El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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RELATE CARNAL Yes, relate to every chicano, we are all different, we are part of a people that has been neglected by all the institutions that run this system. Whenever there's an injustice committed against our people, the same thing happens to us. We are part of ourselves, and the rest of our carnals and carnals are part of us. We have always been united by a common heritage that evokes strong feelings of pride! We are Mestizos, we are la Raza de Bronze! So many times we have said, we are being oppressed, we are being exploited, and yet our people are still suffering the same, in the migrant camps, or in the factories, or at the unemployment lines. Our carnales are shipped back to Mexico, when they are here, to claim what rights belong to them. Our land, Aztlan, is still here, or that we live in occupied Mexico. Our people, la gente Chicana, are still suppressed and colonized by the anglo. Wherever you are, relate, as a student, as a teacher, or as bato loco, come down and relate to the people in the barrios! Armando "At this moment we do not come to work for the university, but to demand that the university work for our people" -José Vasconcelos- [hand drawn face] 1
RELATE CARNAL Yes, relate to every chicano, we are all different, we are part of a people that has been neglected by all the institutions that run this system. Whenever there's an injustice committed against our people, the same thing happens to us. We are part of ourselves, and the rest of our carnals and carnals are part of us. We have always been united by a common heritage that evokes strong feelings of pride! We are Mestizos, we are la Raza de Bronze! So many times we have said, we are being oppressed, we are being exploited, and yet our people are still suffering the same, in the migrant camps, or in the factories, or at the unemployment lines. Our carnales are shipped back to Mexico, when they are here, to claim what rights belong to them. Our land, Aztlan, is still here, or that we live in occupied Mexico. Our people, la gente Chicana, are still suppressed and colonized by the anglo. Wherever you are, relate, as a student, as a teacher, or as bato loco, come down and relate to the people in the barrios! Armando "At this moment we do not come to work for the university, but to demand that the university work for our people" -José Vasconcelos- [hand drawn face] 1
Campus Culture