El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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Solidarity rally A solidarity rally for the United Farm Workers will take place on the Pentacrest of the University of Iowa on Thursday, Oct. 12, from 12:20 to 1:30 p.m. The scheduled speaker is Chester Ruiz, Chicago coordinator of the UFW’s lettuce boycott in the Midwest. El Teatro do Zapata, Chicano theater group from t[he?] University, will perform. The rally is sponsored by t[he?] UFW Student Support Committee, located at 115 N. Clinton St., in Iowa City. BOYCOTT LETTUCE [To right of article are incomplete words from another article?] eat lettuce had a been signed natik. He said he tho pledge were corr tuce. It was stress boycotted and t eaten. Iowa City org dining officials dining halls and The rally end [To left of El LABERINTO incomplete sentences from another article?] In years past m City communities support to thest number of work death demand control over their livelihood, have jo nation; and, in spite of heavyhanded r of the bosses and governmental ag promulgate significant successes in the ize California grape fields. In a column elsewhere on today’s further call for support from us as cons Viva la causa To the Editor “Until then I will continue to eat my four salads a day,” said Douglas L. Pinney in an article that appeared in the Daily Iowan on September 19, 1972. Until Mr. Pinney is convinced that the boycott is for the good of the farmworkers he will continue to eat lettuce. Poor Mr. Pinney, maybe he should take his own advice and try to put himself in the place of the farmworkers. I hope economics is not Mr. Pinney’s major area of concern because his observations on the effects of the boycott are very short-sighted. In comparison to other expenses the grower has (transportation to market, plowing, seeding, pesticides) the labor expenses play a small part. Let’s not forget that the individual consumer is not the only one who buys lettuce. Large institutions also by lettuce. The federal government, from past experiences with the grape boycott, has been willing and able to tak terms of buying “Unionization but with a boyc porary reduction your labor you can survive.” ney. Trouble is boycott a farm is in doubt. Th Health Service while other Am forward to over the farmworker’s life expectancy is only 49 years. Maternal mortality and child mortality at birth are both 120 percent higher than the national average. Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases run 260 percent higher. The accident rate for farmworkers is 30 percent higher than other workers. These observations were in the original article. I just wanted to remind Mr. Pinney that there really isn’t much difference between “surviving” with a boycott or without one. The $2,700 figure is not the income of just one individual, but the combined efforts of a family of four. The industry’s low-wage level, according to Mr. Pinney his work “worth” summing more lettu from what actua The ideas of big maximize profits more lettuce does the farmworkers receive more mo reason for organiz secure benefits for There has never country’s history a be an industry knowingly incur expense unless it necessary. If this then why would need organized la Pinney suggests t ing the farmwork that is valued mor and industry we c EL LABERINTO VOL. II NO. II OCTUBRE 1972 [wording from different article to right] ersity of sociation, sociations churches, as made U of I on the if[?] I join. [again, a different article[ et's be practical Mr. Pinney, just who do you suggest to ssume the responsibility for is, at the very least, expen- ive. Unionization is not wrong when it seeks to help the work- r. The defects that Mr. Pinney oints out are defects in idus- y simply because they will ost more re harr workers. The U re [?] In support The representative assembly of the UIEA (University of Iowa Employee Association) voted unanimously last night to support the United Farm Worker's (UFW) lettuce boycott. The assembly also voted to ask the university's support of the boycott, by which the university would refuse to purchase head lettuce until the termination of the strike. Student senate has sent a similar plea to the University. Action came after the representative assembly listened to three guest speakers Tuesday night from the Iowa City lettuce boycott. Speakers were Helen Duffy and Antonio Zavala who head the Iowa City Boycott Committee and Rusty Barcelo, a member 1,600 Students at U of I Support Lettuce Boycott By Larry Eckholt (Register Staff Writer) IOWA CITY, IA -- More than 1,600 University of Iowa students and several U of I organizations have pledged not to buy lettuce in support of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW), t Support Committee said here [wording from a different article - sentences not complete] plus cheers of "Chicano Power" and "Viva la Cuaza" (Long Live the Cause) -- attracted ectators over our in what tacrest rally ol year here. y coincidental place Thurs- tional day in mbus Day. In Latin America, the day is known as "El Dia de la Raza" (The Day of the People) and the local Chicanos reminded fellow U of I students that people lived in the "New World" long before Christopher Columbus "discovered" it. a different our Latin said Ri- o's brother I student. nge your r that you est of the cago, Mid- IF YOU PLAN TO COMMIT SUICIDE DON'T BOTHER TO READ THIS. Six deadly pesticides poison the lettuce you eat. Each year, 70 to 80 thousand farmworkers are poisoned, often fatally, by working in fields which have been treated with these pesticides. In an effort to create safe working conditions for thousands of workers, the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, under the leadership of Cesar Chavez, has been waging a determined, non-violent struggle to force elimination of DDT, DDD, Endrin, Aldrin, Parathion and Dieldrin from the lettuce fields of America. Safer working conditions for farmworkers means safer food for you. Help yourself to a healthier life by supporting our struggle. For your own sake and ours, don't eat lettuce. 9/27/72 UNITED FARM WORKERS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 19 West 34th Street * New York 10001 * 594-0694 UFW support Pinney argued grant workers' in a September editorial. His e misinformed. Farm Workers trike, so it is not that is at stake. hope of future ns can survive a farm worker's is $1,000 below vel, invariably amily picking. e growers are to reconnoiter mand is caused de won't feel it's hat less are are picketting. ying his lettuce. pe struggle, the [wording from different article] worker does not make enough money to justify his children going to school--80 per cent never reach high school. Senate passed
