fiction is relatively new, it has not been as bound by tradition and formal style as have other types of literature. The first writers used science-fiction for a different purpose than we do today. Jules Verne used it as a medium for a new and thrilling kind of adventure. Verne wrote scientales. Poe dwelt in fantasy and created the link between the supernatural and reality. To H.G. Wells science-fiction was simply a tool to express his sociological views. Consequently, the so-called "old masters" concentrated on fine writing, for their purpose was not to write science-fiction, but to encase their moods and viewpoints in a new and arresting garb. Their audience was of a more intellectual type, especially as regards Wells, than the average reader of pulp stf. today. Thus their stories were better written and contained better characterization than the run of the mill science-fiction today. Many of their situations, however, appear to us as trite. That is because our imaginations have developed beyond their flights of fantasy. Most of the works of the old masters would receive scant attention at the editor's desk today --- not because they were poor science-fiction, but because they do not fit the pre-conceived mold in the editor's mind of what he wants to print. Because of this, much good science-fiction is sacrificed on the alter of policy. However, modern science-fiction has the advantage on the older forms because it sets no limits on the imagination and must have more than a few ideas and situations to hang a story on. These older writers are not fair examples of science-fiction for they have been surpassed in many ways. They hold their place because of the fine writing exhibited in their works, but that should not justify the belief of many that they are the models for modern authors. We can enjoy, some of us, this primitive form, but the great majority prefer the new --- post '26 brand. The old masters developed and brought to our attention a good portion of the plots in use today. Wells wove stories about practically every major science-fiction plot known --- the outstanding exception being Ray Cummings' size-changing idea, which has been worked to death since. Due credit must be given these old masters for their courage in striking out and creating science-fiction and its radical plots. Their foresight was magnificent and deserves all praise. They realized that the coming scientific civilization needed a more fitting form of expression --- they gave us science-fiction. III. Early science-fiction. Most magazines were afraid to publish science-fiction for years, and some still are. However, two things have happened recently that have made the world "science-fiction conscious". They are Orson Welles' radio broadcast of the "War of the Worlds" that caused a panic in the United States in the fall of 1938, and the New York World's Fair.
Page Four NEW FANDOM fiction that used fantasy to any extent until a few years ago. It must not be forgotten that science-fiction is a deliberate creation of this civilization, in an attempt to find a literature that would express the ideals of the Western World. Science-fiction is a planned literature, and is more significant of our world spirit than any other. Forget not that, until Herbert Spenser clearly elucidated that progress was a concept of man as a people, such was not realized to be the case. Science-fiction is the flowering of our ideals for tomorrow and the rising sun of the earth. Science-fiction fills a felt need! Thus since science-fiction is relatively new, it has not been as bound by tradition and formal style as have other types of literature. The first writers used science-fiction for a different purpose than we do today. Jules Verne used it as a medium for a new and thrilling kind of adventure. Verne wrote scientales. Poe dwelt in fantasy and created the link between the supernatural and reality. To H.G. Wells science-fiction was simply a tool to express his sociological views. Consequently, the so-called "old masters" concentrated on fine writing, for their purpose was not to write science-fiction, but to encase their moods and viewpoints in a new and arresting garb. Their audience was of a more intellectual type, especially as regards Wells, than the average reader of pulp stf. today. Thus their stories were better written and contained better characterization than the run of the mill science-fiction today. Many of their situations, however, appear to us as trite. That is because our imaginations have developed beyond their flights of fantasy. Most of the works of the old masters would receive scant attention at the editor's desk today --- not because they were poor science-fiction, but because they do not fit the pre-conceived mold in the editor's mind of what he wants to print. Because of this, much good science-fiction is sacrificed on the alter of policy. However, modern science-fiction has the advantage on the older forms because it sets no limits on the imagination and must have more than a few ideas and situations to hang a story on. These older writers are not fair examples of science-fiction for they have been surpassed in many ways. They hold their place because of the fine writing exhibited in their works, but that should not justify the belief of many that they are the models for modern authors. We can enjoy, some of us, this primitive form, but the great majority prefer the new --- post '26 brand. The old masters developed and brought to our attention a good portion of the plots in use today. Wells wove stories about practically every major science-fiction plot known --- the outstanding exception being Ray Cummings' size-changing idea, which has been worked to death since. Due credit must be given these old masters for their courage in striking out and creating science-fiction and its radical plots. Their foresight was magnificent and deserves all praise. They realized that the coming scientific civilization needed a more fitting form of expression --- they gave us science-fiction. III. Early science-fiction. Most magazines were afraid to publish science-fiction for years, and some still are. However, two things have happened recently that have made the world "science-fiction conscious". They are Orson Welles' radio broadcast of the "War of the Worlds" that caused a panic in the United States in the fall of 1938, and the New York World's Fair.
Hevelin Fanzines