New Fandom, v. 2, issue 1, April 1940
Page 15
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NEW FANDOM Page Fifteen TER. "I create in metallic piece's a field momentarily impassable to ether, and push downward against the ether, thus obtaining an upward reaction or lift......The principle I have discovered is absolutely different from anything known up to now....and presents no technical difficulties to immediate utlization, or danger whatsoever.....calls for great precision in construction....needs airplane motors to move it.... unfortunately....lack means to build good precision model. Thats why I write to you, hoping to find comprehension among the science-fiction fans for things that ordinary people consider impossible. "I wish to get in touch with people that can help me with some funds to build a good flying model and to sell my invention in the United States. "I would be very willing to share with anyone interested, 'till the successful sale of it, fifty percent of the profit. It may be a million dollar business. "If you are not personally interested, I would be very much obliged to you, if you would kindly bring my letter to the attention of the science-fiction fans in general. "Hoping I may hear from you and thanking you for the courtesy I remain: (If anyone is interested in writing Mr. Kelso we will be happy to supply his address. We wish to state, however that we know nothing of Mr. Kelso other than his letter ....ED.) WILLARD DEWEY, of Everett, Washington, SQUAWKS "When the three stills from "Metropolis" were first advertised in "New Fandom" no address was given so I sent my thirty cents to you as I thought we were supposed to do. That was April 26th, and I have heard absolutely nothing about this. I would like to know if they were sent to me. If they were lost in the mail -- Okay, we'll forget it. If not, I'd very much like some." (A thousand and one humble apologies, Will, its all the absent minded Secretary's fault. The stills were never purchased inasmuch as not enough orders to warrant it were received. All orders except your were returned long ago. Your thirty cents will be sent you in short order, again let me voice my apologies.......ED.) THOMAS A. HOGUET, N.Y. fan, and Queens SFL member voices:- "After reading the copy of "New Fandom" you sold me at the Queens SFL meeting of September, 1, I've decided it's about time I joined. You probably don't remember me, but I sat directly in front of you....Enclosed you will find $1.00 for membership in "New Fandom" I hope I am in time for the convention issue, well so long, see you at the meeting in October (And so he did and we lived happily ever after......ED) STANLEY ELDREDGE STROUD, "S.O.S. Clipping Service, Zion, Ill. wants to now if: "In re your publication "New Fandom." "Would it be possible for you to send me a sample copy of same?" "Not only am I interested from the standpoint of reading this type of fiction, but as a collector, which is one of the Departments of my Clipping Service, I would like to have a copy for my files. "However, should there be any cost for handling and mailing same I would be more glad to remit same to you upon your instructions. "And in any event that your magazine should prove interesting you can count me as a regular subscriber &member. What say?
NEW FANDOM Page Fifteen TER. "I create in metallic piece's a field momentarily impassable to ether, and push downward against the ether, thus obtaining an upward reaction or lift......The principle I have discovered is absolutely different from anything known up to now....and presents no technical difficulties to immediate utlization, or danger whatsoever.....calls for great precision in construction....needs airplane motors to move it.... unfortunately....lack means to build good precision model. Thats why I write to you, hoping to find comprehension among the science-fiction fans for things that ordinary people consider impossible. "I wish to get in touch with people that can help me with some funds to build a good flying model and to sell my invention in the United States. "I would be very willing to share with anyone interested, 'till the successful sale of it, fifty percent of the profit. It may be a million dollar business. "If you are not personally interested, I would be very much obliged to you, if you would kindly bring my letter to the attention of the science-fiction fans in general. "Hoping I may hear from you and thanking you for the courtesy I remain: (If anyone is interested in writing Mr. Kelso we will be happy to supply his address. We wish to state, however that we know nothing of Mr. Kelso other than his letter ....ED.) WILLARD DEWEY, of Everett, Washington, SQUAWKS "When the three stills from "Metropolis" were first advertised in "New Fandom" no address was given so I sent my thirty cents to you as I thought we were supposed to do. That was April 26th, and I have heard absolutely nothing about this. I would like to know if they were sent to me. If they were lost in the mail -- Okay, we'll forget it. If not, I'd very much like some." (A thousand and one humble apologies, Will, its all the absent minded Secretary's fault. The stills were never purchased inasmuch as not enough orders to warrant it were received. All orders except your were returned long ago. Your thirty cents will be sent you in short order, again let me voice my apologies.......ED.) THOMAS A. HOGUET, N.Y. fan, and Queens SFL member voices:- "After reading the copy of "New Fandom" you sold me at the Queens SFL meeting of September, 1, I've decided it's about time I joined. You probably don't remember me, but I sat directly in front of you....Enclosed you will find $1.00 for membership in "New Fandom" I hope I am in time for the convention issue, well so long, see you at the meeting in October (And so he did and we lived happily ever after......ED) STANLEY ELDREDGE STROUD, "S.O.S. Clipping Service, Zion, Ill. wants to now if: "In re your publication "New Fandom." "Would it be possible for you to send me a sample copy of same?" "Not only am I interested from the standpoint of reading this type of fiction, but as a collector, which is one of the Departments of my Clipping Service, I would like to have a copy for my files. "However, should there be any cost for handling and mailing same I would be more glad to remit same to you upon your instructions. "And in any event that your magazine should prove interesting you can count me as a regular subscriber &member. What say?
Hevelin Fanzines