Solidarity rally A solidarity rally for the United Farm Workers will take place on the Pentacrest of the University of Iowa on Thursday, Oct. 12, from 12:20 to 1:30 p.m. The scheduled speaker is Chester Ruiz, Chicago coordinator of the UFW’s lettuce boycott in the Midwest. El Teatro do Zapata, Chicano theater group from t[he?] University, will perform. The rally is sponsored by t[he?] UFW Student Support Committee, located at 115 N. Clinton St., in Iowa City. BOYCOTT LETTUCE [To right of article are incomplete words from another article?] eat lettuce had a been signed natik. He said he tho pledge were corr tuce. It was stress boycotted and t eaten. Iowa City org dining officials dining halls and The rally end [To left of El LABERINTO incomplete sentences from another article?] In years past m City communities support to thest number of work death demand control over their livelihood, have jo nation; and, in spite of heavyhanded r of the bosses and governmental ag promulgate significant successes in the ize California grape fields. In a column elsewhere on today’s further call for support from us as cons Viva la causa To the Editor “Until then I will continue to eat my four salads a day,” said Douglas L. Pinney in an article that appeared in the Daily Iowan on September 19, 1972. Until Mr. Pinney is convinced that the boycott is for the good of the farmworkers he will continue to eat lettuce. Poor Mr. Pinney, maybe he should take his own advice and try to put himself in the place of the farmworkers. I hope economics is not Mr. Pinney’s major area of concern because his observations on the effects of the boycott are very short-sighted. In comparison to other expenses the grower has (transportation to market, plowing, seeding, pesticides) the labor expenses play a small part. Let’s not forget that the individual consumer is not the only one who buys lettuce. Large institutions also by lettuce. The federal government, from past experiences with the grape boycott, has been willing and able to tak terms of buying “Unionization but with a boyc porary reduction your labor you can survive.” ney. Trouble is boycott a farm is in doubt. Th Health Service while other Am forward to over the farmworker’s life expectancy is only 49 years. Maternal mortality and child mortality at birth are both 120 percent higher than the national average. Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases run 260 percent higher. The accident rate for farmworkers is 30 percent higher than other workers. These observations were in the original article. I just wanted to remind Mr. Pinney that there really isn’t much difference between “surviving” with a boycott or without one. The $2,700 figure is not the income of just one individual, but the combined efforts of a family of four. The industry’s low-wage level, according to Mr. Pinney his work “worth” summing more lettu from what actua The ideas of big maximize profits more lettuce does the farmworkers receive more mo reason for organiz secure benefits for There has never country’s history a be an industry knowingly incur expense unless it necessary. If this then why would need organized la Pinney suggests t ing the farmwork that is valued mor and industry we c EL LABERINTO VOL. II NO. II OCTUBRE 1972 [wording from different article to right] ersity of sociation, sociations churches, as made U of I on the if[?] I join. [again, a different article[ et's be practical Mr. Pinney, just who do you suggest to ssume the responsibility for is, at the very least, expen- ive. Unionization is not wrong when it seeks to help the work- r. The defects that Mr. Pinney oints out are defects in idus- y simply because they will ost more re harr workers. The U re [?] In support The representative assembly of the UIEA (University of Iowa Employee Association) voted unanimously last night to support the United Farm Worker's (UFW) lettuce boycott. The assembly also voted to ask the university's support of the boycott, by which the university would refuse to purchase head lettuce until the termination of the strike. Student senate has sent a similar plea to the University. Action came after the representative assembly listened to three guest speakers Tuesday night from the Iowa City lettuce boycott. Speakers were Helen Duffy and Antonio Zavala who head the Iowa City Boycott Committee and Rusty Barcelo, a member 1,600 Students at U of I Support Lettuce Boycott By Larry Eckholt (Register Staff Writer) IOWA CITY, IA -- More than 1,600 University of Iowa students and several U of I organizations have pledged not to buy lettuce in support of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW), t Support Committee said here [wording from a different article - sentences not complete] plus cheers of "Chicano Power" and "Viva la Cuaza" (Long Live the Cause) -- attracted ectators over our in what tacrest rally ol year here. y coincidental place Thurs- tional day in mbus Day. In Latin America, the day is known as "El Dia de la Raza" (The Day of the People) and the local Chicanos reminded fellow U of I students that people lived in the "New World" long before Christopher Columbus "discovered" it. a different our Latin said Ri- o's brother I student. nge your r that you est of the cago, Mid- IF YOU PLAN TO COMMIT SUICIDE DON'T BOTHER TO READ THIS. Six deadly pesticides poison the lettuce you eat. Each year, 70 to 80 thousand farmworkers are poisoned, often fatally, by working in fields which have been treated with these pesticides. In an effort to create safe working conditions for thousands of workers, the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, under the leadership of Cesar Chavez, has been waging a determined, non-violent struggle to force elimination of DDT, DDD, Endrin, Aldrin, Parathion and Dieldrin from the lettuce fields of America. Safer working conditions for farmworkers means safer food for you. Help yourself to a healthier life by supporting our struggle. For your own sake and ours, don't eat lettuce. 9/27/72 UNITED FARM WORKERS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 19 West 34th Street * New York 10001 * 594-0694 UFW support Pinney argued grant workers' in a September editorial. His e misinformed. Farm Workers trike, so it is not that is at stake. hope of future ns can survive a farm worker's is $1,000 below vel, invariably amily picking. e growers are to reconnoiter mand is caused de won't feel it's hat less are are picketting. ying his lettuce. pe struggle, the [wording from different article] worker does not make enough money to justify his children going to school--80 per cent never reach high school. Senate passed
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