El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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Academic Notes Tutoring Students who are interested in tutoring Chicanos in Muscatine should contact Pete Rael and leave his name and address at the Chicano-Indian Cultural Center. Procedures for tutoring will be discussed at the center on November 10, 1971 at 7:30. All those interested are urged to attend this meeting. Recruiting AT present, the first step of contacting Chicanos and Indian seniors has been completed. During the initial visits, an explanation of the financial award through Special Support Services was given. Also an explanation of admission procedures and requirements for qualification as a student at the University were given. A brief explanation of the purposes and goals of the Chicano Indian Center and Union were given by students who accompanied the admission coordinator. Stops were made at various high schools throughout Iowa. Return trips are presently being made so that parents who have additional questions with regard to Special Support Services and the University in general can be answered. As soon as the dates, are finalized, they will be posted at the Center. Students are urged to sign-up for these trips at times which do not interfere with their classes. ************** FLASH!!! Aaron Rivera recieved the [[underline]]very first[[end underline]] copy of Laberinto Message from Joe Torres I realize that the Chicano Indian House may be a great distance for some of you to travel, so I'll be glad to drive over to your place to pick up your old exams (or term papers). Call 351-0884. Chicano Counselling Anthony Zavala, Supportive Counselor with Special Support Services, is available to help you on any matter you may need assistance with; class notes, U bills, dorm hassles etc. Don't let it bring you down ....... Call anytime: Chicano house 353-4753 353-6014 SSS office 353-3201 Home ph. 351-4418 Chicano Class The Chicano class meets every Monday at 7 p. m. at the Chicano Indian-American Cultural Center AGENDA 1. Tutoring: a.) transportation b.) who goes when c.) money d.) general topics for teaching e.) preparation of materials f.) elementary and secondary tutoring 2. Organization of high schools 3. Recruiting--what progress 4. Dinner-- what food, place, etc. 4
Academic Notes Tutoring Students who are interested in tutoring Chicanos in Muscatine should contact Pete Rael and leave his name and address at the Chicano-Indian Cultural Center. Procedures for tutoring will be discussed at the center on November 10, 1971 at 7:30. All those interested are urged to attend this meeting. Recruiting AT present, the first step of contacting Chicanos and Indian seniors has been completed. During the initial visits, an explanation of the financial award through Special Support Services was given. Also an explanation of admission procedures and requirements for qualification as a student at the University were given. A brief explanation of the purposes and goals of the Chicano Indian Center and Union were given by students who accompanied the admission coordinator. Stops were made at various high schools throughout Iowa. Return trips are presently being made so that parents who have additional questions with regard to Special Support Services and the University in general can be answered. As soon as the dates, are finalized, they will be posted at the Center. Students are urged to sign-up for these trips at times which do not interfere with their classes. ************** FLASH!!! Aaron Rivera recieved the [[underline]]very first[[end underline]] copy of Laberinto Message from Joe Torres I realize that the Chicano Indian House may be a great distance for some of you to travel, so I'll be glad to drive over to your place to pick up your old exams (or term papers). Call 351-0884. Chicano Counselling Anthony Zavala, Supportive Counselor with Special Support Services, is available to help you on any matter you may need assistance with; class notes, U bills, dorm hassles etc. Don't let it bring you down ....... Call anytime: Chicano house 353-4753 353-6014 SSS office 353-3201 Home ph. 351-4418 Chicano Class The Chicano class meets every Monday at 7 p. m. at the Chicano Indian-American Cultural Center AGENDA 1. Tutoring: a.) transportation b.) who goes when c.) money d.) general topics for teaching e.) preparation of materials f.) elementary and secondary tutoring 2. Organization of high schools 3. Recruiting--what progress 4. Dinner-- what food, place, etc. 4
Campus Culture