Pacificon Convention News, issue 2, June 1946
Page 13
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NFFF SESSION SEMI-OFFICIAL BUSINESS MEETING TO BE HELD One of the principal day-time sessions will be devoted to the National Fantasy Fan Federation and its problems. In case the present President, Walt Dunkelberger is not able to attend, the chairmanship will devolve upon former President EEEvans. Matters of general interest to the members as well as all other interested fans, will be brought up for discussion, and the Officers and Directors are preparing briefs of some of the things, which they wish to have talked over and views given them for their further guidance in handling the business of this organization. We urge all fans, whether they are at present members of the NFFF or not, to. plan to attend this session, and give their assistance in making this organization of all the benefit to fandom in general that is possible. EEE 1947 CONVENTION PHILCON? NYCON NO. 2? DARK HORSE? The site of the 5th World Science Fiction Convention will be determined at the Pacificon. Delegates--polish up your propaganda points! FJA THE HOUSE THE ACK'S MUSEUM Adjournment to the Ackermansion will be in order during a part of one day of the Convention, in order for interested participants to view Forry's famous collection. The entire living room and dining room of his flat will be converted for this occasion, Into a showplace, where the major items of his 1400 piece bookollection will be on display, in company with the original mss of "Skylark of Valron", "Dawn of Flame", and others, as well as artwork by Finlay, Paul, Bok, Bold, Wesso, Lawrence, Brundage, etc. PS: "The Garage" will also be open for inspection. WW 13
NFFF SESSION SEMI-OFFICIAL BUSINESS MEETING TO BE HELD One of the principal day-time sessions will be devoted to the National Fantasy Fan Federation and its problems. In case the present President, Walt Dunkelberger is not able to attend, the chairmanship will devolve upon former President EEEvans. Matters of general interest to the members as well as all other interested fans, will be brought up for discussion, and the Officers and Directors are preparing briefs of some of the things, which they wish to have talked over and views given them for their further guidance in handling the business of this organization. We urge all fans, whether they are at present members of the NFFF or not, to. plan to attend this session, and give their assistance in making this organization of all the benefit to fandom in general that is possible. EEE 1947 CONVENTION PHILCON? NYCON NO. 2? DARK HORSE? The site of the 5th World Science Fiction Convention will be determined at the Pacificon. Delegates--polish up your propaganda points! FJA THE HOUSE THE ACK'S MUSEUM Adjournment to the Ackermansion will be in order during a part of one day of the Convention, in order for interested participants to view Forry's famous collection. The entire living room and dining room of his flat will be converted for this occasion, Into a showplace, where the major items of his 1400 piece bookollection will be on display, in company with the original mss of "Skylark of Valron", "Dawn of Flame", and others, as well as artwork by Finlay, Paul, Bok, Bold, Wesso, Lawrence, Brundage, etc. PS: "The Garage" will also be open for inspection. WW 13
Hevelin Fanzines