El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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9 poemas Muchachos del barrio. hay que retirarnos del vacilon tomar la plum y trazar un renglon hacer algo por el que viene Cambiemos de ruta en favor de la progenie Nuestro deber es glorificar a el Azteca En vez de ir a la Cantina Vamos occuriendo a la biblioteca. por Lucas Castillo ESCAPE Last week, I had been white ...we were friends. Yesterday, I was Spanish ...we talked once in awhile Today, I am CHICANO do not know me. Tomorrow I rise to fight ...and we are enemies.
9 poemas Muchachos del barrio. hay que retirarnos del vacilon tomar la plum y trazar un renglon hacer algo por el que viene Cambiemos de ruta en favor de la progenie Nuestro deber es glorificar a el Azteca En vez de ir a la Cantina Vamos occuriendo a la biblioteca. por Lucas Castillo ESCAPE Last week, I had been white ...we were friends. Yesterday, I was Spanish ...we talked once in awhile Today, I am CHICANO do not know me. Tomorrow I rise to fight ...and we are enemies.
Campus Culture