Fantasite, v. 2, issue 5, whole 11, May-June 1943
Page 24
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24....THE FANTASITE In the last number I have (Jan., '39) of the BIS Journal, the editorial stated: "Space travel is not a dream of the far future, you idealists! And none of the practical problems is insoluble, you technicians! A voyage to the Moon is possible at this moment.... If but a fraction of the money thrown away on armaments had been devoted to this purpose, the lunar trip would be historical fact by now. Man would be conquering new worlds instead of destroying his own!" GLOVE PATTERN A SANDMANUSCRIPT BY PHIL LEHR I dreamt I was in my den, rather, one of my dens, the one that is distinguisht mainly by mags, while the other is devoted primarily to bks. Morojo was there. We were standing by the fmz file. Walt Daugherty swisht in. "I just saw the preview of a new fantasy film!" he enthused. "It hasn't been regularly released yet, and it's playing at a little show down on Main St., with 'Cafe Society'." (Note: "CS" was a real film, made some time ago with Fred MacMurray & Madeline Carroll.) Walt continued: "It's called 'Glove Pattern', with Ida Lupino. There's this woman who tells futures by the kind of gloves people wear. Parts of it are in swell technicolor." Tho dreaming I thot of "The Moon and Sixpence", and the sequence at the end where the grotesque murals were fotograft in color. I was looking at the paper to locate the theater that was playing "Glove Pattern", when I woke up. I nue all the tym it was a dream & that I'd want to record it. But Ghodonly noes why I dreamt of gloves... PARADOX ONE OF THE NEWER FANZINES, IS NOW IN ITS THIRD ISSUE This issue features a front cover by John L. Gergen, material by Phil Bronson, John L. Gergen, Raymond Washington, Jr., Harry Schmarje, and Morton Handler, in addition to the regular departments. Paradox appears quarterly, and sells for 10¢ the copy, or three consecutive issues for 25¢. Copies can be secured by writing Frank Wilimczyk, Jr., 3 Lewis Street, Westfield, Massachusetts. FORECAST: Right now, The Fantasite is quite a bit behind schedule, as you readers no doubt know! With succeeding issues we hope to inagurate a new, monthly schedule. Next issue you'll see the following items: "Pipedream"--feature article by Milton A. Rothman; "The Eternal Ackerman", by Robert Bloch; "You'll Like 'Em", by Walt Liebscher; "Man of a Thousand Faces", by Ronald Clyne; and more by Carlton J. Fassbeinder and the rest. As stated in the editorial, the number following (#13) will be our second anniversary issue. We're soliciting booster ads for it--so don't forget to give your support, starting right now!
24....THE FANTASITE In the last number I have (Jan., '39) of the BIS Journal, the editorial stated: "Space travel is not a dream of the far future, you idealists! And none of the practical problems is insoluble, you technicians! A voyage to the Moon is possible at this moment.... If but a fraction of the money thrown away on armaments had been devoted to this purpose, the lunar trip would be historical fact by now. Man would be conquering new worlds instead of destroying his own!" GLOVE PATTERN A SANDMANUSCRIPT BY PHIL LEHR I dreamt I was in my den, rather, one of my dens, the one that is distinguisht mainly by mags, while the other is devoted primarily to bks. Morojo was there. We were standing by the fmz file. Walt Daugherty swisht in. "I just saw the preview of a new fantasy film!" he enthused. "It hasn't been regularly released yet, and it's playing at a little show down on Main St., with 'Cafe Society'." (Note: "CS" was a real film, made some time ago with Fred MacMurray & Madeline Carroll.) Walt continued: "It's called 'Glove Pattern', with Ida Lupino. There's this woman who tells futures by the kind of gloves people wear. Parts of it are in swell technicolor." Tho dreaming I thot of "The Moon and Sixpence", and the sequence at the end where the grotesque murals were fotograft in color. I was looking at the paper to locate the theater that was playing "Glove Pattern", when I woke up. I nue all the tym it was a dream & that I'd want to record it. But Ghodonly noes why I dreamt of gloves... PARADOX ONE OF THE NEWER FANZINES, IS NOW IN ITS THIRD ISSUE This issue features a front cover by John L. Gergen, material by Phil Bronson, John L. Gergen, Raymond Washington, Jr., Harry Schmarje, and Morton Handler, in addition to the regular departments. Paradox appears quarterly, and sells for 10¢ the copy, or three consecutive issues for 25¢. Copies can be secured by writing Frank Wilimczyk, Jr., 3 Lewis Street, Westfield, Massachusetts. FORECAST: Right now, The Fantasite is quite a bit behind schedule, as you readers no doubt know! With succeeding issues we hope to inagurate a new, monthly schedule. Next issue you'll see the following items: "Pipedream"--feature article by Milton A. Rothman; "The Eternal Ackerman", by Robert Bloch; "You'll Like 'Em", by Walt Liebscher; "Man of a Thousand Faces", by Ronald Clyne; and more by Carlton J. Fassbeinder and the rest. As stated in the editorial, the number following (#13) will be our second anniversary issue. We're soliciting booster ads for it--so don't forget to give your support, starting right now!
Hevelin Fanzines