El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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[emblem] ESCUELA TLATELOLCO..Denver, Col. Marzo 17, 1973...La ESCUELA TLATELOLCO fue destruida por una bomba que segun se puede deducir, fue colocada afucena(?) del edificio. El proximo dia el resto del edificio fue demolido por la policia de Denver. El pretesto fue, que la escuela era un peligro para la gente. Segun los datos preliminares, la bomba habia sido colocada por fuera y la razon por la cual la policia demolio todo el edificio, es que tal como piensa la comunidad, la policia esta implicada en la destruccion de la Escuela Tlatelolco. La ESCUELA TLATELOLCO era una de las mejores escuelas Chicanas en un sentido practico como educar al Nino Chicano. No cabe duda que la gente del establesimento, reselaba la triunfante y espectacular manera de deucar los ninos CHicanos. Puesto que el Sistema Educacionl de Denver, como en todas partes a sido un fracasco y no les importa si educan o no al Nino Chicano.. [hands] HIGH SCHOOL RAZA IN CHICAGO PROTESTS..MARCH Marzo 28. Chicago.. Los estudiantes de Harrison High School y la Raza from the barrio got together to pretest the closing of Froebel Branch of Harrison. La Raza students initiated the protest, beginning at Harrison HIgh from where they proceded on to the brach high. The students from Froebel walk out when the Harrison students came in their support. Both groups of Raza students then walked to Harrison Park to meet forces with the people of the community. After a rally and strategy session, the people of the community joined the students when they marched from the barrio to the Chicago Board of Education, in the downtown Chicago. The community is pressing for new high school in the barrio, now that the board of education has a tentative date for closing the branch school. Harrison High School, at this time, is over crowded and with the over flow of students projected for the fall, the life within the building would a total de-educating chaos- not that today the school is a fair high school as far as educating Chicanos, but in addition 500 more students, it would be a useless situation. The educational needs of CHICANOS are to be met. We wont forget our needs.... [photo]
[emblem] ESCUELA TLATELOLCO..Denver, Col. Marzo 17, 1973...La ESCUELA TLATELOLCO fue destruida por una bomba que segun se puede deducir, fue colocada afucena(?) del edificio. El proximo dia el resto del edificio fue demolido por la policia de Denver. El pretesto fue, que la escuela era un peligro para la gente. Segun los datos preliminares, la bomba habia sido colocada por fuera y la razon por la cual la policia demolio todo el edificio, es que tal como piensa la comunidad, la policia esta implicada en la destruccion de la Escuela Tlatelolco. La ESCUELA TLATELOLCO era una de las mejores escuelas Chicanas en un sentido practico como educar al Nino Chicano. No cabe duda que la gente del establesimento, reselaba la triunfante y espectacular manera de deucar los ninos CHicanos. Puesto que el Sistema Educacionl de Denver, como en todas partes a sido un fracasco y no les importa si educan o no al Nino Chicano.. [hands] HIGH SCHOOL RAZA IN CHICAGO PROTESTS..MARCH Marzo 28. Chicago.. Los estudiantes de Harrison High School y la Raza from the barrio got together to pretest the closing of Froebel Branch of Harrison. La Raza students initiated the protest, beginning at Harrison HIgh from where they proceded on to the brach high. The students from Froebel walk out when the Harrison students came in their support. Both groups of Raza students then walked to Harrison Park to meet forces with the people of the community. After a rally and strategy session, the people of the community joined the students when they marched from the barrio to the Chicago Board of Education, in the downtown Chicago. The community is pressing for new high school in the barrio, now that the board of education has a tentative date for closing the branch school. Harrison High School, at this time, is over crowded and with the over flow of students projected for the fall, the life within the building would a total de-educating chaos- not that today the school is a fair high school as far as educating Chicanos, but in addition 500 more students, it would be a useless situation. The educational needs of CHICANOS are to be met. We wont forget our needs.... [photo]
Campus Culture