El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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BOYCOTT A&P! VIVA LA HUELGA DON'T EAT LETTUCE! 5 Iowa City Area Boycott [stamp text] BOYCOTT Non-Union LETTUCE The local UFW Support Committee has continued the picketing of A&P stores in the Iowa City Area. As throughout the nation, the picketing has been a continuos effort on behalf of the United Farm Workers (AFL-CIO) so that the lettuce ranchers, through non-violent pressure, are forced into the negotiating table and recognize the UFW as the true representative of all farmworkers. The boycott, on the whole, has been very effective in the Iowa City area. An estimated 25% of A & P customers are not shopping there anymore since seeing the A & P stores being picketing by UFW boycotters. REGIONAL UFW MEETING IN CHICAGO On April 1, 1973, Boycott representatives from Illinois, Indiana and Iowa met at the UFW Midwest Headquarters to report on the progress of La Causa and to exchange the latest news of the Boycott of Safeway and A & P. The D'Arrigo lettuce (scab) has been gotten out of Chicago successfully by the UFW there. The D'Arrigo campesinos have been on strike in California for a while now. The A & P Boycott has been very effective in the Midwest. All committees from the Midwest had nothing but hopeful progress reports from their areas. The Huelguistas in Chicago, from Califas, have been very active in the Chicano community with the Boycott and have nothing but optimism for the coming battles ahead. SI SE PUEDE! BENEDICT ARNOLD WALKER It seems that Governor Walker of Illinois backed off from supporting the Lettuce Boycott even though Cesar Chavez came into Illinois to help him get elected. People in Chicago are very aware of this "slap in the face" of La Causa and are preparing to let Benedict Arnold Walker [insert] VIVA LA HUELG[?] A*P BOYCOTT [photo] NFWU 1947 know that he can't get away with anymore. A group of Latinos in Chicago have already let the governor know that it is people, or rather, politicians like him which make a person distrust the whole system. In any case, things like this make one keep on organizing for La Causa. VIVA LA HUELGA! UFW DEMONSTRATION IN CHICAGO SET FOR APRIL 21, 1973 A demonstration of solidarity and support for the A & P Boycott is scheduled for April 21, 1973, in Chicago. The supporters are scheduled to march through the barrio in 18th and 26th streets. The march will begin from Harrison High School. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND, and show their support for Cesar, Delores Huerta, los Huelguistas and the people that are fighting to make the UFW a true union for all farmworkers. For more details call/write: UFW 1300 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60605. (312) 939-5120 and 939-5121. VIVA LA CAUSA! FARAH RALLY March 11, 1973. The people from the community had a solidarity rally for the campaneros de la huelga para la FARAH, en Chicago. Todo los grupos activos de la comunidad participaron en el apoyo que se les brindo. A todos los grupos, se les suplica que apoyen el boycott de los productos FARAH.
BOYCOTT A&P! VIVA LA HUELGA DON'T EAT LETTUCE! 5 Iowa City Area Boycott [stamp text] BOYCOTT Non-Union LETTUCE The local UFW Support Committee has continued the picketing of A&P stores in the Iowa City Area. As throughout the nation, the picketing has been a continuos effort on behalf of the United Farm Workers (AFL-CIO) so that the lettuce ranchers, through non-violent pressure, are forced into the negotiating table and recognize the UFW as the true representative of all farmworkers. The boycott, on the whole, has been very effective in the Iowa City area. An estimated 25% of A & P customers are not shopping there anymore since seeing the A & P stores being picketing by UFW boycotters. REGIONAL UFW MEETING IN CHICAGO On April 1, 1973, Boycott representatives from Illinois, Indiana and Iowa met at the UFW Midwest Headquarters to report on the progress of La Causa and to exchange the latest news of the Boycott of Safeway and A & P. The D'Arrigo lettuce (scab) has been gotten out of Chicago successfully by the UFW there. The D'Arrigo campesinos have been on strike in California for a while now. The A & P Boycott has been very effective in the Midwest. All committees from the Midwest had nothing but hopeful progress reports from their areas. The Huelguistas in Chicago, from Califas, have been very active in the Chicano community with the Boycott and have nothing but optimism for the coming battles ahead. SI SE PUEDE! BENEDICT ARNOLD WALKER It seems that Governor Walker of Illinois backed off from supporting the Lettuce Boycott even though Cesar Chavez came into Illinois to help him get elected. People in Chicago are very aware of this "slap in the face" of La Causa and are preparing to let Benedict Arnold Walker [insert] VIVA LA HUELG[?] A*P BOYCOTT [photo] NFWU 1947 know that he can't get away with anymore. A group of Latinos in Chicago have already let the governor know that it is people, or rather, politicians like him which make a person distrust the whole system. In any case, things like this make one keep on organizing for La Causa. VIVA LA HUELGA! UFW DEMONSTRATION IN CHICAGO SET FOR APRIL 21, 1973 A demonstration of solidarity and support for the A & P Boycott is scheduled for April 21, 1973, in Chicago. The supporters are scheduled to march through the barrio in 18th and 26th streets. The march will begin from Harrison High School. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND, and show their support for Cesar, Delores Huerta, los Huelguistas and the people that are fighting to make the UFW a true union for all farmworkers. For more details call/write: UFW 1300 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60605. (312) 939-5120 and 939-5121. VIVA LA CAUSA! FARAH RALLY March 11, 1973. The people from the community had a solidarity rally for the campaneros de la huelga para la FARAH, en Chicago. Todo los grupos activos de la comunidad participaron en el apoyo que se les brindo. A todos los grupos, se les suplica que apoyen el boycott de los productos FARAH.
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