Imagination!, v. 1, issue 9, whole 9, June 1938
Page 2
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2 WAY OUT WEST ("Hi-Lites of Local Leag Life") by Russell J. Hodgkins. As our cover indicates, we take this opportunity to welcome the arrival of Marvel Science Stories. A long life & a prosperous one is our wish for this, the newest of the stf magazines. The first issue we can claim as Los Angeles' Own, as 4 of the 6 tales, comprising 85% of the magazine, were written by members of SFL Chapt #4. Guestspeaker at our 5 May meeting was John Parsons, explosives expert from Caltech, with his partner in pyrotechnics, Ed Forman. Both interestingly spoke on the rocket experiments being conducted at the Institute, which have not yet reacht the spectacular state of an actual altitutde attempt but are designd for the routine but worthy work of checking Goddard's results with power fuels. Fotos were passt around, & after the meeting a number of interested partys adjournd to a parking lot nearby where, in the car, these Pasadena scientists had a miniature rocket & other equipment relative to their experiments. Both are "friends of scientifiction", being familiar with Taine, having read cartain of the "Skylark" series, &c. A few days later our GS Parsons was prominent (with pictures!) in all the LA papers, in connexion with important testimony re explosives in a political trial. Some disconcerting reports have been rcvd about the condition in which some copys have arrived. One of the worst follows: "Half the pages were torn nearly to the magazine's middle, while the rest were replete with small tears, crumplings and large black smears. I could scarcely read the thing." Needless to say, I think, we naturally enuf deplore this situation, because we are very proud of our publication & wish to present the nearest perfect product funds & human frailty will permit. For protection, we recently investigated the possibilitys of large mailing envelopes. Best buy we found was 3/4c per envelope--minimum purchase of 5000! We were even contemplating that expense for awhile--til it suddenly dawnd on us any such ambitious idea was out because: The weight added by the envelope would double our postage! We have mentioned the matter before--of Madge's borderline case. We simply can't afford, at the present, to increase the cost per copy by 2-1/4c...without a corresponding reduction in pgs & we don't think you'd like that! Thinner paper? That might seem to offer the solution to the uninitiated, but stock has to be a certain weight to take mimeo ink properly. "Hollerbrochen" didnt have anything on us in the way of a dilemma! Has any reader a sensible solution? Our compositors report a serious situation. IMAGIONATION! may be "The Mag you Love to Hate", but somehow articles are submitted to us at a rapid rate! Unlike the average fanmag with its inevitable editoriial plea for material, we are not annoyd by that perpetual problem; but think good & you agree. Quality & quantity. Lately we can't handle all the quantity. Therefore in this issue, you'll find "Onward Esperanto!" reduced to one line; Q&A Dept ditto (when we rcvd more inquirys than ever before!); no room at all, on the proper page, even to excuse the absence of Haussler's Scheduled review of "The Flaming Towers; & no Nik-Nax... Should this issue prove inferior in apearance, we must ask you excuse it when you understand the overworkt staff squeezed in another project (Howard's Hyborian Age), that contained 50% more material than content of a "Madge", same month this issue's made. (See pg 3)
2 WAY OUT WEST ("Hi-Lites of Local Leag Life") by Russell J. Hodgkins. As our cover indicates, we take this opportunity to welcome the arrival of Marvel Science Stories. A long life & a prosperous one is our wish for this, the newest of the stf magazines. The first issue we can claim as Los Angeles' Own, as 4 of the 6 tales, comprising 85% of the magazine, were written by members of SFL Chapt #4. Guestspeaker at our 5 May meeting was John Parsons, explosives expert from Caltech, with his partner in pyrotechnics, Ed Forman. Both interestingly spoke on the rocket experiments being conducted at the Institute, which have not yet reacht the spectacular state of an actual altitutde attempt but are designd for the routine but worthy work of checking Goddard's results with power fuels. Fotos were passt around, & after the meeting a number of interested partys adjournd to a parking lot nearby where, in the car, these Pasadena scientists had a miniature rocket & other equipment relative to their experiments. Both are "friends of scientifiction", being familiar with Taine, having read cartain of the "Skylark" series, &c. A few days later our GS Parsons was prominent (with pictures!) in all the LA papers, in connexion with important testimony re explosives in a political trial. Some disconcerting reports have been rcvd about the condition in which some copys have arrived. One of the worst follows: "Half the pages were torn nearly to the magazine's middle, while the rest were replete with small tears, crumplings and large black smears. I could scarcely read the thing." Needless to say, I think, we naturally enuf deplore this situation, because we are very proud of our publication & wish to present the nearest perfect product funds & human frailty will permit. For protection, we recently investigated the possibilitys of large mailing envelopes. Best buy we found was 3/4c per envelope--minimum purchase of 5000! We were even contemplating that expense for awhile--til it suddenly dawnd on us any such ambitious idea was out because: The weight added by the envelope would double our postage! We have mentioned the matter before--of Madge's borderline case. We simply can't afford, at the present, to increase the cost per copy by 2-1/4c...without a corresponding reduction in pgs & we don't think you'd like that! Thinner paper? That might seem to offer the solution to the uninitiated, but stock has to be a certain weight to take mimeo ink properly. "Hollerbrochen" didnt have anything on us in the way of a dilemma! Has any reader a sensible solution? Our compositors report a serious situation. IMAGIONATION! may be "The Mag you Love to Hate", but somehow articles are submitted to us at a rapid rate! Unlike the average fanmag with its inevitable editoriial plea for material, we are not annoyd by that perpetual problem; but think good & you agree. Quality & quantity. Lately we can't handle all the quantity. Therefore in this issue, you'll find "Onward Esperanto!" reduced to one line; Q&A Dept ditto (when we rcvd more inquirys than ever before!); no room at all, on the proper page, even to excuse the absence of Haussler's Scheduled review of "The Flaming Towers; & no Nik-Nax... Should this issue prove inferior in apearance, we must ask you excuse it when you understand the overworkt staff squeezed in another project (Howard's Hyborian Age), that contained 50% more material than content of a "Madge", same month this issue's made. (See pg 3)
Hevelin Fanzines