Fantasite, v. 2, issue 5, whole 11, May-June 1943
Page 37
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THE FANTASITE ..... 37 Really, I like that guy! As to the convention writeups, thanks for not mentioning that I smoke excessively. ((Don't mention it. Eds.)) Locally, I am a "stoker". [illegible]-vine and I certainly enjoyed that convention! Now, Walt, did I really appear so as you say "sophisticated"? I hope you were merely saying that, for I am the typical hick-fan. Can't you forget those horrible stickers I had a year or so ago? 318 Steward Road, Muscatine, Iowa. JACK SPEER ((With some comments on two issues of Fantasite from 1941!)) Goldstone's Hell Fire, or was it Fortier ((Yes, Fortier. Eds.)), has a lot of good sense in it, but Rothman's objections were well taken. In further objection, let me point out the unwisdom of using, in trying to convince people of something, premises to which they don't agree. Joe was trying to convince us that we should boycott bad fanzines, so he brings in his pet hate, VoM, which most of his readers think is swell, and thus kills his argument. The bracketing of me and Wollheim in "the Wollheim and Speer variety" shows a laughable unfamiliarity with his subject matter. I wouldn't be seen in a fotograf with the W, unless there were lots of other people in it too. The advice to the Dixie boy swas well taken (or given). One bad feature which you possess is the over-long letter column. Things like Bill Brudy and the egg-beater are okay, but your readers (most of 'em) aren't half as interested as you are in the comments on your previous issues. Any idea that you will publish all letters of comment is insanity. ((Letter of the Bill Brudy type--those that are really interesting--are the variety that we strive to present; but very few, unfortunately, send in such missives. You're wrong, Jack, when you say that most of our readers aren't as interested in the letters as we are. A great majority of said readers have time and again expressed their approval of longer readers' sections. Eds.)) I cannot understand LCSmith's saying that Peo remains virtually the same thru all editions; he is example number one of writers who revise their stuff every time it's re-published. Hell Fire is no better, possibly worse, in its second number. The report that Singleton is not in Washington, and is active in fandom, is utterly false. The statement that many stfans have sworn off buying or reading stf is exaggerated; a few have, but nearly all still read Campbell. In Great Britain, of course, it's different, partly because they can't get much stf there. And partly because they feel no obligation to keep talking about stf when they're more interested in other things; if the term "stfan" no longer fits them, they don't care--that's a dictionarian's worry; they'll do what they please if it hurts no one. The sticky, sentimental piece with which Joe closes the column might have been of a little interest if written up differently. But Joe is dramatizing himself. Incidentally, the excuse that the column must be anonymous because its written by more than one person ((Which it wasn't, we believe! Eds.)) won't hold water. Regret that I can't join in the discussion of whether [illegible-X'suelams?] at Jack Speer were biased, because I didn't know X was slamming me, and never got an issue or a page from the thing. However, something ought to be said about the complaint that so-and-so makes a statement without giving reasons for it. you can't give reasons for everything; you'd take up all your time giving reasons. If you think practically everybody will agree with you, or if you think the reasons are self-evident, you omit them; then, later, if somebody objects to the statement, you can take up the argument if you wish. Lowndes' listing of FSNY achievements contains some items of doubtful value (the fact that they've edited several pulpy--and one or two good--stf pro mags, for example), some very hazy and debatable points (that they've always championed square shooting), and omits the detrimental activities, which are what Hell Fire referred to. 6323 Western, N.W., Washington, D.C. IF YOU HAVE READ AND ENJOYED this issue of The Fantasite, we suggest that for further entertainment value you try some of the other MFS Publications; TYCHO, The MFS Bulletin, Wudgy Tales, Br-r-rack!, Mutant, and The Fantasy Critic. These magazines are not to be equaled for quality and quantity, and the reader is always assured of his money's worth in each individual case.
THE FANTASITE ..... 37 Really, I like that guy! As to the convention writeups, thanks for not mentioning that I smoke excessively. ((Don't mention it. Eds.)) Locally, I am a "stoker". [illegible]-vine and I certainly enjoyed that convention! Now, Walt, did I really appear so as you say "sophisticated"? I hope you were merely saying that, for I am the typical hick-fan. Can't you forget those horrible stickers I had a year or so ago? 318 Steward Road, Muscatine, Iowa. JACK SPEER ((With some comments on two issues of Fantasite from 1941!)) Goldstone's Hell Fire, or was it Fortier ((Yes, Fortier. Eds.)), has a lot of good sense in it, but Rothman's objections were well taken. In further objection, let me point out the unwisdom of using, in trying to convince people of something, premises to which they don't agree. Joe was trying to convince us that we should boycott bad fanzines, so he brings in his pet hate, VoM, which most of his readers think is swell, and thus kills his argument. The bracketing of me and Wollheim in "the Wollheim and Speer variety" shows a laughable unfamiliarity with his subject matter. I wouldn't be seen in a fotograf with the W, unless there were lots of other people in it too. The advice to the Dixie boy swas well taken (or given). One bad feature which you possess is the over-long letter column. Things like Bill Brudy and the egg-beater are okay, but your readers (most of 'em) aren't half as interested as you are in the comments on your previous issues. Any idea that you will publish all letters of comment is insanity. ((Letter of the Bill Brudy type--those that are really interesting--are the variety that we strive to present; but very few, unfortunately, send in such missives. You're wrong, Jack, when you say that most of our readers aren't as interested in the letters as we are. A great majority of said readers have time and again expressed their approval of longer readers' sections. Eds.)) I cannot understand LCSmith's saying that Peo remains virtually the same thru all editions; he is example number one of writers who revise their stuff every time it's re-published. Hell Fire is no better, possibly worse, in its second number. The report that Singleton is not in Washington, and is active in fandom, is utterly false. The statement that many stfans have sworn off buying or reading stf is exaggerated; a few have, but nearly all still read Campbell. In Great Britain, of course, it's different, partly because they can't get much stf there. And partly because they feel no obligation to keep talking about stf when they're more interested in other things; if the term "stfan" no longer fits them, they don't care--that's a dictionarian's worry; they'll do what they please if it hurts no one. The sticky, sentimental piece with which Joe closes the column might have been of a little interest if written up differently. But Joe is dramatizing himself. Incidentally, the excuse that the column must be anonymous because its written by more than one person ((Which it wasn't, we believe! Eds.)) won't hold water. Regret that I can't join in the discussion of whether [illegible-X'suelams?] at Jack Speer were biased, because I didn't know X was slamming me, and never got an issue or a page from the thing. However, something ought to be said about the complaint that so-and-so makes a statement without giving reasons for it. you can't give reasons for everything; you'd take up all your time giving reasons. If you think practically everybody will agree with you, or if you think the reasons are self-evident, you omit them; then, later, if somebody objects to the statement, you can take up the argument if you wish. Lowndes' listing of FSNY achievements contains some items of doubtful value (the fact that they've edited several pulpy--and one or two good--stf pro mags, for example), some very hazy and debatable points (that they've always championed square shooting), and omits the detrimental activities, which are what Hell Fire referred to. 6323 Western, N.W., Washington, D.C. IF YOU HAVE READ AND ENJOYED this issue of The Fantasite, we suggest that for further entertainment value you try some of the other MFS Publications; TYCHO, The MFS Bulletin, Wudgy Tales, Br-r-rack!, Mutant, and The Fantasy Critic. These magazines are not to be equaled for quality and quantity, and the reader is always assured of his money's worth in each individual case.
Hevelin Fanzines